The Union 74 Battle Of Greenwater 2

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With four hundred exhausted marines at his back, Prefect Ryon ran towards the breach in the western wall of Greenwater. When he arrived, the fighting had already started.

The Castonians formed a wall of s.h.i.+elds along the breach while the Calgarians were trying to break through their defense. The sound of steel hitting steel filled the air. Shouts and cries mixed and the familiar chaotic sight of battle was the scene in front of him.

A soldier grabbed his shoulder and pointed to the top of the walls. "They are scaling the walls Prefect!"

Ryon looked upwards and saw that the two Centuries stationed on top of the walls were already firing their crossbows. Some of them were fighting enemies who were successful in scaling the walls. He then decided that his men on the walls needed help more than the ones defending the breach.

Ryon turned towards the exhausted marines. "We must prevent them from taking the walls." He pointed upwards "I know all of you are tired but we must fight"

He didn't wait for their answers or salutes. Ryon ascended to the top of the Western wall in haste. With sword in hand, he climbed the stony stairs of the wall. It didn't take him long to reach the top.

What he witnessed then was a terrifying sight. Thousands of Calgarians were attacking the defenders in the breach below. Although the Castonian defense was strong, they were being pushed back by sheer numbers. But the situation below was still manageable. Five Centuries of Castonian heavy infantry will not be destroyed that easily.

On the other hand, the top of the wall needed immediate attention. There were already dozens of ladders leaning against the wall. Some of the enemies were still climbing, but many of them were already on the top and fighting against the defenders.

He rushed towards the nearest ladder and grabbed a rock from the floor. There were stockpiles of rocks on top of the wall for this situation. He looked down and saw that three people were currently scaling the ladder. He aimed and hurled the rock towards the attackers.

It found its mark. The rock hit the head of the Calgarian and the man immediately lost consciousness. He fell down. The other two stopped for a while and watched as their comrade fell. They then looked at Ryon with anger in their eyes and resumed climbing.

"Help me push this ladder!" he shouted to a soldier beside him. The soldier nodded and dropped his crossbow. He then grabbed a spear and used its blunt end to push the ladder away from the wall. Ryon also helped.

Pus.h.i.+ng a ladder with two fully grown men in it required strength. Ryon planted his feet on the floor and pushed the ladder with all his might. He could feel that the two enemies also hurried their climb.

Little by little, the ladder tilted away from the wall. A hand appeared from below the ladder revealing that one of the Calgarians had already reached the top. But it was too late, Ryon and the soldier were able to push the ladder away.

Ryon heard screams as the ladder fell. He didn't bother looking down. The two Calgarians were as good as dead.

"Where is your Centurion?" Ryon turned his head and asked the soldier. But he was greeted by the sight of the soldier being impaled by a spear from behind. The tip of the spear protruded from the soldier's chest and blood dripped from his mouth. Ryon realized the danger and he jumped back to avoid another spear thrust directed towards him.

Apparently, a group of Calgarians were able to scale the walls from another ladder. There were five of them. He gripped his sword and was about to rush forward when someone grabbed his shoulder from behind.

Ryon turned around and saw that the one who grabbed his shoulder was the Captain who shouted to him earlier.

"Leave this to us Prefect" The Captain said. "The men below need you."

Ryon looked below. The Castonians defending the breach were being pushed back. Some of them were already routing. Her cursed himself for making another mistake. He thought that the line below will hold for a long time. He was wrong. The Castonian defense is crumbling. It will be catastrophic if the enemies captured the wall through the breach.

He nodded. "Protect the walls at all cost"

Ryon didn't look back and ran towards the stairs. Behind, he heard the clattering of swords, spears, s.h.i.+elds and armors. But he didn't worry about the marines. They will not lose control of the top of the walls with the help of the marines.

He went down the stairs as quickly as he ascended earlier. Many of his men were routing and the ones at the front were being pushed back. The Centurions were trying their best to drag the fleeing soldiers towards the front line. But it wasn't enough. The sight of thousands of enemies and the news of the destruction of the navy siphoned courage from the Castonians.

"Go back you cowards!" he roared but the soldiers continued their retreat. Some of them b.u.mped into Ryon without batting an eye.

Ryon himself started to lose hope. The battle was turning into a full-blown rout. Greenwater will fall if the rout wasn't stopped.

And then the retreating soldiers stopped. Their eyes widened and the battlefield was put into a momentary silence. Ryon turned around to find out the cause of their shock.

