The Atlantean Compensator 159 Rezolution2

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About 15miutes later, Ayla exhaustingly finishes healing Rezolus!

She was thinking to herself why it was so hard for her to do so. Granted, she never healed someone with this much severity of injury, but she a.s.sumed it would'nt have taken her all she got.

Eitherways, she gets out of the room where everyone is waiting for her outside.

"Miss Ayla!! How is he doing??". Asked one of the men out there.

Ayla. "Nothing to worry about, thankfully the injury wasn't as bad as we thought. But I think you should take him to the hospital now, he needs better treatment."

Of course Ayla lied about that, he won't find better treatment than that except from Aciya.

"Is that so! Then what are we waiting for?

Quick let's get him out of here..."

But! The moment they wanted to get inside, Rezolus steps outside of it.

Everyone was shocked for a second.

"A...Mister! You're..."

"I am alright." Replies Rezolus calmly.

Ayla herself was shocked, but didn't show it

'...How come! Even if i did my best he shouldn't be walking normally this quickly. I made sure to leave a bit for him to recover on his own. His blood pressure must be low!!'

Everyone stood not knowing what should be done. The mysterious man walks towards Ayla and stops, to say two words.

"Thank you!"

Then, he got going...

It took her two seconds to get herself out of thinking inside her mind.
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"W...Wait! You still need to be healed!

You can't drive on your own..."

Rezolus looks back at her, a profound eye contact between the two occured...And she felt that the whole atmosphere has gotten sucked out, until he turned again and walked away.

She kept silent, and felt something uncomprehensible...

"...What's happening?

I don't quite get it."

"...I really don't know either, but he seems okey to me!"

"Weird...He was bleeding his life out just about half an hour ago...If anything, Miss Ayla is really something..."


Rezolus, surely makes his steps towards his car, while everyone is out looking at him weirdly...They're not used to having people of that look arround. Opens the car door, turns on the engine and abruptly puts his feet on the gaz.

Leaving dust behind him, a smile was drawn on his face slowly...

"It feels great....It feels great to be right and finally healthy!

I didn't feel this good for such a long time, I never was that excited to meet father this much even!

Ayla...You have my sincere appreciation, but your job with me is still not done yet."

Rezolus was super ecstasic as he had this mini monologue speech!! From his words, it's clear that what Ayla wasnt just healing the cut he inflected upon himself! Maybe he as well had the disease his father has!!

Simultaneously, as Rezolus was counting the seconds before reporting these wonderful news.

Everyone got back to his ordinary routine after these sudden weird events, but Ayla for some reason was not feeling really well.

She took a seat on the couch, and then layed her head down, while putting her hand on her foreheaad.

'...I feel dizzy, and completely exhausted! I need a little break to get back my maximum life force.

Maybe...I'll sleep for a bit...' And instantly, closed her eyes and went to the land of dreams.


3 Days since his dismissal.

Herald has found himself spontaneously accepting it, which is contradictory to his previous inner reaction to that...He finally took a pen and got back to continuing the book he hasn't wrote anything in since who knows when!

He also, just within these 3days! Contacted the professor rsponsible for his PHD file, and asked him about the date in which he will be prsenting his project.

And as she noticed all of these sudden changes, Muruem was happily surprised! Funny how women only overthink the bad and not the good...She also took it as it is and at last, was in her best of moods. That also meant 3 consecutive nights of long rough s.e.xual intercouse.

On the 4th day...

As he was calmling painting one of his works...He felt the presence of a companion.

"I didn't think you'll be able to pay a visit any time soon...". Herald said, without interrupting his painting.

From the unseen, Ether reveals himself.

"Why is that, chosen one?".

Herald smiles, still continuing his work. "So you haven't got the news?

I am no more eligeable for that t.i.tle, I thought Guiado broke our tie that day, but apparently not."

Ether. "Yes he didn't, but I ofcourse knew about what happened that day, we get any news surrounding you."

Herald. "Is that so! You won't be getting many for the upcoming period then." He finally puts his brush down, and looks at Ether.

Ether. "How about you hear some of mine then? Or is it that you're not interested about that?"

Herald stood silent for a moment, he realized he indeed never asked enough about Ether. Although they faced death together.

"...I appologise, I would certainly like to hear from you. You Jinns drink something?

I would like for once to properly welcome you in my home." He smiles.

And so does Ether!

The Atlantean Compensator 159 Rezolution2

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The Atlantean Compensator 159 Rezolution2 summary

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