WHITE WITCHES 46 Voodoo Doll

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Some of the guys took away mickey. The reason is simple for him to kidnap. They said, some guy looking over mickey since he enter city. They follow mickey and take and chance to kidnap him.

This is something we have to face, look over the beauty. She is a killer one and one of the kidnapper eye on mickey. They follow mickey and kidnap him and take them to an empty factory. They undress mickey and find him a male who disguise as women.

Kidnapper said, this is cheating, we find a beauty turn out to be a boy.

Mickey said, you d.a.m.n fool and he started beating him and said this kind of respect for girl I will kill you. He tried to use magic but he can't. Something was not right here. I unable to use my magical power.

Hitesh was right about here magical power was useless here only use dream power here. Our imagination is our power.

Mickey then leave place looking for the parade ending so he can reach to prisoners.

Manny looking for him, they find mikatsu, she said mickey was missing we have to look for him.

Mikatsu said, he is not a kid who lost in crowed. He will find us we have to just look for other who was in cage.

Manny said, okay!

Hitesh and cobra walking between the crowed and final they saw the parade through cliff and they saw every cage took to other different tent, Hitesh order cobra find other and take them to that tent. I try to get and inside and make the way to in.

Cobra said fine, but it's good for you to get inside like this. They will suspect you and catch you.

Mickey running and said I have to protect my body from that type of kidnapper. They almost, why I think like that? Let's go before another attack me. He also follow the parade ends so he can arrive their carefully.

Kanima and caron also lost in crowed and looking for other so they can reach carefully.

Ima and other screams for help but they can't see other was trying to save them.

Kanima said, we just pursue their soldier, we can easily reach there.

Caron said, let's do it but we have to see other soldiers as well se we will not lost.

Cobra said come with me don't use your brain.

Kanima said you scared us like that. You do scary thing like that just go. We find the cage ends and Hitesh send me to bring other.

Caron see at him and said let's go. I don't like crowed that much.

Kanima said, let's go before Hitesh are in danger.

Cobra said, you are wasting my time talking. Let's go

Hitesh reach to tent and look inside some guard who wear armor. Who guard the cages some other cages were also there.

After that we are hear this kind of non-sense from prisoner. Hitesh listen to the voice of the soldier who talk to prisoners.

So many things happen kilo said, how we end up here and we can't use our power. Ima and earth repeat the same words.

Hitesh jump in knock down the soldiers and trying to release our friends and other. Soldier stand and pick up the sword to Hitesh neck and said stand where you are intruder. Then mickey came out from top of tent and fall over soldiers who point sword toward Hitesh.

Mickey was running away from street dog and run cause him to jump on roof of building and flying birds who also attack him. He said if you are not a toy it will not hurt. Just let me go.

He jump into roof of shops and walking away from dog but dog not leaving him. He take big jump and slide through the wall and end up in tent.

Mickey said, who is this?

Hitesh ask what happen to you. Its look like someone done with you.

Earth said, someone done with you.

Oh! Hitesh said we believe you and we will never forget you sacrifice.

Manny and other also came, and they see Hitesh and mickey was standing and went to help them.

Manny see mickey and ask what happen to you. He said someone trying to...

Hitesh intreept someone done with him.

Mickey said stop, no one done with me a bunch of dog follow me and tear my cloth.

Cobra said let's release them.

Manish said, don't forget us

Cobra ask you also imprisonment here. We all here accept jenny and southern creatures

Let's release us before a doll see us.

What doll? Hitesh ask.

Manish said, a voodoo doll was kind of this place.

What? Are you kidding? Manny

How a doll could make this world, you must be joking caron said.

Ninja said, this doll is not a normal doll. This kind of doll used to kill people. Some doll can poses this power if the find a true possession of body.

Ima said, let's get us out we have to escape before she came here.

In our there is no voodoo doll how they find us, kanima said.

Mikatsu ask, someone hidden bring the doll in our room. Earth said we only see watchdog hidden bring something in our room.

Watchdog said, I though him as a normal doll, so I just give it to jenny so she can play. But that doll is dangerous.

Jika said a doll done this to us, so you can understand how dangerous she is.

Hitesh said, calm down someone will hear us and we will be also be prisoner.

Mikastsu said, let's find something that work on those who believe us.

Hitesh said, stop! Then tent fall and soldiers was surrounding the tent threaten them to surrender.

Tea said, this is our last drive in here.

Masu said, where is jenny? Whenever we are in danger she save us from him

WHITE WITCHES 46 Voodoo Doll

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WHITE WITCHES 46 Voodoo Doll summary

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