From Fish To Dragon 43 Los

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During Chen Jingyi's ferocious attacks, w.a.n.g Tao stood on the side and thought to himself, "I hope she isn't too smart and uses her s.p.a.ce element to teleport inside the dome…"

"Ah f*ck!" he cried

As soon as he finished thinking that, the demon marshal had teleported inside the ice dome. Luckily w.a.n.g Tao created many clones of the Blackgold Python Tiger using the ice as it dug its way out of the dome whilst the ice clones blocked the way

The Blackgold Python Tiger then flew above the dome whilst the Demon Marshal was still inside the dome then did a front flip spin with its tail coated in gold and ice element that smacked down onto the dome


The Demon Marshal disappeared from within the destroyed ice dome as it appeared behind the Blackgold Python Tiger and threw a blast of demonic energy. The tiger bounced into the air using its tail like a spring then shot back a blast of energy with equal force before turning into a bolt of golden light and flew towards the demon marshal

Chen Jingyi's demon's claws suddenly grew longer as it slashed towards the incoming Blackgold Python Tiger


The two forces of power smashed into each other with equal force as both monsters are thrown backward by half a meter. The Blackgold Python Tiger flew back under w.a.n.g Tao's command whilst he thought to himself, "Hmm, since it can appear anywhere at any time… What if I try doing that?"

The Blackgold Python Tiger followed it's master's thoughts as golden ice shaped b.a.l.l.s of energy change shape to form spiky b.a.l.l.s that dazzled in the air like stars. w.a.n.g Tao's tiger created thousands of them within seconds and surrounded the entire field with them making it hard for the Demon Marshal to close in on it

"Oh I'm a genius, why didn't I think of this earlier?" w.a.n.g Tao thought

The far away Demon Marshal's claws glew dark pink as it swiped the air and huge dark pink claw marks took off from its hands in the form of demonic energy and cut away at the spiky b.a.l.l.s surrounding it

The Blackgold Python Tiger dodged the claw attacks whilst it used this time to channel a ma.s.sive ball of energy and fired it at the distracted Demon Marshal before blasting a large amount of smaller ones following the big one as it expanded in size the closer to get to the opponent

Chen Jingyi's demon held the ma.s.sive golden ball of energy in its two hands as its body was pushed backward in the air. By using its pitch black wings to support it whilst its long white hair danced in the air, the Demon Marshal held the ball in its arms. Using all its energy, its eyes glew dark pink as its normally smiling face turned into a frown

"Oh dear, I don't like the look on its face…" w.a.n.g Tao thought

Suddenly, from within the golden ball of energy, a small black hole like energy appeared in the center of the attack and sucked it away into nothing. w.a.n.g Tao used his sharp senses to tell his Blackgold Python Tiger to back off however, he was too late. The ball of energy he had sent at the Demon Marshal appeared above the tiger and landed right on its back as the demon used its right arm to channel in demonic energy to power up the ball


"F*ck me I knew it!" w.a.n.g Tao thought

The Blackgold Python Tiger was. .h.i.t by its own attack as it roared loudly. It's already powerful attack made up of two elements became even stronger after adding in the demonic element which meant total defeat for w.a.n.g Tao


The ground beneath the Blackgold Python Tiger disappeared in the shape of a ball whilst the tiger itself turned into a golden light and returned to the Monster Sea

"Winner, Chen Jingyi!" the referee announced

"Whoa, I thought that w.a.n.g Tao would've won with that last attack! Who knew the demon could still have the energy to send it back at w.a.n.g Tao with even more power!" someone in the crowd said

"Of course she won! After all, not only is it an extremely rare monster, it can also transform and has the s.p.a.ce element! Only Ye Qin with a similar ability could possibly defeat her!" someone else rebuked

"Sigh, I thought I had a chance." w.a.n.g Tao said slightly bitterly to Ye Qin after walking all the way up to the stands

"It's fine, you'll win next time." Ye Qin replied

"Aww don't be like that! Your single monster did way better than two of mines! In fact, I couldn't even make her transform…" Sun Zan consulted


"Why do you sound kinda happy?" w.a.n.g Tao asked

"Of course I would be! In the past, I had thought that I was close to the top of my generation, but after seeing you guys in action I knew that I have to work harder to catch up." Sun Zan replied

"I see… Well, good luck catching up to me, hahaha." w.a.n.g Tao laughed

"Stop stroking his ego." Ye Qin said to Sun Zan as he shook his head



The trio then left the stadium and had dinner before returning to their rooms just as everyone else did as well

From Fish To Dragon 43 Los

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From Fish To Dragon 43 Los summary

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