The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 137 He Is A Tough Guy

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Lu Cheng's base.

For three days, Bran tried everything to break the defense of Dinesh's private disk. However at the last minute, he got hacked by him! Instantly he recognized it's D from Cyber world of his!

Yes! His respectful enemy !!

Bran holds his head and looks at Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng's face was fierce "Did you just get hacked?". He couldn't believe that a mere visitor of his 'wife' is this capable! In fact , every person related to her turned out to be with uncommon backgrounds.

Bran buries his head and sulks "I told you! He is a tough guy!!".

Lu Cheng stands and walks out frustrated.

Bran looks at the laptop screen.


He chuckles helplessly "I never know D would be a boring Teacher!! President? ....Hmm....I will surpa.s.s you soon Senior!".


Tianxian sees Lu Cheng who drove alone again. I wonder where he spends his time alone!?

Bran comes from behind and asks "What about Mrs.Lu?".

Tianxian frowns "What about her?".

Bran asks "Let me meet her...".

Tianxian warns "Bran! What are you asking? She is Chief's wife ?".

Bran shrugs "That's why I am asking..." and says "Just take me with you when you have chance ..I am just curious to meet her...". Lu Cheng was quite crazy on her..but how come D too interested in her?!.


Imperial School.

Tang Xi holds her phone and staring at the photo. She tosses it aside and closes her face.

She gets emotional 'Am I alone again? I don't have anyone to help me!' .

She subconsciously thinks about Ananya and Dinesh. She smiles and grabs her phone.

Tang Xi hesitates looking at Dinesh's number. She mutters "Could he help me with this?".

After a long inner battle she texts

[I need a help. I will call you at 5PM after school]

She keeps her mobile down and sighs nervously.

" RING!!".

She opens her eyes wide and takes the phone hurriedly "Dinesh?".

He asks " What is it?".

She hesitates but says "I need to..know about Jing's mother...she was a surrogate..I couldn't ask Lu Che-".

He smiles "Send me her name..or something about her...".

She nods.

He stops suddenly "Wait!... I will meet you ...just ..don't share them..with anyone..".

Lu Cheng may trace her phone too.

She stunned "Meet? Are you here? ".

He says "Yes..Wait for me after school...I will pick you..".

She was flabbergasted by his sudden personal support and says "Okay!".


Tang Xi walks out of school and sees Dinesh inside a sports car. She smiles and gets in.

She asks "When did you come back?".

He smiles "I have been here for last few days..Need to complete some seminars".

She asks her doubts before asking for his help "Dinesh..How do you know Lu Yei? Do you know Qin Xuan?".

He didn't object "Qin Xuan? Oh ..Yeah...I met her while dropping Lu Yei .. Lu Yei has been staying for some time in my trust....but why are you asking?".

She looks at him and says everything happened.

He wonders "I never thought she has been lying! How is Lu Yei now? Is she okay?".

She nods and hands him her phone. She gets surprised to see how fast he was at typing.

He stops noticing her gaze and coughs "Can you buy some tissues?" and points out a pharmacy. She sees him coughing and goes fast.

He stops coughing instantly and opens her phone and places a chip. He types something and lets out breath relaxing.

PHEW!! I just placed a chip and installed a software. Now they can't find my calls and texts to her while tracing!

He mumbles "I never got this nervous even while hacking countries' top secrets!" and wipes his cold sweats in his forehead.

The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 137 He Is A Tough Guy

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The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 137 He Is A Tough Guy summary

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