From Fish To Dragon 3 Shocking The Class With Knowledge

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As he stepped out of the car and set foot on the school grounds, Ye Qin stood still and stared at the building for a long time. It wasn't until people started talking about him for being a weirdo that he finally moved from his spot and walked inside without saying a thing or even so much as to glance at anyone

Tap* Tap*

Ye Qin walked along the same corridors towards his cla.s.sroom, from behind he could hear the sounds of a female student walking. Ignoring this he kept walking as if he didn't hear a thing, then as he turned to the right


"Ouch." a female shouted quietly only enough for the two of them to hear

Ye Qin opened his eyes and noticed that he didn't feel any pain from the impact of cras.h.i.+ng into someone. Looking across from him, the Cla.s.s Rep Li Yutong rubs her nose in pain. Ye Qin stands up dusts his clothes and waits for her to notice him before putting out his hand, "Are you okay? Sorry about that."

Seeing a familiar face in front of her, Li Yutong grabs his hand to help herself up before seemingly dusting off her clothes then looks up at Ye Qin and replies with a slightly flushed face "Yes, I'm okay. I'm also at fault for not paying attention."


After helping Li Yutong up, the two of them walk into the cla.s.sroom together. Upon arriving in the cla.s.sroom, Ye Qin looked up to see if there were any buckets of liquid or chalk above him before calmly entering the cla.s.sroom

"Oh? What's this Cla.s.s Rep, coming in together with the trash?" a young male student teased


Ye Qin ignores the students as he walks up to his seat quietly as per usual whilst Li Yutong says with a red face "We just met in the corridor! You're thinking too much! Also Ye Qin isn't tras.h.!.+"

"Hahahaha, fine he isn't trash. He's an embarra.s.sment to humanity! Even the people who live in the slums have stronger monsters than he does! What use is a [Koi] that has next to zero offensive or defensive abilities?" the male student shouted as other students around him laugh along with him

"You!" Li Yutong says with a frown

Ye Qin sitting in his seat looks up and says "It's fine, let them say what they want. The final exam should be your priority."


"Ye Qin, you may be good at theory but for battle you're completely useless! A waste even! If you can defeat even one person during the battle exam, I will kowtow and call you grandpa three times!"


The Final Exams, the exam is a turning point for all students throughout the ages. The exam determines the future pathway of all students, those who do well may head to the major Universities and become the future leaders of their Country. The exam is judged by professors and famous tamers all around the country and no matter how small and rural the area, it will have many judges regardless

The Exam is split into two parts, namely the Theory exam which consists of basic monster knowledge including the ways in which monsters may be trained, evolved or upgraded. This particular exam is important for students who wish to be 'Monster Breeders' who use their knowledge to do the above. Though they do not fight on the frontlines, they are just as important due to their abilities to strengthen monsters

Even Frontliners must maintain a positive relations.h.i.+p with Monster Breeders if they wish to fight. The second exam is the Battle Exam, students are placed to fight against each other in a tournament style whilst being judged and given an end score. The higher one places, the greater the chance to be recruited into the major Universities. This exam is important for tamers who fight on the frontline along with their monsters and peers, hence the name 'Frontliners'

Ye Qin ignored them as he continued sitting in his seat without worries whilst Li Yutong could only quietly sit in her seat and occasionally steal a glance at Ye Qin when n.o.body is paying attention

Ding* Dong* Ding* Dong*

Tok* Tok* Tok*

The sound of high heels echoes across the cla.s.sroom as their beautiful homeroom teacher Mo Qiu walks into the cla.s.sroom. Placing her books on her desk, the teacher says loudly "Cla.s.s will now begin."

During the lecture by their homeroom teacher, Mo Qiu asks the students "Who can tell me the basic characteristics of a Blackwing Falcon?"


Seeing that no one could answer her question, Mo Qiu turns to face Ye Qin who is reading a book quietly. She frowns slightly before it became a smile and says "Ye Qin, please answer my question."

Hearing this, Ye Qin who sat with his legs crossed whilst reading looks up before responding to her question "A Blackwing Falcon is a falcon that stays in the darkness and have appeared since the beginning. They have a red body whilst their wings are pitch black hence the name. They have large wings that span up to 20 meters in length allowing them to fly at speeds of up to 300 km an hour, they are also packed with a beak as tough as diamonds and talons that can crush steel as if it were tofu."

"A Blackwing Falcon if possessed by a tamer since birth is cla.s.sified as an Uncommon Grade monster. They have two possible evolution paths, one being a Flamewing Falcon focusing on fire and dark element attacks whilst the other being a Blacksteel Falcon which gives it scale like feathers allowing it to have extraordinary defence whilst possessing the same attacking power as a Blackwing Falcon." he continued

After finis.h.i.+ng his sentence, Ye Qin asked "Do I need to explain the ways it can be evolved as well?". Mo Qiu stared at him blankly for a moment before regaining her focus and replied "No that's enough."

Since Ye Qin didn't need to explain further he continued reading his book as if nothing had happened whilst the rest of the cla.s.s looked at him strangely. The way he had explained it in detail was as if he was reciting a textbook answer, what shocked them more was that he even knew the ways in which they could be evolved, leaving their mouths wide open

From Fish To Dragon 3 Shocking The Class With Knowledge

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From Fish To Dragon 3 Shocking The Class With Knowledge summary

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