Demon Guardian In The Multiverse 36 Logan's Training And Family Reunion

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In these five years, Logan trained the children Malcolm became a swordsman with three katanas as he read in One Piece in the Library becoming a huge fan of Zoro he wanted to copy him Logan made him at first three wooden katanas that didn't survive long with Malcolm. Logan learned Blacksmithing and made Malcolm three durable Katanas. Until Malcolm got some swords from Shura as his 8 birthday present.

Evelyn got her weapon from Lorena it was like the Green Dragon at one side and on the other side was a powerful ca.n.a.lization stone like Abigail to cast magic faster. It was a growing weapon that adapts to its user. Gabriel was still too young but got a pair of gloves from Shura saying, "Once you are bigger you will get a stronger pair. Made for you." Gabriel named his friends Pete and Neko once he could speak. "What metal are they made of?" asks Logan and Shura says, "The same as your bones only Gabriel got normal metal for now." Then Shura and Lorena leave.

While Logan was training the twins, Dino trains the other Digimons and Ryuu trained Sun Wukong and Kurama. While Gabriel was learning ki and chakra control and manipulation and hand seals with Abigail that learned them over the years to help Logan in training them. After Gabriel celebrated his 6 birthday A week later all entered the time chambers for 2 days. After that Abigail took them out to Thedas better said to the Amell Estate to meet Leandra and the other. While Logan continued his training inside alone. For three more days of training inside.

When the children arrived at the Amell Estate with Malcolm and Evelyn being 14 years old and Gabriel with 10 years. Leandra couldn't believe it until Abigail appeared with the rest leaving Ronnie behind until he learns how to shrink himself.

Leandra seeing handsome teens one with three swords on his hip with grey hair and blue eyes by his side another with a staff on her back with the same hair and eyes and the last one has the same hair and eyes with some metal gauntlet that go up to the elbows and some s.h.i.+n savers made of metal that go from knee to foot to protect his legs while kicking. "So my babies grow already and I didn't see it," says Leandra and Abigail says, "Now now they aren't babies any longer look at them and their partners. Those are Wukong and Inu they are with Malcolm. Then there is Nathan and Miles they will be with Evelyn and Gabriel has Pete and Neko then there is Kurama don't be fooled by his look he is bigger then he looks. Logan summoned him as well as his family they come over once in a while to play with Ronnie who has also changed. He has now three heads and is more powerful than some G.o.ds said Shura."

"Yeah Ronnie poor guy needs to learn how to shrink so he can come to he is learning it from my brothers if we say it simple," says Kurama and Leandra says, "That very nice of your family thank you." Kurama doesn't know what to do since its new for him being thanked by a human that isn't Logan and the others.

"Grandma, you look younger than before you always had those wrinkles they all disappeared," says Malcolm and Leandra say, "One day five years ago my face changed but what am I talking about we should call Carver and Merrill over with your little cousins. They are two boys and are three and one right now.

Suddenly Bethany came through the door and enter the full living room and says, "What's going on here who are you?" "Now Bethany don't you recognize your nephews and niece. They have grown up and their friends," says Leandra and Bethany walks over and looks at the three and then at her sister and says, "You really grew I still remember you like yesterday. You were so cute even Gabriel our little troublemaker here. I will go call Carver and Merrill with your cousins." "You still haven't found one?" asks Abigail and Bethany says, "No not really thought Fenris comes once in a while over and we play a little but nothing serious for now." Bethany walked out of the house and Abigail asks, "Where is Solona?" "She went with Varric and Cullen when Cullen volunteered to follow the seeker that came to interrogate Varric and us all because you left. She writes the whole time she even has a girl with Cullen that lives with Carver and Merrill to protect her. She is four now the other call her big sister," says Leandra and Abigail says, "At least you weren't alone the whole time."

