Born In Pain To Be Reborn For Love 14 Broken To Be Whole Together "Shy?"

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In the morning three people ware lying around in bed and ware thinking the same thing.

Will they keep me? Will She want me? Will he accept me? Will they be the same? Will she wait for me? Will he wait for me? Can they love me? Can she live a broken man? Can he accept a broken woman?

They ware all thinking about depressing thoughts. Nothing positive just pure negativity.

After a while Ai Bo turned around and looked into his eyes with tears on her cheeks to see him with the same expression she had in her face of pure fear.

They didn't say anything but he took her into his arms and kissed her forehead.

He was broken like her. She was broken like him. No difference between two broken humans which didn't know what to do in this situation but maybe giving comfort to each other was a way to understand something that wasn't spoken out aloud.

A few moments later Ai Bo felt a tug on her s.h.i.+rt and when she saw her little girl crying she couldn't stop herself from taking her into her arms and press her between her and Fa Feng. She only heard a small whisper if she was going to be her mommy now.

She didn't know at first what she would answer but when she heard the girl weeping loader which may be of her thinking of being dejected she just told her what she thought.

"I will be anything to you as long as you wish it. Didn't you see you are looking like me? I love you and I will protect you this time."

Fa Feng couldn't understand the last part. Didn't they know each other for a few days? What did the girl do for her to make Ai Bo so loving.


In the city the person who was looking for Ai Bo couldn't take it anymore.

What happened how did she escape?? What did the guards do? And why are other people searching for her toy?

And most urgently where did she disappear to?

She needed to find her before her plans got destroyed!

"Call me when you find her! That b.i.t.c.h needs to be found! He can't know about her."

"Madame you should have killed her when you had the chance now we need to find a way to find her and get rid of her permanently."

"I hope you understand your position and stop lecturing me! I know if he finds about her I won't survive another day!" She screamed at her father. She may be his daughter but he was only a lonely servant to her. Ever since she started going after money and popularity she changed into a beast.


The sun was high up in the sky and the new family of tree was sitting outside now just enjoying the sun.

"I love it here." she whispered to Fa Feng.

"I know."

"Will you ever talk longer sentences to me? I have read a loot if books so there are a few possibilities of why you are behaving this way. One. You don't like me. Two you are to shy. or tree you aren't used to talk to woman's. I personally hope it's the last one but I think it's the second option." she told him her thoughts.

He almost choked on air when he heard her thoughts. 'd.a.m.n woman you think I'm shy? And for sure I never talked to many woman's... and man. But shy who was hugging you until a few hours ago.'

"Wrong." if you want me to talk just wait.

And just after the words ware spoken he bent down to her side and kissed her softly on her lips.

For her it was something she never felt before. It felt so soft and she just couldn't move away from his lips. Sure she was surprised for his move. Shy? Absolutely NO. Bold? YES!

After he broke away from the kids he could help himself but smile softly to her bright red face and ask. "Shy?"

"Absolutely no." she whispered after a few minutes of silence still blus.h.i.+ng furiously.

How did it come to this from hugging to kissing in just a day.

"Momma are you well why is your face like this are you sick?" Xaolin asked suspiciously. She called her like this since she was told that she would be anything she wants for her and that was what she wanted badly.

"Nothing my blood is just trying to move to fast for my face to handle." she told her embarra.s.sed. 'd.a.m.n in front of the child! Surely not shy!"

Born In Pain To Be Reborn For Love 14 Broken To Be Whole Together "Shy?"

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Born In Pain To Be Reborn For Love 14 Broken To Be Whole Together "Shy?" summary

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