Solitary Sword Sovereign 119 Ezra's Top 5

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Will made an awkward cough to try and change the subject. There were too many important things to talk about. For example,

"Okay, just how much do you know about me and what the heck is Empyrean Intents?"

"Empyrean Intents are the highest forms of intent based on the 8 gates. Radiant energy is the Water Gate empyrean intent, while Bloodl.u.s.t is the Metal Gate Empyrean Intent. We know only know roughly what they can do. We also know you have two and are a pract.i.tioner who can use yuan. We know you have a high ranking water-related cla.s.s, at least in the top 100, and that you are aiming to be a sword cultivator. The last one is a bit hard to believe, but we were also told that you had two Sword Totems. That's all we know so far."

Will slapped his own face, "This isn't fair, y'all know so much about me and I know nothing about everyone else."

"You have the highest cla.s.s guide and with your clearance level, you can learn a lot of information at a discount price at the IB. You, know nothing because you are ignorant."

Will shrugged while he picked his nose. Ezra shook his head and said, "Anyway, here is a rundown of the pre-system cultivation world. I will also explain all the people are thing is strong enough to annoy you.

"So that's how it was." Will was shocked by what Ezra had told him. Cultivation culture had been going on for much longer than he thought and wasn't as simple as he thought.

There was now no doubt that everyone with significant power in this day and age was part of a cultivator clan.

Before the system, many of these clans were s.h.i.+fting toward technology, as it provided immediate benefits. Cultivating on earth was becoming more and more difficult as time went by as World Energy was becoming less and less available. That was, until the advent of the system.

The old clans that had abandoned cultivation tried to revert back, to gain an advantage in the upcoming mad world. Thus a worldwide war occurred for four years involving countless cultivator clans and forces, resulting in the now established superpowers.

According to Ezra, Modus definitely interfered many times and had he not, the world would be in a far more chaotic state. There were rumors of a powerful individual controlling things behind the scenes, like a dark hand behind the curtains.

'Looks like Modus is keeping his end of the bargain.'

Will sighed in relief. One of his worries, while he was in King Yama's gate, was to come out and see the world in a complete mess. Fortunately, the change was within acceptable ranges.

"Now tell me why you have two Empyrean Intents at the same time, at such a low level," said Ezra with a curious glint in his eyes.

Will narrated the events of what happened with Modus five years ago from his perspective.

"Bro, I didn't even know what Empyrean Intents were, so trust me when I say, I have no clue why I can do that s.h.i.+t. I do have a question though. How strong is Genesis exactly."

Ezra frowned as if he had heard words that were very unpleasant. He did not want to answer this question because it brought back many unpleasant memories.

"That f.u.c.ker isn't human. Don't even bother thinking of fighting, he is out of my league, let alone yours. To put it in a simple way, if both of you were at the same level, the match wouldn't last a few blows."

"So you're saying he can beat me in few blows? Me? You saw what I did to those people from the empire right."

"Bro, I saw your match with Ignius, but you need to understand something. Genesis has every advantage you have and more. Be it the backing of an immortal or a ridiculously powerful cla.s.s. You only trained in one foreign dungeon for a while. Genesis actually traveled to other worlds and experienced a lot. In fact, I'm pretty sure Modus didn't even teach you much."

Ezra's words touched on one of Will's sore spots. He indeed wasn't taught much. Modus took a very spartan approach at the beginning. Little did Will know the rest of Ezra's thoughts.

'You were able to reach such a level with barely any guidance. If you did get proper guidance and experience the right things, then even that bald freak wouldn't know what hit him.'

"If Genesis is so strong, then why hasn't he taken over the world."

Ezra thought for a moment before coming up with a simple answer, "The same reason you wouldn't."

Will laughed at his friend's answer. Will didn't give a s.h.i.+t about power. He only wanted to train in the way of the sword and look cool doing it.

'It seems I should meet Genesis sooner than I thought.'

"Clutching for power is only something the weak would do. In my opinion, Musas.h.i.+ and Arthur are pathetic Sovereigns. They are only strong because of the resources at their disposal.

They have had it easy since the system came. I've fought tooth and nail for everything I have, yet I can make both of them p.i.s.s their pants."
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Will was trying really hard to understand the current power scaling of earth, "Ezra, in terms of fighting power, can you rank the top 5 in the world."

Will thought that Ezra would take some time to think about it but he didn't even waste a second.

"Genesis first, me and Golden Lord tied for second. Arthur and Musas.h.i.+ tie for third. There are some really powerful freaks who don't show themselves much, making it hard to understand from 6th going up"

Will couldn't help but marvel. He didn't know the Samsara sect had so much power.

"Also let me make a few things clear. Musas.h.i.+ and Arthur are p.u.s.s.ies, but they are still Sovereigns. This means they will get stronger and stronger as time goes on."

Solitary Sword Sovereign 119 Ezra's Top 5

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Solitary Sword Sovereign 119 Ezra's Top 5 summary

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