The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 195 Hide And Seek 3

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How long? long this would continue?...I have to get rid of his thoughts.....I should try hard to forget him...Sometimes my anger makes me to think of him!....I really hate him for making Jing alone ...would Jing have cried ?...What would he have thought? Wouldn't he thought I left him to suffer? Would he forgive me? Ever?

She feels sleepy and glances at the time. She groans and cooks her dinner. She finishes eating , takes medicines and a gla.s.s of milk! Done!.

She lays on bed satisfied and lost in her thoughts. She is so restless thinking about her future!

She recalls the doctor's words previously.

She caresses her abdomen and smiles faintly. 'Will you grow healthy? Please? Mommy will follow everything the doctor says! Be good and healthy okay?'.

She slips into sleep and didn't notice the shadow pa.s.sed outside her apartment!


Next day.

Tang Xi wakes from her sleep. She feels dizzy and mumbles "May be I need someone to take care me?". She really misses Aunt Song now. If she was here... and sighs.

She finishes cooking and eating her breakfast. She lost in thoughts while watching a show in TV.


She jerks by the sudden sound and gets scared.

He found me ? so soon?.

Her face turned angry at instant and opens the door fearlessly. She blinks blankly seeing Tang Yuhan at the door.

He stood awkward "Tang-".

She grits her teeth and slams the door immediately. However he places his hand before the door closes.

Tang Xi asks defeated "Didn't I told you before not to cross my path?".

Yuhan looks at her with defeated expression too as if he was eating vinegar and says "I need to know the truth".

Tang Xi "...." I should have told him before!


An hour later.

Tang Villa.

Tang Yuhan has already searching for clues near the painting. He found nothing and waits for Tang Xi.

She walks into the house and sees everything is a mess. She didn't talk anything and walks towards her parents room.

Knight follows her frowning. He sees her opening the wardrobe and folds his hand "We have searched them and there are no secret lockers".

She rolls her eyes "Of course there is none!".

He squints his eyes "Then what are you searching?".

Tang Xi picks something and walks towards him. She hands him a key which looked too old..."Break the cupboard below the painting..You will find a locker".

She brushes past him. She remembered her 'parents' constructed a locker there in her childhood. After that she never thought they actually used it. Sure they would have hidden every details to use them in future! If not, why would they name him 'Yuhan' and imprinted his name below their names?! What was their reason to abandon him?!

Tang Yuhan asks suspiciously "Aren't you going to know about you?".

She asks sarcastically "What's there to know? Do you think they should have brought me from any family?".

If they left him in orphanage , then probably she should be an orphan , right?

He leaves her alone and walks towards the painting.

Tang Xi ignores everything and waits to sign the papers to change the shares too. She can't come another time for that!

She heard rattling and rumbling noises.

After a minute, Knight comes worried and asks "Why don't you stay here?".

The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 195 Hide And Seek 3

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The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 195 Hide And Seek 3 summary

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