Stone Age Husband Raising Journal Chapter 158 - Invincible

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Chapter 158 Invincible

It was impossible to say when the Beast G.o.d Temple had come into existence, but one thing was certain–many legends regarding the Beast G.o.d had been pa.s.sed down in the Beast G.o.d Temple.

Of course, n.o.body knew for certain if they were real or made up.

However, although there was a small minority of people who didn’t believe in the Beast G.o.d’s existence and didn’t believe in the legends, the vast majority of people still believed it. This was especially the case for the priests of the Beast G.o.d Temple.

When everyone around them believed it, it would become something they all took for granted.

As for the legends regarding the Beast G.o.d… the fact that flame flowers came from the Beast G.o.d’s blood and such, was something that everyone in the Beastman Continent knew.

However, there were also some legends that the Beast G.o.d Temple guarded like treasures, and only the high-level priests of the Beast G.o.d Temple were worthy of knowing them.

The old priest who’d knelt down and was now shouting “Beast G.o.d” was one of the high-level priests of the Beast G.o.d Temple. He had heard all the legends about the Beast G.o.d and knew all the characteristics of the Beast G.o.d.

The Beast G.o.d was very powerful. Beast Kings would have no ability to resist in front of him, and not only that, the Beast G.o.d could change the size of his animal form at will.

When the Beast G.o.d appeared, plants would bloom to welcome this great G.o.d.

It was said that even on snowy days, when the Beast G.o.d slowly made his way over the snow, the surrounding plants would bud and flower…

Wasn’t all of this taking place around that giant elephant?

The old priest excitedly knelt down and shouted out to the Beast G.o.d. Seeing this situation, the younger priests around him also knelt down one after another and shouted out to Zhou Ji–since the old priest had spoken so, that powerhouse must be the Beast G.o.d! There was no doubt about it!

So that was what the Beast G.o.d looked like!

The priests were all incredibly excited.

When the priests of the Beast G.o.d Temple had come over to check out the disturbance, the people of the the great tribes of the Beastman Continent had also followed them over. Now that they saw the Beast G.o.d Temple’s people kneeling and calling out to the Beast G.o.d, they also followed suit and knelt down. However, there was a small amount of people amongst them who were pale and grim-faced–that Beast King that might’ve been killed or beaten unconscious by the Beast G.o.d was from their tribe!

Had their tribe’s Beast King offended the Beast G.o.d somehow?

These people were extremely scared and started to pray endlessly.

And then… they saw that huge elephant that was bigger than anything they’d imagined suddenly turn and charge towards another Beast King.

That Beast King was afraid of getting caught and sped up his pace, but a tree that was in front of him suddenly blocked the way… He couldn’t escape and came to the same end as the previous Beast King.

After the second Beast King was taken down, the third, fourth, and fifth Beast King were all quickly dealt with as well.

The giant elephant roared up into the sky and then charged towards another group of people.

After Zhou Ji went into a frenzy, he would usually go for the powerful people first before going to deal with those who posed no threat to him. Now… It was the High Priest and his people’s turn.

All of this actually happened within a very short timeframe.

And those who saw everything unfold, other than the old priest and everyone who had just arrived, naturally also included Xiong Ye and his group.

Zhou Ji had previously told Xiong Ye that if he started to fight, Xiong Ye should get as far away as possible and wait until he couldn’t fight anymore before coming back to save him.

He had also told Xiong Ye that if he was fighting, to never ever have any fighting intent in his body. It would be best if he turned back into his human form, withdrew his energy, and relaxed completely…

Zhou Ji might not notice him that way.

However, although Xiong Ye knew all this, he ultimately hadn’t gone far. After leading the Rhinoceros Beast King and Hai Feng to leave the valley, they had found a mountain nearby to remain there and watch the situation.

They were standing high up, and although they hadn’t been able to see the fight in the valley, they had a full view of everything taking place outside.

Zhou Ji was really too powerful.

