From Fish To Dragon 89 Fleeing For Life

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"As the huge shadow of the monster wailed out in pain, I carried my wounded body as far as I could so that she could fight freely"

"Staying just 20 meters away from the battle, I called out my partner to help her. The young woman's monster being of the Rare grade was much more powerful than mine, nevertheless, she still couldn't beat it on her own"

"Facing the greatest adversary of my life, I staked everything I had into this one battle. My partner being a ranged type stayed far away as it sent out waves and waves of blasts at the giant beast. As for the woman, her monster fought in a head-on battle against it using brute strength more so than ranged attacks."

"After battling for over 30 minutes, both parties had long run out of energy. Even then my attacks hardly did a thing managing only to create a small scratch on its tough hide. Even though it was missing an arm, we couldn't do much to it even while aiming at its wound"

"The young woman looked at me and said that we should focus the remainder of our power on its wound. I hesitated since nothing had worked even for a full half an hour, but seeing that nothing else worked against it, I could only comply with her wishes"

"Gathering all our strength together, we brought all the might be could muster and fused them all into a single attack. Naturally, the great beast didn't let us succeed as it pounced toward us whilst we gathered the energy. The monsters ran with all their might to escape from the clutches of the great beast while also continuing to gather the necessary energy for their final one-off attack"
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"Finally we gathered every ounce of energy we could and fired it at the great beasts wound. Sensing danger from their fused strength, the great beast turned tail and ran with its three remaining legs. Unfortunately for it, the attack was much greater than its full speed resulting in it taking on the full-frontal attack of ours. As it wailed out in pain and sending out an earth-shaking cry, it finally dropped to the ground and stayed in eternal sleep"

"Catching our breaths, our partners returned to the Monster Sea as I slowly pulled my wounded body towards the great beast. When I arrived next to the young woman, I lied flat on the ground without any remaining strength and was about to faint due to blood loss. Luckily I asked her to take some medicine from my pockets before my eyes became hazy as I fell asleep"

"When I woke up, a nice cold and soothing feeling ran all over my back. Looking at my back, the wounds were treated nicely and bandaged without a hint of pain as though it had never happened in the first place. Though I was still lying down on my face, I mustered all my strength to sit upright and lean against the nearby wall. In front of me, some dried firewood was stacked evenly with smoke seeping out from it. Looking around the only traces of the young woman were from the fire that was just put out not too long ago. Knowing that she would come back, I closed my eyes as I awaited her return"


"Hearing a loud thumping sound near the entrance of the cave I was in, I opened my eyes to see the silhouette of a huge beast lying flatly on its back. Behind it, two familiar faces appeared as I smiled"

"The young woman had gone out to bring back the great beast that we had defeated together with all our strength. As she saw my smile I couldn't see very well in the darkness but it seemed like she turned her face away for a brief moment before looking back at my smiling self"

"Using my keen sense of smell, I noticed that she also brought back dinner as she laughed at me for being like a dog. Scratching my head I spoke to her as she roasted the meat over the fire. We discussed many things including things about our families, where we lived and so on. Even what to do with the carca.s.s of the great beast we had slain"

"After dinner my body had recovered some of its strength, standing up, I walked over to the carca.s.s holding a torch in my hand as I looked around at its flesh. Suddenly, its flesh magically flew out and removed themselves from its bones as it flew down onto the ground and stacked itself neatly on top of each other. I almost dropped the torch seeing this as I turned back to look at the meat all lined up"

"The young woman whose name I learned was Sun Shuren shouted as she pointed inside the bones of the beast. Turning around to see the bones that appeared like flawless white jade, I peered into the center of its bones where Sun Shuren had pointed at. From within the center of its bones, a golden light s.h.i.+ned brightly lighting up the entire cave with its blinding light"

"When the lights died out, I uncovered my eyes as the golden object began floating in the air. The object took the form of a tablet with ancient letters written on the surface of it as it flew into the center of my chest and swung we flying far backward"


"Spitting out a mouthful of fresh blood, I opened my eyes and wiped my mouth. Sun Shuren ran up to me and helped me as I took a bottle out from my bag and consumed the contents of it. As I recovered I tried to look for the golden tablet but to no avail, the two of us searched the entire cave even though it was only a dozen or so meters deep"

"Just as I had given up on looking for it, I felt a sharp pain in my chest as if the flames of h.e.l.l were burning within my body. Clutching my chest with both my arms as beads of sweat dripped down along my forehead and onto the ground. Not only my chest, but the surrounding area of a few meters around me also began rising in temperature enough to even melt the cave walls!"

From Fish To Dragon 89 Fleeing For Life

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From Fish To Dragon 89 Fleeing For Life summary

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