Dragon King -1 Magic Ranking

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Two nature type of magic exist in this world

Creative nature : user use the magic energy in him to create element base on the magic essence, he is affiliated to, (Fire style user have Fire essence in him and when he tap on his magic energy in him to cast spell, the spell will be fire related spell)

One user can only cast one base element and one or more derivative element depending on the magic level and his cla.s.s

Manipulative nature:

Unlike the creative nature, the user use the magic energy in him to manipulate the already existing element in his surrounding to his advantage ( example : a sand style user In a sandy place like desert need not waste his magic energy to create sand but manipulate the already existing sand)

(Creating element drains magic energy more quickly, than Manipulating the element, and user tend to manipulate than create)

there are five base element magic (Fire, earth, water, air, and wood) and the rest of then are derivatives , gotten from the base element

Earth== {sand, iron and gold dust}

Water=={ lightening Manipulating, blood control and summoning}

Fire =={ green emerald, blue flame and black fire}

Air=={ flying, float!!, ........}

Wood == { forest formation,.......}

Some magic spells are non elemental and can be possess by any user for example

1. Summoning: any and all user can summon one or more creature depending on his magic energy level and cla.s.s, after signing blood contract.

2. Seal: the ability to seal off ones magic energy, it has no cla.s.s requirement as even am amateur user can seal off the magics energy of a king or lord cla.s.s but it will require great precision and stamina

3. Some magic user can channel their magic energy into any weapon, or fighting material they are using in combat thereby increasing it damaging strength ( a user can channel his magic into his sword, increasing it cutting power, and length)

4. Forbidden spell: some spell are branded forbidden by the wizards a.s.sociation and if caught practicing it might result in death of the user or permanent sealing of the user's magic energy ( zombie dance or forest formation— black rose flower, transfer of magic essence and life force )

Creation of new derivative element and magic spells depends mainly on

3. environment ( an earth style user in a desert with time will learn how to manipulate and use sand),

2. heritage and gene ( an offspring of two distinct element can combine both element energy and create new element different from the parent element { earth+ fire== molten magna/ lava}, {water+ fire == mist})

3. practice, practice make perfect, they say; a user can develop new element style by sheer practice ( a water style amateur user, with practice can freeze water droplets and turn it to projectile with ease)

4. Learning and training: learning an already perfected magic spell either from a master or any other way, a user develop new spell, unlike sheer practice, the user don't need to practice often to perfect it, in practicing the magic energy level evolves as the user practice more often and its spell also evolves but in learning, the magic energy level might probably not evolves but the user is in possession of an evolved cla.s.s spell ( a wood style amateur might have in his a.r.s.enal a lord cla.s.s spell he know how to cast) but a king cla.s.s spell will kill an amateur who cast it and the spell might not be potent as it ought to be because of the amount of magic it will tap from the magic essence and a lord cla.s.s spell will probably knock the user unconscious depending on the level of the cla.s.s

5.magic energy level and cla.s.s

amateur stage: those with magic essence in them either by birth from magic user parents or by baptism of magic are in this first stage; magic spell related to the their magic essence are the only spell they can cast, they can summon only one creature mostly animal that have little or no magic energy consuming contract, it is divided into two stage ( mortal and immortal stage).

Lord cla.s.s: after the first evolution, the user is in this stage and can cast many spell, ( one base element and one or more derived element; they can summon two to three creature and last long in battle, it is also divided into two( earth lord stage and sky lord stage)

King cla.s.s: the final evolution is to this stage, the heart desire of all but have been achieved by few, in this cla.s.s, the user can cast more base element and their derivatives, they can summon close to ten creatures depending on the magics energy contact of the creatures , their magic energy is so big that they can fight for long duration maybe from half a day to all day depending on the amount of magics energy being released


Magic essence ==magic source, usually located at the heart in the middle of the body and from it, flows the magic energy and life force. The bigger the magic essence the higher the amount of magic energy at the disposal of the user

Magic energy == the energy that flows round the body from the heart to all part, forming its own energy network

Magic energy and essence increasing gradually as, the user evolves but it takes time and constant practice, it can also evolves when the user take magical substances like

1. received life force and essence from a dying person, some user can steal it but it is rare because it is a forbidden spell

2. Eat magic fruit

3. Elixirs ( magic mixtures, created by the wizard a.s.sociation and other magicians {those that study magic})

If a user injects magic essence and life force fore, twice the size of its own magic essence, the magic source will collapse and the user will die

Amateur stage

Lower cla.s.s--------------- 1,000 magic energy unit

Upper cla.s.s------------- 10,000 magic energy unit

Lord stage

Earth cla.s.s-----------100,000 magic energy unit

Sky cla.s.s----------- 1,000,000 magic energy unit

King stage-------10,000,000+ magic energy unit

Dragon King -1 Magic Ranking

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