The Tiger Within 128 Lessons In Laws Part 1

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The early morning light bathed the canopy, soft green light filtering through the trees and coating the earth below. Wind swirled the leaves and caressed the two women in the water. Kyera lowered herself deeper into the water, letting her hair float around her. Fish swam in the shallows near her as the current from the waterfall churned the clear water.

"Why do you like this waterfall so much, Kyera?" Mally asked curiously as the cool mountain water cleansed her skin. The tigress in skin looked over at her friend and smiled.

"Since I came here everything has been unfamiliar and scary. I don't feel safe and there are always scents that use to mean danger back home. The land is soaked with human musk and the metallics of the metal they wear. Nothing is right, I spent my first few days wandering and trying to sleep but not being able too. Constantly terrified." Kyera attempted to explain those first few days while running her fingers through her hair in the water. Its cooling touch relaxing her as it flowed around her.

Mally's eyebrows creased as she realized how rough Kyera had it. Between her childhood and finding herself here… she was always alone. A sad existence for tiger born to a large family. "I am sorry, Kyera. I wish i had sensed you sooner."

"Mally, I am a hunter now. You wouldn't have found me no matter what you did. I used water to hide my scent, I stayed in the shadows for the most part and hid. Watched and learned you could say. However, I did find solace here." she added brus.h.i.+ng her fingertips over the pebble bottom of the stream. "The water flowing here has the same life as the river by my home. It's just older now and wiser, just as this journey has changed me it changed the stream the same." Kyera smiled diving under again to rinse herself more thoroughly.

Mally watched as her friend enjoyed the water. Both girls natural and free to enjoy the morning air. The snap of a branch and low growl catching her attention. Mally open palm slaps the water to get Kyera's attention as a lion approached the water. He had six lionesses with him, all seeming ready to pounce. Kyera stood up, wringing some of the excess water from her hair.

"Three s.h.i.+fting women and a s.h.i.+fting Lion, nice to see that you are still behaving as a pride." Kyera greeted as she was draped with shadow cloth yet again. Her body dressed in the way of the forest royals rather than the palace royalty this time. A flowing tunic that cut off mid knee, and a pair of pants tight fitting under the flowy s.h.i.+rt. A tow wasn't needed because the shadows form fit to her upper torso, but flared at the waist. Her hair was swept back into a ponytail within seconds.

The lions watched this in wonder, having ever seen the shadows so obedient to a woman's hand. Even Shaman Half Eye got sa.s.s from the spirit world but without a word, Kyera was ready to fight. The lion turned human, his light skin and dark red hair matching with the lion of moments before. His deep brown eyes were filled with caution as he looked her and Mally over.

"Malina who is this outsider?" He demanded and Mally growled lightly under her breath. "why hasn't she been presented at the council clearing?" he continued and Kyera laughed.

"Because I refused to go. I am subject to no council here and have no interest in your laws." Kyera replied boldly on Mally's behalf. Her eyes were filled with fire. She could smell the condescending pride of his nature. The dominate power he was sending in her direction was met by her own push of power, batting his aura away like a ball to a cub.

"You refuse to follow the Law of the Forest?" demands the lioness on his left. She growled and stepped forward challengingly. Kyera just raised an eyebrow at her.

The Tiger Within 128 Lessons In Laws Part 1

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