Hai Feng saw Zhou Ji clean up those Beast Kings as easily as playing and was instantly very glad that he hadn’t tried to resist after being beat up by Zhou Ji back then. Instead, he’d chosen to become Zhou Ji’s follower and do what Zhou Ji wanted.

Otherwise… he’d probably have died long ago!

So what if his animal form was big? Zhou Ji was even bigger! And he could even change size!

Hai Feng was full of admiration as he sighed, but the Rhinoceros Beast King was left at a complete loss.

He’d watched as the Ape Beast King was beaten down, and his mood should’ve originally been complicated, but now that Zhou Ji was like this… He didn’t have any time to sympathize with the Ape Beast King.

He was in a daze.

He’d known that Zhou Ji should be a little stronger than Xiong Ye, but he hadn’t expected Zhou Ji to be this strong!

He’d actually originally even suspected Zhou Ji to be someone with no real ability… he’d been too far off!

He hadn’t expected Zhou Ji to be so powerful… No wonder Hai Feng was willing to be his follower. No wonder Xiong Ye indulged him like this. No wonder the people of the Big Bear Tribe would obey him so absolutely.

It was so great that he’d joined the Big Bear Tribe!

The Rhinoceros Beast King began to take pride in being a person of the Big Bear Tribe. At this time, the Big Bear Tribe also noticed Zhou Ji.

“Isn’t that Zhou Ji?”

“Zhou Ji’s really too strong!”

“I didn’t think that Zhou Ji could change size!”


Xiong Qi said, “Zhou Ji seems to have become even stronger. He beat down a Beast King with one move! Before, when he fought against Hai Feng, he didn’t seem to be quite this powerful and only managed to fight to a draw with Hai Feng.”

Zhu Zhan looked at Xiong Qi and said, “If Zhou Ji was really only able to fight to a draw with Hai Feng, would Hai Feng be so afraid of him?”

“They didn’t draw? At the time, Zhou Ji had obviously looked very weak…” XIong Qi said. Zhou Ji had been very dizzy back then…

Zhu Zhan continued, “Are you sure that Zhou Ji was very weakened back then? He usually looks very weak, like he would be tired if he just had to walk for a bit. Do you really think that it’s true?”

Xiong Qi: “……” Of course Zhou Ji wasn’t that weak normally. So… had he been putting on an act after he fought with Hai Feng?

It didn’t seem impossible…

The people of the Big Bear Tribe all fell silent.

By this time, Zhou Ji had already gone off to deal with the High Priest of the Beast G.o.d Temple.

The Rhinoceros Beast King was somewhat worried, “Won’t Zhou Ji offend the Beast G.o.d Temple if he does this?”

Hai Feng asked, “Does Zhou Ji need to be afraid of offending the Beast G.o.d Temple?” He had originally been scared of the Beast G.o.d Temple, but now he wasn’t scared at all.

The Rhinoceros Beast King: “……” Indeed… Zhou Ji wasn’t afraid of offending the Beast G.o.d Temple at all.

Just then, Xiong Ye spoke up, “Zhou Ji must be feeling very bad right now… I’m too weak and wasn’t able to protect him. He had no choice but to attack himself…”

The Rhinoceros Beast King and Hai Feng both stared at Xiong Ye in shock. Xiong Ye was actually blaming himself for not protecting Zhou Ji? Was he crazy?!

Given how Zhou Ji was, did he need protection?

Zhou Ji certainly didn’t need protection.

The guards of the Beast G.o.d Temple had already left the valley and were running in the direction of the Beast G.o.d Temple, but they hadn’t run far when Zhou Ji came after them.

The guards were instantly ready to attack, but Zhou Ji charged at s.h.i.+ Li instead.

His trunk aimed straight at s.h.i.+ Li.

Zhou Ji had made this move often while fighting against the other Beast Kings. Those Beast Kings had been able to withstand the blows, but s.h.i.+ Li… he was directly sent flying.

s.h.i.+ Li was afraid to make use of the energy in his body. He was worried that he would die if something went wrong with his crystal core, but at this point, he didn’t dare to not use it.

