I Fell For A Dragon 14 Battle For Luna

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Fafner watched as Luna flew off. He then watched Ancestialian go after her then come back down. Fafner pondered on how to proceed. Last time he had almost killed his old rival and this time he had to succeed.

As Ancestialian landed on the beach and wondered what had happened. "Ailill tell me exactly what is going on? I take a short nap and now Luna has gone back to the stars."

Ailill took a deep breath, 'Not real sure, but Luna is making Susan keep a secret from us.'

"Do you have any idea what it is they are keeping from us?" Ancestialian ask.

'No, Susan was trying to tell me something. I kind of think it is Luna who does not want you to know so Susan can not tell me. When Susan was about to tell me that's when Luna came forward and took off.' Ailill explained.

"Ancestialian, She is already tired of you. She hid from you for many years and now you have driven her away again." Fafner stated setting a few feet away.

"You do not know what you are talking about. She left me the first time because you almost killed me to get to her. She felt so guilty that she left to keep me safe." Ancestialian said.

"Lets finish that battle then. Winner gets Luna as a mate" Fafner challenged.

"Then what about Our s.h.i.+fters?"

"I will show Luna how to put hers to sleep. They never have to bother us again."

This dragon was insane. He had to get rid of this minus once and for all, he could not lose Luna again.


"Luna my love, Please let me show you how much you mean to me. Our Mates finally brought us back together."

"Ancestialian I have missed you over the past 100 years. I hope this time we can spend forever together."

The two dragon were in love. They were meant to be together from the beginning of time. The G.o.ddess that created them made it so they could only have one true mate to reproduce. Mating another dragon just would not work.

Over time Dragon began to be killed off the the G.o.ddess created a human race she called s.h.i.+fter to live with the dragons. This would help them live a long time. Having a dragon spirit born into a s.h.i.+fter was a glorious thing, it would allow the s.h.i.+fters life to be extended to three times a normal human life span. Then the wars started and dragon slayers came to be. Dragon killed in their dragon form were gone forever. If the s.h.i.+fter was killed then the dragon could be reborn to a new s.h.i.+fter.

The two mates had just been married and were happy to be together again. They were lucky to have two close friends. Yam-nahar and Fafner who were also true mates. And after a 100 years they were lucky to be born to the same village of s.h.i.+fters and could be together.

"Yam-nahar How are thing going?" Luna asked.

"Good I guess..... but to tell you the truth. The s.h.i.+fter that Fafner has is kind of crazy. My s.h.i.+fter does not like him and refuses to be matted to him and to tell you the truth I don't like him either. He is making Fafner do things he would never do before."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the other day he killed a whole village for no reason at all and when I confronted him he did not even understand why I was upset."

"Are you sure? Yam-nahar This is serious I'll talk to Ancestialian then and our s.h.i.+fters and see what we can do."

"Thank you, I am at your mercy now." Yam-nahar said.

Luna changed back into Olivia and she went to find Alexander her mate.

"Alexander we need to talk to Sebastian. Isabella and Yam-nahar are worried about Sebastian and Fafner mindset." Olivia said.

"I have been worried too. Something is not right them." Alexander said.

They Walked over to were Sebastian was living and knocked.

"Come in friend, what can I do for you." Sebastian said letting them in to his home.

"Thank you, we came to talk to you about Isabella and Yam-nahar?" Olivia said.

Sebastian looked at Olivia with pa.s.sion in his eyes. He had fallen in love with her and had to make his dragon except her dragon. His dragon had fought to keep his mate but slowly he had gotten Fafner to do things he was against doing. He had learned how to hide things and get the dragon to do his will.

Olivia sat down next to her mate Alexander while Sebastian sat across from them eyeing them as they were holding hands.

"Sebastian we want to talk to you about Isabella." Olivia said.

"You already said that. What about Isabella?"

"She is concerned about your actions lately. Is everything ok?" Olivia asked.

"I am not sure why Isabella is concerned about me. We are not friends or anything. I know Fafner seems to think that Yam-nahar is his mate but he is wrong. I know who our true mate is."

"Who?"Alexander asked.

"The dragon that shares my true mate."

"Sebastian, who is your true mate?" Olivia asked.

"Everyone will know real soon." Sebastian just grinned giving Olivia a cold chill down her spine.

They were getting nowhere with Sebastian so Olivia and Alexander said their good bye and left.

'Alexander I'll talk to Fafner the next time we go flying.' Ancestialian said.

"Ok, we really need to find out what is going on.

The next day Ancestialian, Luna, and Fafner decided to go flying. Sebastian had Fafner mind clouded as had decided for Fafner to Kill Ancestialian.

As they flew higher in the sky Ancestialian said,"Fafner, Yam-nahar is upset that Sebastian does not like Isabella so you two can not be mates. Is everything ok with Sebastian ?"

"Sebastian is just fine. Isabella is just not his type and I have come to think Yam-nahar is not really my mate."

"Then who did the G.o.ddess choose as your mate?" Luna asked.

"You will all find out soon. Luna"

"Yes Fafner?"

"If you were my mate then would you leave Ancestialian?" Fafner said.

"Fafner that is a silly question. For us to be mates Yam-nahar and Ancestialian would have to be dead. That is the only way someone can choose a mate not fated to them. Even then no children can be made."

Ancestialian did not like where this was going. "Fafner Yam-nahar was choosen as your one true mate. She is the only one you can have young one with. Why are you talking about anothers males mate."

"Just asking a what if question. Don't mind me" Fafner said.

They continue their flying in silence.

I Fell For A Dragon 14 Battle For Luna

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