Solitary Sword Sovereign 138 A New Dungeon

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Will left Rhino and Aurora to figure out their own moves. The reason Will knew this name was that he now had a superb awareness of all of earth's users. He had Letty and duke bring a laptop with information on all the big players. He had arranged a few part.i.tions on that laptop and had taken the knowledge in like a sponge.

Will was now getting serious. Ignorance was bliss but a blade hung above it. He would die if he did not get serious. On the laptop were mission reports, dungeon information, meeting minutes, etc. If it could be recorded, it was there.

Compared to the complexity of the Solitary Sword Sovereign, understanding this was child's play. After understanding the information, Will started processing it, allowing him to come up with countless conclusions, and one of them was that Crouching Tiger, Aurora's Vice Chairman, was a spy sent by the 9 Rings Clan. Aurora hadn't had the time nor the ability to strictly vet those who joined her alliance.

Crouching Tiger was the previous head of the guild, Hidden Dragons. They were of the first to join Aurora, not to mention that Crouching Tiger herself was known as second only Grandmaster Fu in terms of battle power. Grandmaster Fu had no interest in politics and only trained. Hence Crouching Tiger was unanimously voted as Aurora's new second in command.

The Peerless Alliance also referred to as the Aurora Alliance by her many fans, had a democratic form. There were representatives, who were voted in by the members. There were plenty of people who had computing-related and skills. Only four guilds were permanent, Hidden Dragons was one of them.

Representatives from these four were chosen internally within the Guilds. A member of these guilds had 2 votes, not to mention at least 40% of the alliance wade up of these guilds. It was Rhino who had come up with the plan that formed this Alliance. But her battle power was lacking. She was still the strongest in their guild after Aurora, which was not easy.

Will had pieced this together and concluded that the Aurora Alliance had been infiltrated by many of the powerful players. But Will expected such an outcome, to the contrary, this was what he wanted. This was part of the plan he had told Letty days before, and now his patience was coming into fruition.

The skill books left behind were amazing. Both were abilities that grew with time. One taught the skill to directly turn qi into strength. The other allowed one to become sensitive to dangers. Unranked Skillbooks were rare, but they were only useful to those who were powerful enough to wield them, just like cultivation manuals. Will had obtained these books at the gas station dungeon, the one he first met Duke at. He felt these abilities suited the girls. It goes without saying that the girls were extremely happy. Especially Rhino. They were both pa.s.sive skills. All she had to do to get stronger was to fight as much as possible. Aurora's skill evolved with how often she fell in danger.

Aurora's current position put her in danger daily. From attempts to battles, she was always afraid but moved forward. The girls picked up their books and learned them. Aurora did not feel much of a change, but Rhino felt like her strength had tripled! Her muscular strength and skeletal density to be exact.

For the first time since they had started following Peerless, they truly felt like comrades!

Their resolve grew with their faith in their leader. Will had only met them for a short time, but his charisma had already imprinted itself in their hearts.

The girls were about to leave when Will's voice rang with instructions.

"Bring all the core members to this location. I will reveal myself then. For now, watch your back."

The girls nodded and squeezed their fists. They walked outside to their troops. Rhino shouted, "Mission over! Let us go home."

Aurora added on, "We have to clean house."


Will was not far, but no one could sense his presence At least, no mortal could. He was using the 'shapeless' aspect of water intent.

"I underestimated the power of water. I need to train this further." Thought Will.

Will speedily caught up with Taiga and the handsome piece of trash. Every time Will saw Ibrahim his envy would spill out. Will had already reached high levels in martial harmony but still allowed this to happen. This showed how much he hated the man for his good looks.

The trio met at a designated point outside the borders.

"Good job Solitary."

Alexa appeared from who knows where. If she had spilled out some killing intent Will would have easily spotted her with bloodl.u.s.t, but his ordinary Aqua Sense was not at a stage where it could match the ability of such experts.

The Dao of water was vast. Will was advised by modus to focus on three aspects. The concept of momentum, the concept of shapelessness, and the concept of ripples. Will was weakest in the concept of ripples.

Simply put, it was changing one's s.p.a.ce into a river. Anyone or anything that enters the river created ripples, alerting the river. Its primary use was sensory detection, but when used together with other concepts, like the concept of momentum, it produced amazing effects, which was what Sicario was exposed to. The wave that crashed his pyramid was made from a quasi fusion of these two concepts.

Will quickly handed authority to Alexa. Once you become any type of lord, the level cap was gone forever. Will was confident of helping Letty with any of her future caps.

"Indeed well done. You get a week of rest, what you do in that week is up to you."

Before Alexa finished Will spoke, "I don't need it. Instead, I'd like to borrow Woodsy and Merlin. I have a dungeon to clear, and I need their help."

Alexa raised a brow but ultimately granted him permission.

Solitary Sword Sovereign 138 A New Dungeon

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