"Varric always sends the payment and everyone is fine with the money Carver and Merrill have time to live peacefully with the children. I hoped you were the same but it is in their blood as it looks like.*sighs*" says Leandra and Malcolm says, "Don't worry Grandma Father trained us hard so nothing happens to us." "There he is right he trained them hard they can even transform into what was it called?" asks Abigail and Evelyn says, "Super Saiyan. Mom don't forget we also got our Devil Trigger too. But we don't use it until it is really relevant or in a dangerous situation and Malcolm Grandma doesn't have any wrinkles because of Dads wish to the Dragon he told us about it but you never hear what he says only when its interest you."

Bethany came with Carver, Merrill, and Aveline and three children into the living room and says, "Look who I found on the market when I pa.s.sed it to get to Carver." "Where is my little G.o.dson?" says Aveline looking in the room finding only some teens and creatures never seen before. "Ah, Aveline Gabriel she is your G.o.dmother go over there and give her a hug just don't break her she is still a family member. And who are you three," says Abigail looking at the three children and Gabriel like the others gave their G.o.dparents a hug and the girl answered, "My name is Melanie that here is Melvin and Martin."

After everything was talked over and the house became lively again only Kurama wasn't happy with his task to play with the children. Then Aveline says, "Tomorrow the war could be over since the Divine Justinia V summoned a conclave to end this hopeless war. That started here because of Anders.*sighs*" "Well then we came to early but it is good soon Varric will send a letter asking for help from us," says Abigail and Gabriel this time asks, "Are we going to fight too?" "Yes since Logan will let you go loose so you can have fun," says Abigail and the grown-ups got some s.h.i.+vers down there back and Gabriel says, "Finally it was no fun fighting dad always and losing against him even when ganging up on him."

"So he hasn't changed after all," says Carver and Abigail says, "Not one bit he trained them harder than us I wanted to kill him at first for training them so hard but they always got stronger and stronger. And I couldn't do anything about it and now they are a team like Logan, Ryuu, and Dino. Logan will now train for three whole days inside the chamber to master his new power and wanted to try something new too."

POV Logan

Logan has cloned himself and the clones were trying to master the elements and the real one was trying to transform into Super Saiyan G.o.d. After a year the clones mastered every element and started with mastering sage mode like Has.h.i.+rama, while Logan was meditating and concentrating not to let his Ki leak. Logan was meditating and keeping a blank state that he entered and suddenly he powered up but this time no ki leaked and his ki became red as well as his eyes and hair.

Logan finally attained SSG. He tried to stabilize his transformation and then he begins to train in it. Cultivating his G.o.d ki. After another year the clones mastered the sage mode and learned new jutsus. While the real one was synchronizing his ki and chakra with his light and demon power going wild inside the time chamber. After another 3 years, he completed the synchronization and unlocked his SSGSS to SSGSS3 and then he read the book over Ultra Instinct and thought, 'Isn't this what my father always did to me been in edge the whole time even when I sleep do I need to go through the same again just let my Instinct take over. Let's try it.' Logan summoned clones and began his new training to reach Ultra Instinct. While other clones finished their training in those three years with the Rinnengan and all the six path techniques finding out why he never had an ability, as well as his Mangekyou Sharingan, doesn't have one his eyes copies the abilities of the someone else eyes. That must be also why his Susanoo doesn't have a weapon since he will copy the weapon may be too he needs to research it later on.

After half a year Shura pa.s.sed by and says, "You know your father had the right training but you lost your edge because you are overpowered now and don't feel the fear and danger like you were before. I have someone here for you that is perfect for your training. He trained Goku, Vegeta, and Beerus. He will train you for the rest of the year until its time to return." "h.e.l.lo, my name Whis and I don't know this Goku or Vegeta that the G.o.dking talked about. But Beerus would pretty much like to fight against you if he were here. As I can see you attained G.o.d ki and can even use it fine and you are trying to enter Ultra Instinct wrongly you need to let your body react without thinking about it let your body direct itself and be the pa.s.senger. I looked into your memories with the help of the G.o.dking and he showed me that you as well as your whole family in your world could be called masters in it so I don't know how you could lose it." says Whis looking at Logan with disappointing eyes and Logan says, "That was when I didn't have ki or chakra or anything else I have now."

