The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 259 You Are Really A Trouble!

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City A.

Lu Residence.

Lu Cheng looks at her and sighs "Come with me". He drags her to their room seriously.

Tang Xi is getting mild fear now 'Is he going to confess? About his past?'. She is happy and sad at the same time. 'How should I react? What if he still like her more than me? Will I able to repl'.

Before she could continue her train of thoughts, he already made her to sit on bed.

Lu Cheng sits beside her and says sincerely "Hear me carefully and don't you open your mouth until I finish talking. Alright?".

Tang Xi now felt an urge to laugh immediately but nods with a light smile. She recalls last time 'Seems I made him made last time while he tried to say something...Yes! He said that he fell for me on the day of my kidnap? Is that...'.

Lu Cheng declares "I liked someone before...But I was disappointed badly by her..".

Tang Xi frowns 'Disappointed ? She died right? Why is he saying as if he left her himself?'.

Lu Cheng continues "On that day ...I saw her true face ....I never thought she would be so selfish... I just decided then and there..She was not the one for me....From then on I never felt the same way that I felt for her before..I lost my feelings ...emotions..everything ..I stopped believing any person blindly..".

Tang Xi purses her lips 'Selfish? Didn't she die while saving Jing? Why is he calling her selfish? Wait...What's it do with this ring?!! Can't he answer straight? Why is he beating around the bush?!'.

Lu Cheng says guiltily "That was the reason ...I lied myself that I didn't believe you..But the truth is .. I never doubted you on Jing's matter..I was just feeling insecure seeing my son so close to you..".

Tang Xi is getting anxious 'Why is he mentioning Jing? Why is he not coming to the point! Argh!!'.

She lost her patience and takes Lu Cheng's hand. She gestures him to talk about the ring by raising her eyebrows.

Lu Cheng twitches his lips 'I was confessing everything! Why is she still stuck with this ring!?".

He says "I met her in an event. I liked her pa.s.sion towards her dreams...which was common in us..We planned to get married ..A week before that New Year's day..I proposed her...Fortunately I got to know about her true side ".

Tang Xi looks at him , went silent and asks "But..Why are you still wearing it?!".

Lu Cheng smiles "Do you think I am still wearing this on her memories?".

She stares him intently.

He laughs bitterly "Its just a reminder for me! To not believe someone so soon ..".

She holds his hand and says "I am sorry..". I misunderstood everything?

He shakes his head "It was my fault and I have to apologize...".

She says smiling "You don't have to..".

He chuckles "Then help me with something!".

She frowns smiling "Help you?".

He forwards his hand and asks looking her "Remove this thing for me...".

Her smile froze and gasps "Me?". How could I ?.

He nods intently "You brought everything in my life and now remove this unwanted thing too".

She looks at the ring nervously and asks "Can't you remove it by yourself?".

He smirks "Wifey! I order you to remove it now!".

She blushes hearing him and asks "Are you sure? Do you want me to remove this?".

He nods lightly and smiles.

Tang Xi removes the ring and looks at his face for any reactions. But he is only looking at her.

She clears her throat "Here" and hands him the ring.

He ignores her and stands "Lets sleep..Its late already..".

Tang Xi nods and lays on bed. Seeing Lu Cheng went into restroom, she looks at the ring in her hand and lost in thoughts.

She keeps the ring on a drawer of bedside table and closes her eyes contently.


City Z.

Su Ran's face turned ashen seeing Tang Yuhan. 'Why is he here? Did he come all the way to kill me?! S***!! I should have shut my stinky mouth!! I am going to die for that *******!! I lost my job while defending him!!'.

Tang Yuhan is looking at Su Ran blankly. Moreover, he was utterly surprised by her sudden appearance.

He couldn't help noticing her red swollen eyes yet ignores for now. He averts his eyes away from her and asks nonchalantly "Do you even have time to roam alone?".

Su Ran went blank seeing him already. Her eyes started to sting again seeing him there and doesn't know why. But she stops talking as she was the one to get mad on him first! She had no right to mock him..

'How could I shamelessly yell at him again?!'.

She bows formally "I am sorry for the trouble I caused..I lost my mind before..Hope you forgive me...".

Tang Yuhan frowns mockingly "Thank goodness! You have figured that out so soon! You are really a trouble!".

Su Ran purses her lips and blinks back her tears. She looks around and says hesitating "Then...I will be leaving..".

Tang Yuhan doesn't have any idea to keep her reluctantly. So he nods curtly.

Su Ran felt relieved by his calmness and turns to walk. 'At least he is considerable now..Not making things difficult for me!'.

She smiles bitterly and walks towards the next platform. She sits while waiting for the train.

After a while, Tang Yuhan looks at his watch and frowns "Its already 2! What is she doing at this time here?".

He didn't noticed before as he is lost in some serious thoughts before. He stands and sighs mockingly "Why was her eyes swollen? Did she broke up!?".

He walks searching her and stops seeing her sat looking before her. He sees her not noticing that she was missing her trains and frowns suspiciously.

'Did she really break her relations.h.i.+p?!'.

He smirks 'Seems you have got your punishment for disobeying me!'.

He walks and sits beside her. He scoffs "When are you going to get yourself killed ?".

Su Ran gets out from her thoughts and looks at him blankly. She pouts doubtfully "Why would I?".

He shrugs and points at her face "Your face tells that".

Su Ran purses her lips and says timidly "I won't get myself killed for that *******!!".

Tang Yuhan couldn't help laugh loud 'I just guessed that you would have broken up with ..whoever..But I was right?'.

Su Ran's eyes filled with tears instantly 'I thought he left me peacefully...Is he came all the way to mock me!!?'.

She pouts gloomily "Stop laughing..".

Tang Yuhan looks at her gloomy face and snorts "I told you he was an a******!".

The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 259 You Are Really A Trouble!

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The Devil CEO And Fairy Teacher 259 You Are Really A Trouble! summary

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