He saw a woman surrounded by her guards. She was old, but her presence still emits an aura of wisdom and strength. Everyone in Greenwater would show respect whenever she was around. The woman's name was Maria Connel, wife of Marquis Benedict Connel.

"Lady Maria? What are you doing here? You should go back this is dangerous!" Ryon almost exclaimed but he needed to show respect to the wife of the Marquis.

"The last time I checked, mere Prefects can't command n.o.bles." She smiled and her white old teeth were revealed. The smile then faded from her face and her expression turned serious. "You should learn when to shut your mouth Ryon."

Ryon was cut by her sharp words. "I'm sorry Lady Maria.. I just…"

She didn't let Ryon finish and walked forward. She looked around and raised her chin. Her actions demanded the attention of the fleeing soldiers. "So what do we have here? I thought the battle is at the front, not behind." Lady Maria then turned to one of her guards. "Tell me, is there a battle behind?"

"No My Lady" the guard answered.

Lady Maria pointed at the soldiers. "Then where are they going? Is there a naked woman in the back?"

"I think they are routing My Lady"

"Ha! Routing. Haven't heard that word since the battle of Pedes thirty years ago. This must be a historic moment! Castonian soldiers running like rabbits, what a great sight. Well I say let them rout. Let them cower and flee. Men without b.a.l.l.s. Truly a sight to behold." She mocked the soldiers "Let's go. Men without b.a.l.l.s annoy me."

Lady Maria and her guards went forward to the remaining defenders in the breach. Ryon realized what she was going to do. He needed to stop her.

"Lady Maria, where are you going!?" Ryon shouted. He must keep her safe. His honor wouldn't take it if the Lady dies on his watch.

Maria Connel turned around "Well seeing that the brave and strong Castonian heavy infantry is retreating, I don't have a choice but to defend the walls myself. Let's see if these old and frail bones of mine could break someone's skull."

She turned around and continued.

"No! Stop. It's dangerous!" Ryon implored but she didn't listen. He then turned to the soldiers who were equally surprised. "Fools! Protect her! You dare call yourselves soldiers and you can't even protect an old woman?"

His words struck the soldiers. They grabbed the weapons they had already thrown and went back to the front lines. The collapsing s.h.i.+eld wall at the front was now holding. Instead of being pushed back, the Castonians were the ones pus.h.i.+ng the Calgarians away. With renewed vigor, they fought ferociously.

Ryon didn't join the fight and instead went to lady Connel. She was at the front, being protected by the soldiers who were routing earlier.

"My Lady, thank you for doing this. Your presence strengthens the men's will." he said.

She didn't reply and continued watching the battle. Ryon decided that since she was not in the mood to talk, he should just leave and join the battle. But when he was about to walk forward, she asked him.

"Reports say that you f.u.c.ked up. Is that true?"

Ryon lowered his head in shame. "Yes. It's true."

"Oh don't look so grim Prefect. Everybody f.u.c.ks up. It's part of life." She looked at him. "You just f.u.c.ked up horribly"

Ryon bit his lips. He was hurt. "That doesn't make me feel better My Lady"

"Who said I want to make you feel better? I'm just telling you to smile a little. Your gloomy face irritates me."

Ryon laughed. Lady Maria was still the same.

"Don't laugh either. It's more annoying than your gloomy face. Just remain silent and watch the battle with me." She said.

Ryon pursed his lips and didn't make a sound after that. He stood beside the Lady in the front lines for hours. Their presence prevented the soldiers from routing.

The battle lasted until sundown. Civilians also joined the battle with their knives, axes and various household weapons. In the end, it was a stalemate. The Calgarians retreated to their s.h.i.+ps for the night. The Calgarian a.s.sault on the top of the walls failed too. The marines prevented their attempt to scale the walls.

But the defenders were battered. Dead bodies piled on the breach in the walls. Hundreds were also injured. Ryon estimated that less than half of his men remained. Greenwater will fall tomorrow.

"Well that was a b.l.o.o.d.y affair." Lady Maria commented while watching the injured being carried away. Some of them will not survive the night.

"I don't think we can defend Greenwater tomorrow My Lady" Ryon said.

"You may be right Prefect. Tough world eh? Come to my villa with your surviving officers. We will make our plans for tomorrow. Let's make Greenwater's last stand as grandiose as possible."

She walked away with her surviving guards and Ryon was left alone. Greenwater's last stand, he silently repeated. What a sad way to go.

The Union 74 Battle Of Greenwater 2

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