The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 143 Sissy! Cool Down!

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She teases him "First of all, I don't believe that you really can hack! Don't try to cheat me...Bring your workers..may be they are hacking behalf of you!" and searches by looking around.

He purses her lips 'Why doesn't she believe anything?'.

He snorts "Whatever!".

He next enters into a large hall double the size the lab that they just saw for computers.

Ananya's eyes almost popped out of her sockets "HOW DARE YOU DIDN'T BRING ME HERE BEFORE MY PROJECT SUBMISSION!!".

He shrugs "You were incapable before!".

She spits "What!? Did you just say I was incapable!?".

She folds her sleeves angrily and steps towards him with killing intent.

Dinesh gets a bad premonition and steps back "Huh ...Sissy! Cool down..Don't think about showing your martial arts okay?".

Even though he is stronger than her, he has to pretend he is afraid on her! Its an unsaid rule of every sisters! too troublesome!

She smirks "Oh ! You are late!".

He runs around from her and dodges her attacks. He says "I thought you were not focusing on your field ! You stopped your research and joined School Miss.Vice President! How can I bring you here?".

She pouts frustrated "You too joined school Mr.President! Can I say you are incapable too? and Who told you that I stopped my researches!?".

He announces "I hacked your system! There was no progress in your theories!".

She frowns "You did what!?".

He gulps and gets guarded.

She thinks of something and laughs hard "No wonder You found nothing!".

He creases his eyebrows "What do you mean?".

She scoffs "You forgot an important thing!" and crosses her hands "Guess what?".

He looks at her suspiciously "You ....never updated your theories in your system? You were..".

She nods grinning "Hard copies!!".

His face turned gloomy. No wonder I didn't find them!

She waves her hand and sits in a chair. She pats on the seat beside her and calls him "Come...Lets get to work!".

He stomps and sits looking at her bitterly. Sissy! I hacked the whole world and made them dance just by my fingers but failed to you!

She says in a serious tone "It was an experiment..a successful one...developing a human from Zygotes.".

He asks " Like cloning?".

She thinks and shakes her head "From outsider view, it will look like cloning but this experiments completely based on the stem cells".

He looks at her like 'No Idea!'.

She swallows her high profiled explanations and asks "Do you know what is a cell?".

He purses his lips "I know some basics..". Did she think I am a fool with no basic biology?

She explains "Basic cells are capable of building tissues and muscles in our body. But Stem cells are exclusively for organs! Vital organs..".

He asks intently "Say more".

She shakes her head "This reports only has the process of development..I need the subject..I mean the baby which was developed by this process to say further".

The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 143 Sissy! Cool Down!

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The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 143 Sissy! Cool Down! summary

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