Unstoppable Will 5 End Of Tournament/Spar??

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The crowd was stunned that was,one of the better fights they had seen all day. They didn't think a child could fight like that especially a a 11 year old.

Elder:"The winner is Zeke what an exhilarating fight that was,now it's time to go on to the semifinals.The Fights will be between the the two people who's name are drawn from this lot one person will be lucky and not have to fight till the finals. The first battle will be Mark vs. Cyrus and the second will be Makayla vs. Aliya and the lucky one is, Zeke who will be sitting out this round."

Zeke:*So that brat Mark is fighting, I'll destroy him soon enough. But first let's see what his skill set is I can't get over confident.*

Cyrus:" You should just give up I don't want to injure you, young master." 'He had a smug smile on his face'.

Mark:" I would say thank you for your consideration, but you just p.i.s.sed me off.You think just becuase you have been, at the 2nd stage longer than me you're stronger.Well I'll show you who his better. Mark takes his greatsword from his back and dashed towards Cyrus, who pulls his sword from it's sheath. They clash, 'clank' 'clank' 'clank' they seem evenly matched with, Cyrus being pushed back slightly because of the wait of the great sword.

Mark:"Still think I'm a push over you little s***, take this 'Decimating Slas.h.!.+' Mark roars as qi starts to gather around his weapon as it desends towards Cyrus.

Cyrus:*I should have just kept my mouth shut,there is always a taller mountain to climb.* Those where his last thoughts before he got hit with that overwhelming force and got blasted back. He got sent into the crowd and they got knocked over you could see a deep slash along Cyrus's Chest. A group of Qi condensation realm elders ran over to treat him. He was still breathing they took him away.

Layla:"That brat Mark is still as ruthless as ever how could Marcus allow his son to become like that"

Master Carlos:"He might be ruthless but that ruthlessness will keep him alive in this world"

Zeke:*The b.a.s.t.a.r.d has a battle art! This just got a little bit more interesting. I could use this opportunity to breakthrough the 3rd stage of body temepering realm.* He thought this was a great opportunity he just had to capitalize on it.

Elder:"Well then wasn't that an exhilarating battle who knew our young master was so strong. Plus young Makayla also beat her opponent with her bow skills. Now it's time for the final round after the, contestants have gained their energy back and their wounds are treated we shall continue."

An hour pa.s.ses.

Elder:"It is now time for the 'finally' of this exciting tournament, It will be a 'free for all' the last person standing will get the prize of picking a high tier mortal ranked weapon. Our leader has decided to increase the reward after the last few exciting matches." Zeke,Mark, and Makayala, all walk onto the stage this fight would decide the winner"

Mark:"Well If it isn't 'pretty boy' Zeke your sister isn't here to protect you now, I'm gonna enjoy crus.h.i.+ng you. Makayla come fight with me after we beat him, when I win I'll get you a mortal ranked weapon also."

Makayla:"Y. .Ye..Yes young master" 'she blushes'

Zeke:"All you have ever done is talk big Mark now you have to get someone to fight with you just to beat 'little old me'. I'll show you who will be winning after I crush you. Zeke then took his bow from around his body and fired two arrows in succession at both Makayla and Mark. Then throws his bow into the air and disappears.

Cyrus/Makayla:*Where did he go* they thought while dodging the arrows, Zeke then appeared behind Makayla and in one quick motion slashes at her back. Cutting her deeply then kicking her off the stage.

Makayla: "Aaaaawwww"

Zeke:"Well there goes your help" as he looks at Mark with a smirk.

Mark:"F*** you, you're dead" he then rushed at Zeke they traded blows one after the other Zeke blocking each strike with precision. Being at the 1st stage of mastery with his Katana really gave him an advantage, Over Mark who wasn't even half way there yet.

Zeke then drops down and kicks Mark's legs with a spin, then rushes at the boy now layng on his back ready to finish the fight when. Mark suddenly roars and gets back up rus.h.i.+ng at him,then swinging his sword, he could hardly block the strike when Mark screamed out. "Decimating Slash" aiming for Zekes head but he manages to block in time even so the force from that blow sent him flying. He landed very close to the edge of the stage and when he did you, could see small cracks where he landed.

Layla:" ZEKE!!!", she was about to rush onto the stage when she was stopped by Master Carlos.

Master Carlos:"Wait Layla of you go up there now he will be disqualified, have some faith your brother is strong I can tell"

Layla:"....Okay but if he dies I will reek havoc on this town."

Zeke:"Aaaaawwwww" "he could barely think from the pain,*Battle arts are no joke. Judging from the smell he was picking up he guessed he broke through the 3rd stage of the body tempering realm. Which was all well and good but now he was p.i.s.sed he had never been so humilatedin his life. He had gotten too c.o.c.ky it was Even worse since he told himself not to. Even so he would not lose today, he slowly got up his body trembling from the pain.

Mark:"Just stay down you where talking big just a while ago what happened"

Zeke:"SHUT THE F*** UP!!! you think just because you have some mortal ranked battle art you're at the top of the world. Well I'll show you that there is always someone out of reach that you only strive with everything you've got to reach." He picks up his katana and rushes at Mark, Qi quickly gathering around his weapon.

Mark/Layla/Carlos/Marcus:*Isn't that 'Decimating Slash'!!!*

Mark:"How can you use that move it took me four months to learn it? ANWSER ME!!"

Zeke:"I'm just more talented than useless garbage like to you now, DIE!" He swings his blade with all the force he could muster hitting Mark directly in the chest. 'Craaack' Marks ribs are destroyed from the force he is sent flying through a building. When the stunned crowded turned around to look at there young master he looked like s***.

Elder:"The winner of this event is Zeke, NOW SOMEONE GO SEE TO THE YOUNG MASTER!!!."The elders rushed over while a critically hurt Zeke is smiling while thinking.

Zeke:*Do you see that mom your little boy is all grown up soon all be strong enough to come and find you mom just wait for me.* Then he falls over.

Unstoppable Will 5 End Of Tournament/Spar??

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Unstoppable Will 5 End Of Tournament/Spar?? summary

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