He protected himself with the energy in his body, but the blow was so strong that he couldn’t do anything.

s.h.i.+ Li spat up blood. Not only did he fly out, a big problem also appeared in the crystal core in his body with a large amount of energy dispersing outwards.

It made him appear like… he was quite strong.

Zhou Ji, who had originally been preparing to deal with the high-level Beast Warriors of the Beast G.o.d Temple after sending s.h.i.+ Li flying, suddenly changed direction and charged towards s.h.i.+ Li, smas.h.i.+ng him with his trunk once again.

s.h.i.+ Li spat out blood and flew out again, but this time, he blocked Zhou Ji’s attack.

His situation was now just like Xiang Tian’s situation before he’d died. His body couldn’t move, and the energy in his crystal core was dispersing fast, creating a huge, messy aura of energy that blocked Zhou Ji’s attack.

Of course, this wasn’t a good thing for s.h.i.+ Li.

After all, when all the energy in his crystal core dissipated, his crystal core would shatter, and when that happened… he would be dead.

“No! No way!” s.h.i.+ Li roared. By the time he landed again, he was a little closer to the people of the Beast G.o.d Temple and great tribes who had come over due to the disturbance.

Zhou Ji went up and smashed his trunk down against s.h.i.+ Li who was wrapped up in energy once again…

Xiong Ye suddenly noticed a problem, “Zhou Ji headed towards the Beast G.o.d Temple. There’s a lot of people there!” Even their own Big Bear Tribe was there!

Xiong Ye instantly became incredibly worried.

However, Hai Feng and the Rhinoceros Beast King didn’t care about this, “So what? No matter how many people there are, they still won’t be enough to fight against Zhou Ji!”

It was indeed true that more people still wouldn’t be enough to fight Zhou Ji.

Xiong Ye thought about how the Giant Tiger Tribe had been wiped out completely.

Based on Zhou Ji’s current situation, if he rushed over now, those people would likely all be trampled to death.

The people of the Beast G.o.d Temple didn’t matter, and he didn’t like them, but there was still the people of the Big Bear Tribe to think about.

As the tribal chief of the Big Bear Tribe, he couldn’t let anything happen to the Big Bear Tribe.

Xiong Ye turned into his animal form and rushed towards Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji was still using his trunk to toy with s.h.i.+ Li.

The energy dissipated rapidly, forming a ball of energy around s.h.i.+ Li and making it so that he couldn’t be beaten to death for a while. Zhou Ji smashed down many times in succession and even managed to absorb a bit of s.h.i.+ Li’s energy.

How Xiang Tian had felt when he was dying was something s.h.i.+ Li was basically now experiencing. His expression was one of horror as he was sent flying by Zhou Ji once again, landing on the ground in front of that kneeling, devout old priest.

Zhou Ji was about to go over there when a bear suddenly appeared in front of him.

Zhou Ji had become smaller in order to make it more convenient to play with s.h.i.+ Li, but he was still a lot bigger than this bear… Zhou Ji’s nose swept over.

“It’s the Bear Beast King!” Those beastmen exclaimed. They hadn’t expected that the Bear Beast King would also have to suffer punishment.

“Is Zhou Ji actually hitting Xiong Ye?” The people of the Big Bear Tribe were stunned.

That trunk smashed into Xiong Ye’s body and made Xiong Ye hurt terribly, but he wasn’t scared at all. Instead, he hugged that trunk and called out, “Zhou Ji!”

Zhou Ji was rather enraged and wanted to kill this person who dared to grab his nose, but he was unable to mobilize his energy for some reason. Finally, his blood red eyes locked with the smaller eyes of the bear wrapped around his nose.

Juurensha: Better snap out of it, ZJ

xiin: i cried a little bit…

Stone Age Husband Raising Journal Chapter 158 - Invincible

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Stone Age Husband Raising Journal Chapter 158 - Invincible summary

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