Demon Guardian In The Multiverse 129 Meeting Zeno

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They returned while Natsu left with his master not wanting to interrupt the celebration over winning against Yami as well as bringing s.h.i.+zuha back from the dead. Logan was celebrating for a moment and then leaves in the middle of it. Once outside he looks at his hand that was shaking uncontrollably and Abigail who followed him asks, "Are you going to train?" "Yes, need to adapt to the new power. It's hard to control. The speed forces are more obedient when I say stop but this isn't. It's like it wants to run and never stop again. I need to control it before we enter the next world. I don't want an accident to happen while we are there," says Logan and Abigail says, "For how long?" "Until I can stop the shaking. I don't need full control yet. Just enough so I can eat like a normal human," says Logan and Abigail hugs him and says, "Shura was more aggressive than normally don't you think so."

"That must be his emotions. I'm going to fight him soon and he must be happy to finally have someone to fight against after so many years or like he says circles," says Logan who kisses Abigail and then disappears to train in Paradise. Abigail then returns and Ray asks, "Did he leave?" "Yes, he said he needs to adapt to his new power. So don't expect him for at least a week," says Abigail and Ray says, "Well better for us the. Don't need to train that hard until he returns."

"You will train as always or I will tell your sister about it. She is harder than your father when it comes to training," says Abigail and Ray says, "Can't be Liona and Raichi just entered the family." Suddenly Ray gets chills going done his back remembering the wedding of Aaron how a woman was disciplining his two nephews for not taking their enemy serious and says, "You mean Evelyn. She doesn't even show mercy to Bryce and Cyrion if you tell her I might as well run forever because she will try to catch me and drag me back to train me even harder than father."

"Then you shouldn't slack on your training. Once born in this family you are a soldier. If you don't believe me ask your grandfather. His father and grandfather were also in the military and your father entered it after ditching university. So don't complain and train because who will protect Ciri when we aren't around and someone stronger than you appear. Then you will regret not have trained when you could," says Abigail and Ray says, "Fine but one thing is clear. Father isn't the only maniac in our family."

Then Ray joins the party again and Abigail sits down beside Ciri and Raichi and begins to drink. When Saiga and s.h.i.+zuha both sit on the other side of the table and Saiga says, "I haven't seen Logan since he left. Did something happen? I wanted to give him my thanks again while presenting him my wife." "Nothing of importance. He just went to adapt to his new power so he doesn't go around and hurts people once we go to the next world," says Abigail and Saiga looks at Abigail confused when Hayato tells him about Logan and the others being people who jump from world to world to solve the crisis in them.

In the meantime, Logan was in the time chamber and he was not only shacking on his hand but his whole body was shaking now uncontrollable. He began to suppress his new power to his best only to make it worse. He began to fight with his body to control the speed. After a year Logan could finally control halfway the power of Absolute Speed and told himself, "Another year and I will be ready to return maybe even earlier. Let's keep training."
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Three more year in the time chamber and Logan completely forgot why he entered because he kept training more and more until Ray enters the time chamber and sees his father flying with difficulty and he takes a candy out of his pocket and throws it into the white s.p.a.ce and sees how the candy didn't even fly but crashed straight into the ground once it left the safe zone and Ray says, "He must have gone crazy with the gravity. Let's put it down and drag him back don't want to let the people wait outside."

Ray puts the gravity down to normal and leaves the safe zone and flies over to Logan's side and says, "Father you have a visitor waiting for you outside." "Really who is it?" asks Logan and Ray says, "Someone called Zeno. Mother and the others are making him company while he talks about how he is making a tournament that will start in two days and wants you in it." "Does he looks like this," says Logan who transforms into the Zeno he knows from the Dragonball Universe and Ray says, "No, he looks like a normal person just his skin is in lines of violet, blue and violet again. He also gives a majestic aura from himself."

"Alright, let's go then I was just training and forgot that I only came to control my powers not to improve them," says Logan and Ray says, "Just be careful mother already a.s.sumed it when you didn't return yesterday. Don't let her know or we will all suffer." "As long as you hold your mouth no one will ever know," says Logan as he gets into the shower and changes into his clothes to meet with this Zeno. They leave towards Ryozanpaku and find the people drinking tea even Sakaki who normally would drink beer and Logan says, "Now then where is our visitor."

"I'm here," says Zeno he was a bit taller then Logan and his head was normal except for the skin that really made him remember Zeno and Logan says, "Well surprise surprise, you don't look like Zeno at all." "You mean like the anime and manga. No, I look like that to not scare my people since this is my normal mode and many would try to fight me just to test themselves. I know you aren't like that since you like to talk and only resolve to violence when you are angry or they attack you first like Jas.h.i.+n or Im," says Zeno who sits down and gesture Logan to sit down beside him.

