The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 141 Lets Create Our New Family Wife!

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He liked this version of Tang Xi too much as she couldn't hide anything from him.Especially she talks too much now!. Her every expression showed her struggle to admit her love for him.

He smiles and asks "Why?" and stands along with her in shower.

She looks at him literally pleading " Lu Cheng..please leave now...or...".

He felt an urge to hug her but stood stubborn to hear those words from her.

He asks "or else what?". He looks at her defeated expression and chuckles in heart.

She pulls his collar and kisses him. Lu Cheng felt her soft lips on his and opens his eyes wide. He thought she would confess him. However he is sweetly surprised and satisfied with her move.

He pins to wall and dominates her moves. He feels her sliding down loosing her balance and lifts her to his waist.

He sees her eyes filled with love and couldn't control himself anymore.


Next day.

Lu Cheng wakes up and looks at Tang Xi who was lying under him tired.

He smiles and circles his hand around her waist. He kisses her forehead and lips. Before he could continue Tang Xi frowns. He wanted to see her reaction so he pretends to be asleep.

Tang Xi holds her head and mumbles "Ah!! This headache!".

She curls feeling pain in her lower body and curses "What the h.e.l.l!? Why -". is it paining?

She opens her eyes wide seeing herself naked and clutches the blanket tight. She turns beside to see Lu Cheng lying naked and gasps realizing the situation that she had 'created' last night!.

She tries to remember last night's thoughts but only remembers herself kissing him first!. She couldn't remember anything other than that.

She covers herself with the blanket and walks into the bathroom slowly. She almost fell while locking the door.

She sits exhausted and curls in pain. Lu Cheng looks at the door and chuckles. He frowns seeing something red in his bed and he is astonished.

He gets dressed worried and walks towards the bathroom . He knocks with a smile, thinking she would be shy "Wifey? ....Tang Xi?".

He frowns as didn't hear anything and runs nervously to get the master key. He opens the bathroom and sees her fainted in the bathtub.

He pats her face anxiously "Tang..Tang Xi?" and scoops her to the bed. He curses himself for being hard on her first time.

He gets her dressed and waits for doctor to check her. The doctor leaves giving him some medicines.

He recalls how she fed him pills while he was half conscious and her words while he was lying in the sick bed. He smiles pecking her forehead "Lets create our new family wife!". He 'makes' her to have her pills and 'treats her wounds'.

In a while Tang Xi opens her eyes and felt her whole body paining. She looks Lu Cheng was busy with his laptop. She pulls the blanket to cover her completely and blushes. Why did I do this? I messed with everything! I seduced him!? huh....He is my husband right? Does this count as seducing?.

She shudders feeling his hands in her waist. He smiles "Are you awake?".

She purses her lips. He kisses her forehead "You will be fine soon..".

She bites her lips "I sorry".

He frowns "Why are you apologizing?".

She sighs embarra.s.sed "I was ...drunk....did I say something bad? did I acted -".

He chuckles "You didn't" . Even if you said, I wouldn't mind after today!!

The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 141 Lets Create Our New Family Wife!

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The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 141 Lets Create Our New Family Wife! summary

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