Possessive Love By Powerful Billionare CEO 12 Mana Came

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"I cannot believe that I made such a mistake . How could I give him my personal usb ?!! Why do I have to be such an idiot ?!!!!" said Aria in a desperate way and lost in her thoughts about how to recuperate her usb . When she turned her head around she realized that she had already arrived at the company .

"Never thought I would come here again . Haizzzz... I don't wanna argue again with that girl . I better finish my business fast ! " said Aria and looked at the company . It was a huge and majestic building with the most modern architecture possible. It had twelve floors and two types of elevators . The first was within the building and the other was with gla.s.s windows . You could see a great view from the gla.s.s window elevator. Aria though that it was indeed an amazing building. She saw a bar near the company and decided to buy a frappuccino . It was Aria's favorite drink . Every time she saw a bar or felt a bit nervous or even for nothing , just for her own pleasure she would buy a frappuccino. After buying it she entered the company and went to the reception .

"h.e.l.lo ! My name is Aria and I would like to meet your president . I forgot something in the president's office and I wanna take it back . Please inform him ! "

The receptionist was a beautiful and elegant girl with black hair , white skin and big b.o.o.bs . When she looked at Aria's simple outfit and face she thought that this girl wasn't here to seduce the boss , so she decided to help her .

"Welcome to the ' Castejo Tech' company ! Currently the president is having a meeting with the lawyers . "

"Oh , is that so .Hmm....ms receptionist can you please tell me if it is possible to meet mr Bekora instead of the president . I'm ..kinda in a hurry so can I ask him . I won't take much of his time and plus I would like to leave as soon as possible. Please ! "

When she noticed Aria's nervous face and begging eyes , she thought that it was a bit strange and funny . All the girls who entered the company wanted to stay as long as possible but she wants to leave , weird.

"I don't know if he has time , I will check it . "

Aria's face was full of hope when she started to check . The secretary noticed Aria's hopeful and nervous face and laughed softly .

When the so called secretary was about to come another secretary came .

"I'm really sorry for disturbing you and thank you very much ms Mana . " said the secretary .

Aria looked at Mana and then at the secretary in a confused way .

"Hahahaha , what's with the look ! My name is Mana Scholz . Nice to meet you ! " said Mana with a smiling face and extended her hand towards Aria in a polite way of greeting. Aria shake Mana's hand too .

"Nice to meet you too ! "

"I tried calling Bekora but he didn't answer . " said Mana .

"Is that so ? Anyway thanks for helping me Mana . "

"You're welcome Aria . By the way I heard that one day a girl came along with a handsome boy and the two of them together were able to get the evidence needed in order to save the company. Is that girl you perhaps ? "

Aria remained silent and nodded in sign of agreement . Mana asked Aria to tell her everything in details . The two of them went to the caffe inside the company which was on the third floor , so that they could continue their conversation . After sitting and talking both of them started to laugh and soon became friends.

"So , do you work here Mana ? "

When hearing this Mana remained a bit surprised and a smile showed up in her face . At the beginning Mana thought that she was pretending and decided to provoke her wether she was faking ignorance or she truly didn't know them . After carefully a.n.a.lyzing Aria's behavior Mana understood that she was just a naive girl.

"I don't work here . I just came for some work that the company I'm working in has with this company . Like a supervisor . "

"Wow ! That's pretty nice. As for me I have just finished the law university . Currently I am unemployed and looking for a job . "

Mana and Aria chatted for a while longer till the secretary came towards them . She notified that the meeting had ended and mr Bekora was ready to meet with Aria .

"The Vice President is waiting for you in the A7 hall . At the tenth floor . "

"Thank you !"

"You're welcome! " said the secretary and left . Mana noticed that Aria kept looking at the floors with a worried face .

"What's wrong ? "

"I am wondering where the hall A7 is ? I would appreciate if I had a guide with me right now . "

"Hahahaha ! Don't worry , I'll take you there . We will take the elevator so that we can go there faster ."

Aria and Mana arrived at the tenth floor in the blink of an eye . They walked a bit in the hallway and then entered the A7 hall . The moment they opened the door they saw Bekora reviewing some files.

"h.e.l.lo Bekora ! It's been a while." said Mana .

"Mana ?! You came back ! " said Bekora surprised. It had been two years since she went to Italy for further studies in the business managing and economics field.

"What ? You're not glad that I came back ? " asked Mana pretending to be hurt .

"No , it's not like that . I feel very happy that you're here .

Bekora was really happy to see Mana . Before she left she said that she would come after three years but she came a year early and that sounded a bit suspicious to him . Bekora decided to handle this later and solve Aria's business first .

"h.e.l.lo Aria ! What can I help you with ? Sorry for not greeting you right away , it's because ms Mana's appearance was a real surprise . "said Bekora .

"It's okay . I should be sorry for delaying your work and discussion with ms Mana . " said Aria in a polite way . Mana looked at Aria carefully so that she could understand her character better and get to know if she would seduce Bekora or not .

" Don't worry about that . " said Bekora with a smile on his face . Since when he met her he hadn't changed his opinion about her , a smart , nice and naive girl .

Aria started to tell him everything . Bekora couldn't stop himself without laughing a bit. 'Ace was truly in a tight spot judging from Aria's anger ,thought Bekora . Mana listened carefully and didn't take part in the conversation.

" All right don't worry , I am gonna get your usb right away. Wait here with Mana for a minute please."

" Sure , thank you mr Bekora !" said Aria relieved .

Possessive Love By Powerful Billionare CEO 12 Mana Came

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