"My father and your son should have informed you about the tournament right," says Zeno and Logan says, "Yes but I thought it would take some time." "Don't be a fool you know that we G.o.ds aren't bound to time. Don't you remember that you lived for two weeks in my brother's world but a month pa.s.sed in this one. It's because time works differently in every world we control for ourselves. My father only make one thing for you and it is to calibrate the time of all world you are in so you don't find a surprise when you return to them," says Zeno and drinks his tea when Logan says, "That explains why the time back then in the world was different when I first went there it was 800 years before Naruto was born. The second when he was twelve I think and when we went to live there he was fifteen."

"That's right time flows differently in other world and only Shura or Lorena can change that and they did for you. But now back to the tournament. I want you to win it since one of the universes has a big advantage and they might wish with the Super Dragonb.a.l.l.s something else than in the anime and manga," says Zeno and Logan says, "You mean Jiren?" "No, I mean Goku," says Zeno and Logan looks with wide eyes at Zeno and Zeno says, "You know there are multiverses well in this one Goku never lost his memories but did learn under the people there learning everything he could first from his adopted grandfather then from Ros.h.i.+ and so on. He is a mastermind that didn't let anything come in his way. That's how he conquered the Universe and mastered UltrInstinct. He even married Bulma who unwillingly accepted since her family would have died by his hand and has made Chi-Chi his mistress with Lazuli the same way."

Logan now looks confused and Zeno says, "You might know her as C18. I need you to stop him since he wants to wish to become a G.o.d." "Isn't that good if he becomes a G.o.d he can't interfere in mortals affair right," says Logan and Zeno say, "Then what about Jas.h.i.+n and Im weren't they G.o.ds too." "Now that I think about it," says Logan and Zeno says, "Only G.o.ds that are born as G.o.ds can't interfere except it is really needed like when I killed Zamasu. People like you and the G.o.ds of destruction that are appointed G.o.ds or reach G.o.dhood aren't bound to the rule. That doesn't mean that they can't be punished. My father killed many of those once in the Universe you know as the Universe of ATG. The poor fools never knew what hit them. Now back to Goku. He won't be able to be stopped not even by me when he wishes for G.o.dhood that's why I want you there to stop him. He will play by the rules and you to since I heard from Bard that you can be trusted with a.s.signments."

"Now when have I reached G.o.dhood?" asks Logan and Zeno says, "You didn't know? It must have been long since you give the energy from a G.o.d out of your body. How about this you win and I give you some techniques we G.o.d have to learn to control our G.o.dly energy and some replicas of the Super Dragonb.a.l.l.s once you finished with the a.s.signment of winning the tournament." "Im interested in those scrolls but what about you give me the original ones and keep the replication so Goku won't be able to ever reach G.o.dhood even if he gets all seven together since he will find a way to get if he really is a mastermind as you say," says Logan and Zeno says, "At least I know you won't use them for something dangerous. Deal but no killing that is my part." "Understood when do we leave," says Logan and Abigail says with a cold undertone, "Hold on a minute I will go too. I want to castrate someone."

Both men get s.h.i.+vers and Zeno whispers to Logan, "She really hates men that have more than one woman." "Who are you telling. Didn't Bard tell you that I brought a woman with me from another world. I think she didn't rip my thing off because she still needs it sometimes," whispers Logan back and Abigail says, "You still have it because I still want one or two children from you. And now let's go." "Alright, but you won't be able to kill him since it's not allowed," says Zeno and Abigail gives of an aura he knows too well from his mother while she says, "Who says I'm going to kill him. I just want to castrate him that isn't killing if he doesn't bleed out. I will make it so he can never touch a woman ever again."

"You heard the woman. Let's go before she becomes more scarier," says Logan and Zeno says, "You know your wife is in the favor of my mother right." "I thought so the moment Shura told me that Lorena was watching Abigail's progress before," says Logan while Zeno opens a portal and all three leave through it and Ray asks, "How long do you think will the be away?" "A week maybe two why," answers Shura who appears in between them and scares all of them and Ciri says, "How long were you there." "The whole time wolf pup. It's just that I can make my presence so thin that no one will see or hear when I don't want them too. It's interesting how Zeno could sniff the G.o.dhood from Logan while Bard couldn't it seems I need to discipline him later on. Now then I have to leave and watch a tournament. See you in three and a half weeks," says Shura while disappearing again.

Demon Guardian In The Multiverse 129 Meeting Zeno

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