"That's why I will have to hypnotize you to relive those memories maybe that will help and since you have an inhuman regeneration it will not take a big toll on you," says Whis and snaps trapping Logan in his scepter and then puts him to sleep. A quarter year later Logan awakes and his hair was white as well as his eyes. Whis let him out and says, "Now you need to adapt to it let have a sparring." Logan nods and Whis begins to attack and Logan didn't evade nor blocked since it pa.s.sed by Logan's right side. Then Logan attacked and Whis blocked it easily and attack this time seriously while Logan evaded and attacked at the same time. Whis blocked the attack and it keeps going on until It was like breathing for Logan and they stopped then Logan says, "I now need to stabilize it and try to do something no one did before."

"Well not really the first one was the G.o.dking himself that entered this mode and pa.s.sed it down to his son Zeno our Omni-King and he pa.s.sed it down to us Angels. Only mortals haven't mastered it. Until now as it looks like well you aren't really mortal if we look deeper than the body. But it was fun seeing someone surpa.s.s the limits of a mortal since even G.o.ds don't pa.s.s this line. If you ever come to our Universe come and say Hi." says Whis and Shura appears saying, "Time to go as it looks like and you finally got back to your roots." "Yes, thank you. You two for helping me remember this feeling," says Logan, and Shura disappears with Whis.

The quarter year he had left surpa.s.sed he his Limits and pa.s.sed to SSGSS4 and into Ultra Instinct if he really needs to but it takes a toll on his body he can hold it for 5 minutes only or he will destroy himself while doing it. Then he leaves the chamber and takes a shower without letting go of his Ultra Instinct to still adapt to it.

He then walks to the Library and opens the summoning scrolls and signs his name as well as his fingerprints on all of them. And then uses the reverse summoning to get to Mount Myoboku once there he meets two young toads and asks, "h.e.l.lo there can you bring me to the Great Toad Sage?" "h.e.l.lo friend I didn't know we had a contractor?" says the female one and the male one says, "Maybe he lost his way and wants to find his way back that's why he wants to talk to the Great Sage." "I can hear you," says Logan and the male toad says, "I'm sorry friend my name is f.u.kasaku and that here is my wife s.h.i.+ma how about I guide you to the Great Sage." "Thank you my name is Logan."

After following the two toads Logan arrived and Gamamaru says, "Now that is something unexpected I awaited you much later and with a different hair color with one of your sons." "So you know of me good then I will come later than when the time is right. When will it be?" asks Logan and Gamamaru says, "In almost a century well less than that maybe 780 years until it is time for your return." "Then so be it I will come back when it's time. Or summon me if I'm needed I will come to help if I can," says Logan and returns home opening a portal with his sword toward Paradise then he teleported to the Amell Estate and find the people looking strange at him and Logan transforms back into his normal form and says, "Has something happened?"

"Yes, a freaking hole in the sky. That was what you mean didn't you. When you said everything will go fine. How in the world are we going to close that hole," says Abigail and Logan says, "Not we but the man or woman with a glowing hand. Has Varric send anything already." "No the hole opened just yesterday over Ferelden and Orlais it didn't get here yet," says Abigail and Logan says, "Then it is fresh let's be careful since I don't know the range of it and if it can open some rifts in the Free March."

Some weeks later a letter arrived from Varric saying that an elf woman appeared with a glowing hand and they call her Andraste's Herald but she likes to be called simply Ellana Lavellan. Also that they need our help. While Daveth has sent also a letter asking for help he is with the other Warden of Ferelden hiding in Crestwood waiting for Logan to come and get them.

"It's finally time for some action what do you all say," says Logan and the children as well as their partners were happy even Kurama was happy after playing babysitter for the nephews and niece of Logan only Dino sighs knowing his days of rest are over.

Demon Guardian In The Multiverse 36 Logan's Training And Family Reunion

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Demon Guardian In The Multiverse 36 Logan's Training And Family Reunion summary

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