From Fish To Dragon 95 Training

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Over the next few days, Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao continued grinding xp for each of the five newly evolved dragons. It took them almost an entire month for the dragons to reach Level 15 from Level 8, the difference from getting to Level 8 from Level 1; to Level 15 from Level 8 is truly vast.

After the month of training, Ye Qin finally stopped training against w.a.n.g Tao and instead, faced the Peak Master together with the latter.

Since it was training, naturally, he would use all seven of his dragons at once. It was an eight vs one situation, but nevertheless, the Peak Master wouldn't lose against them.

Training for another month or two, both Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao's monsters leveled up quite nicely. During that time, the two of them pretty much stayed on the peak and trained together when the Peak Master left to see his granddaughter.

After some time had pa.s.sed, it quickly reached the time for the mid-year exams. During their few months of training, the newcomer's tournament was held, which they naturally skipped with permission granted to them.

Now that the mid-year exam was here, they couldn't skip it no matter what. Though, they didn't need to worry since they would obviously pa.s.s the exam even without any preparations. Since it was time, they left the Medicinal Peak and returned to their dorms for the first time in months.

"You're back!" Su Guiying said when they returned. "Hey there." w.a.n.g Tao smiled as Ye Qin nodded.

"Where did you guys go?" Jia Yazhu who was always with Su Guiying asked with curiosity. "Don't you know that curiosity killed the cat?" w.a.n.g Tao laughed.

"You! Be serious!" Jia Yazhu shouted at him.

"Hehe, jokes aside, we were training for a bit. Did you miss me?" w.a.n.g Tao asked with a smirk.

"I told you to be serious!"

"Hmph, a bit? Three months is a bit? You left the three of us alone in this large dorm for three months, and you say it's just a bit?" Jia Yazhu replied.

"Huh, why is she so angry? She looks kinda scary, I shouldn't provoke her any further." w.a.n.g Tao thought before trying to calm her down.

"There, there, Yazhu, isn't it fine that we returned?" w.a.n.g Tao tried to calm her down.

"I think it's better if we didn't tell them that we're going to head out again." Ye Qin thought as he left his best friend alone to deal with the two girls.

"Ah? Boss? You can't leave me here, boss!!!!" w.a.n.g Tao grieved as Ye Qin returned to his room. "Hmph, see how we will deal with you." Jia Yazhu pinched his ear while Su Guiying giggled.


For the next few days, Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao stayed at the dorms and helped the two girls study. When they knew that w.a.n.g Tao was actually smarter than them, they were greatly surprised. They thought it was natural that Ye Qin was smart, but when w.a.n.g Tao taught them the things they didn't understand, the two girls looked at him in a different light.

After the weekend, the five dorm mates headed to their homeroom to take the mid-year exam. Yang Xinyi was already waiting for them with the exams already set out for them.

Sitting in their seats, Yang Xinyi said, "Begin." as the five of them started filling in the exam papers. A short while later, Ye Qin finished his exam and handed it in early before leaving, not long after he did so, w.a.n.g Tao handed in his own paper and left the cla.s.sroom quietly.

Leaving the building, the two headed for the Battle Peak. They had waited for a while before the Peak Master himself appeared in front of them.

"Thank you, Peak Master, for allowing us to go ahead with our training." Ye Qin thanked him. "Thank you." w.a.n.g Tao followed to say.

The Peak Master stroked his beard, before putting up his hand and replied, "It's fine, just promise to work hard for humanity."

"Yes." the two boys nodded.
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"You two don't need to come here, you already have my permission for that matter." the Peak Master said.

The 'matter' that he spoke of was naturally to allow the two of them to head towards the Abandoned Lands. It was truly rare for students to be allowed to venture there on their own without being accompanied by a teacher.

Naturally, the two Peak Masters and the Headmaster thought highly of them and allowed them to do so. Obviously, they were not the first to be able to do so. The current Student Council President, Mo Ningzhu and her brother, Mo Xingyun had also been granted permission to do so in the past.

The two of them nodded before leaving the Battle Peak and headed to the Medicinal Peak. When they arrived, the Peak Master and his granddaughter were there waiting for them to arrive.

"Greetings." they all greeted each other.

"Take these on your journey." the Peak Master said as his granddaughter handed them a bag each. When Ye Qin held the bags, he could tell what they were immediately and thanked them.

"No need for thanks." the Peak Master told them.

"Well, we're off then." Ye Qin said.

"See you later, old man." w.a.n.g Tao added as the two of them left the peak. The Peak Master and his granddaughter watched the two of them leave and vanish from sight before heading back up.


On the same day, Ye Qin and w.a.n.g Tao took the mid-year exam, they had packed their things early and left behind a note in their room before unlocking it so that the others could enter their room.

Leaving the Nine Peaks Academy, they took the train and stayed on it for an entire night. When they got out in the morning, they headed directly to the gate that leads them to the Abandoned Lands.

Stepping out the taxi, the two of them saw a familiar sight that they hadn't seen in almost a year. As they were feeling nostalgic, they walked towards the entrance, where the guards were standing on both sides.

"h.e.l.lo again." w.a.n.g Tao greeted them as the two of them showed them their Guard A saw their faces and suddenly remembered, "Ah, you two are those high-school kids that came here last year, aren't you?"

"It must be, I remember them too! So you guys are in university now huh? Since you're here again, you two must be in one of the top five academies?" Guard B suddenly added in.

"I'm glad that you remember us, you're right about that. We also remember you two." Ye Qin replied with a smile.

"Ahahaha, of course, how could I forget, I knew I wasn't mistaken." Guard A laughed.

"Well, we won't disturb your journey anymore, please give us your autographs when you return!" Guard B said as the two of them pa.s.sed by.

"Thanks for your hard work!" w.a.n.g Tao told them as they entered the warp gate and disappeared in a flash.

From Fish To Dragon 95 Training

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