From Fish To Dragon Chapter 48

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Published at 20th of July 2019 03:00:06 AM Chapter 48

The two people saw each other at the same time with both thinking at the same time 'Ah?' . In front of him, Ye Qin saw his homeroom teacher Mo Qiu holding an ice cream cone in one hand and a crepe that was bitten into in the other hand . He noticed that Mo Qiu was dressed up quite differently to what he was used to . Even though she was wearing a beanie along with a long white coat that covered most of her body, he could tell recognize the teacher he had for three years straight and asked "Teacher, you on a date?"

"Ah? Well yes and no . Also, you don't need to call me teacher anymore, after all you've already graduated . " Mo Qiu replied after looking around for any familiar faces . "Yes and no? A date with herself I guess?" Ye Qin thought

"Once a teacher, always a teacher . " he replied

"If you ask me, I'd say that the one on a date is you rather than me . " Mo Qiu said with a smile as she took a bite out of her crepe . Ye Qin's eye twitched slightly and replied "Uh yeah I guess . You know any good places around?"

"Of course she doesn't I mean it's Ms Mo we are talking about here . . " he thought, however, his thoughts were wrong as Mo Qiu smirked and replied "Asking your teacher for dating spots huh? You've really changed . " she laughed

"Well follow me and I'll tell you on the way . " Mo Qiu said which Ye Qin abided by . During the trip with his ex teacher, Ye Qin went around with her to all sorts of food stands as she gave him some highlight locations to go on

Once there were only 30 minutes until the meeting time, Ye Qin excused himself from his ex teacher's presence as she wished him good luck

When he arrived back at the clock tower across from the fountain where they were supposed to meet up, Ye Qin noticed Li Yutong sitting on the seat he had been on previously and swung her legs as she awaited his arrival

Today, Li Yutong wore a white woolen turtleneck with a brown coat on top, she also wore skin tight jeans that showed off her exquisite legs with long brown boots that reached just below her knees . A black and brown handbag could be seen held inside her bosom as she waited . Normally, Li Yutong wore studded earrings, however, today she had worn long silver earrings that shone brightly

Ye Qin approached her without her noticing then sat down beside her and said "Cla.s.smate Li, you going on a date? You're dressed quite nicely . " in a different tone from his own

"Ah? A date? No!" she exclaimed with a flushed face as jumped from her seat and turned around to see Ye Qin sitting next to her . Ye Qin smiled seeing her reaction and said "You're here early . "

"Ah! Ye Qin so it was just you! I just got here, how about you?" she replied . Thinking about the time he spent around here for the past hour or so, Ye Qin replied "Oh I just got here myself, since we're both here early then I guess there's more time to spend?"

"More time to spend? Together?" Li Yutong thought with a red face as the two began walking towards the cinemas

The movie Li Yutong had tickets for is a brand new Romance movie t.i.tled 'A Lovers Door' directed by a famous director called Guo Zhen Kang . Many of his movies became huge hits around the world and only hit the cinemas for a week each time before they are no longer screening and can then only be bought or found on the net

Ye Qin went to buy snacks and drinks for the two of them whilst Li Yutong had gone to the bathroom . After a few minutes, when she came out from there, she presented their tickets before gaining access to the room that screened their movie

Inside the theatre, almost every seat was filled up already . With couples whispering words of love to each other and even some single people who cursed all the couples filled the room . The two spent a bit of time finding their seats which were placed near the middle which isn't too far or too close

The seats are made from metals found from the Monster Realm which is then filled with premium grade silk and linen to make them extremely comfortable as if one were lying on their bed . Sitting in their seats, Ye Qin placed the snacks and drinks down as they waited for the movie to start . After 20 minutes or so, the lights turned dim as trailers of new upcoming movies were presented to the audience

From Fish To Dragon Chapter 48

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From Fish To Dragon Chapter 48 summary

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