From Fish To Dragon 51 Heading Towards The Nine Peaks

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As the two of them headed back home separately, Ye Qin spent his time thinking by himself. That night when he came home, Ye Qin gave his sister the candy he had bought and placed the candy canes on the table in the living room before heading to his room and took a shower

For the next week or so, Ye Qin spent some time with his family. After the new year began, it was time for Ye Qin to head for the Nine Peak Academy. Now that he was in university, Ye Qin no longer wears his uniform. He left it hanging on the wall of his room after it had been cleaned and packed up his belongings which he threw into the storage s.p.a.ce of his smart.w.a.tch

Standing at the front door of his house, Ye Qin hugged his family one by one as w.a.n.g Tao who had already arrived waited with the Ye families' chauffeur. "Father, Mother, your son will be back. Until then, I hope that you will be well when I come back. You too sis." he said

Ye Qin finally turned around and walked towards the car and sat down next to w.a.n.g Tao as the engine started and they drove off

"Your family sure treasures you, boss." w.a.n.g Tao laughed "Of course, they are my parents after all. Besides your family loves you too." Ye Qin replied

"Well I'm sure my mother does, as for my father and sister… maybe? Well after we came back, the old man told me that I didn't need to inherit his company and instead my elder sister will, hehehehe" w.a.n.g Tao continued

"The company huh, my sister is too young to inherit it, besides I'm sure she wants to become a trainer too. Not sure what my father will do with the company since both his successors are being trainers." Ye Qin said

"Ah, that's right… Maybe I can ask my father to join the two companies or something?" w.a.n.g Tao replied

"Well maybe, they are best friends after all, it might work if your sister takes over as the head of both." Ye Qin said

"Right, we should contact Liu Kai. When we enter the Forbidden Lands again we will need his service." Ye Qin continued

"Liu Kai??? Oh you mean the weird four eyes with a 3 year old? Right we do, we have invested in him quite a bit." w.a.n.g Tao nodded

"Well let me send him a message." Ye Qin said

Arriving at the airport, the two brothers said goodbye to the chauffeur before heading inside. Since there was still some time before departure, the two went around as the fatty bought snacks for the journey. After buying various things, the two showed their pa.s.sports and tickets before heading into the first cla.s.s area

When the plane took off, the two enjoyed their time in the first cla.s.s area. w.a.n.g Tao either ate snacks or played games whilst Ye Qin checked the news on his smart.w.a.tch before joining w.a.n.g Tao in a game that is provided in the plane

The advanced technology built in on the plane allowed for anyone to do anything they wanted in a virtual s.p.a.ce. The two brothers played a game in a virtual mmorpg that had elements of fantasy novels and games of the past. In the virtual world, time was over 5 times slower which allowed for longer time spent in the virtual s.p.a.ce!

Ye Qin chose to become a warrior cla.s.s whilst w.a.n.g Tao chose a tank cla.s.s to complement the former. The two formed a party in the beginning area and farmed until they reached level 10 and had decent equipment. After completing every quest possible including the hidden quests that not many people knew about, the two left the town and headed towards a forest that lead to the next town

On the way to the next town, the two brothers encountered monsters such as goblins that were about the same level as them. Goblins came in small groups which the two quickly eliminated before a large swarm of them arrived surrounding the two. The two brothers faced each other and nodded as Ye Qin who used a warrior with duel swords charged through the crowd using his skills

w.a.n.g Tao used his taunt skill to draw all the attention to himself and took the hits using his ma.s.sive hp pool and high defence that belonged to the tank cla.s.s. Slamming into his s.h.i.+eld with his mace, w.a.n.g Tao tore through the bodies of the goblins as they cried whilst Ye Qin using his high attack and speed which he put his stat points into cut down the goblins

Not only did w.a.n.g Tao have high defence and could deal damage, he could even use a healing skill that healed some hp making him almost invincible against all attacks. Ye Qin's duel swords had a variety of aoe attacks that enabled him to kill groups of goblins at the same time

With his fast reflexes, Ye Qin did insane 10 hit combos on ground and in the air using the hilt of his swords so that they wouldn't die instantly. After killing all the goblins, the two leveled up a few levels as they looted the goblins and continued heading to the next town

Finally when they arrived at the next town, they logged off as the plane should be arriving at their destination

Leaving the plane, the two brothers found a nearby bathroom and took a quick p*ss then washed their hands and left the airport. Since they had never been in New Beijing before, the two looked around for a bit before they called a cab that drove near the gates of the Nine Peak Academy

During the journey, the driver asked "You two are new students? It must be your first time in New Beijing then."

Ye Qin nodded and replied "That's right, we came from New Jiangnan city, I just recently looked at a guide on places to go. Do you have any personal recommendations?"

"Hmm, well there's not much difference to New Jiangnan. The capital's mainly just bigger whilst the major families here are even bigger than the ones back in Jiangnan. Some places to go might be the Daotu Temple where a huge statue of an immortal is standing or the Beijing Colosseum." the driver recommended

"I see those two huh, we should visit some time." Ye Qin noted

Once the two arrived near the entrance of the academy, they paid the driver who gave them his card. Walking up to the gate with guards stationed around it, Ye Qin showed them his ID and so did w.a.n.g Tao

"New students huh, welcome to the Nine Peak Academy. I hope you enjoy your time here and become one of the leading figures in the future!" one of them said as the two waited for the gate to open

The two brothers nodded as they watched the huge gate open slowly as they walked along behind the guard who kept a good pace as if he had done this a million times. On the other side of the gate, a portal that looked similar to the ones they had entered to arrive at the Forbidden Lands. Placing their ID's into the machines and then taking them out, the two entered the transportation portals

Whoosh* Whoosh*

From Fish To Dragon 51 Heading Towards The Nine Peaks

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From Fish To Dragon 51 Heading Towards The Nine Peaks summary

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