Mediterranean Hegemon Of Ancient Greece Chapter 128: Rugby

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Chapter 128: Rugby


The squad training duration is not too long, but with the help of Xethippus, Arsinis manage to quickly integrate into his squad.

Then the squad was merged into the centuria for further formation training, and Arsinis begun to become more familiar with the more complex tactical instructions and flags: The rhythm of the drums, and at what speed. The salpinx sound when advancing. The salpinx sounds when retreating, and the salpinx sound when they are gonna charge.

In addition, under the different sounds of the drums and salpinx, they also paid attention to the direction of the flag. When the flag points forward in a certain direction, then they would move, rush or charge in that direction. If the flag is facing a certain direction backward, then they would slowly retreat in that direction. If the flag circles around continuously, then it means that they need to stop moving, rest, be alert or start preparing. They also need to learn how to quickly change the column into a row, and then to quickly split the phalanx formation into lines and move quickly. There are also some complex tactical operations, such as the second and third platoon to go in defense, and the first and fourth platoon do a pincer attack.

Then the next step was to merge with the brigade. But this time, instead of the complicated tactical instructions, it was more about the transformation of the formation. For example, the fish scale formation (Named by Davos, which is in fact the Roman's checkerboard formation), which rapidly change into a large phalanx formation, then the large phalanx formation will then change back to the fish scale formation. The front row will retreat, and the rear row will move forward, which will then form a new large phalanx formation. In addition, the phalanx formation can rotate to the left and right while keeping the formation close.

And finally, a great joint training of the whole Legion. Besides the formation transformation, they also increase the cooperation with the other brigades. For example, when advancing, the rear peltast brigade will quickly pa.s.s through the gap of the fish scale formation and rush to the front of the formation, then the peltast soldiers will scatter into a line, then make a throwing and shooting action, and then quickly retreat to the rear from the gap of the formation, and then the fish scale formation will quickly merge and form a huge phalanx formation. When a sharp salpinx sounded, it means that the cavalry on both wings will launch an attack (although there are currently only few cavalry now, Davos still specially prepared a tactic for them). The peltast unit in the peltast brigade (the seventh brigade) which had retreated behind the phalanx formation before, will then follow behind the cavalry. When the cavalry attacked with their spears, the peltast will then follow them behind in a loose formation while holding wooden s.h.i.+elds and Rhomphaia, then the hoplites in a formation will slowly push forward.

Arsinis had never seen so many novel ways of attack and defense, which has greatly broadened his horizons. At the same time, he was also troubled by the changing flag instructions, but with the constant reminding of his squad leader, Xethippus, and his comrades, it made Arsinis and the others to not make a huge mistake. Gradually, they were able to keep up with the pace of training.

It was still early when the training ended due to it being May already.

At this time, the archon, Davos, stepped onto the temporary stage.

The tired soldiers became excited.

“Brothers, what are we going to do next?!!” Said Davos.


“Are you now familiar with all the rules after the last practise?”

“We are!!!”

“Then, let's begin!!!”

“Just like last time, we will set up four fields. First will be, the first platoon of the first centuria of the first brigade vs the first platoon of the first centuria of the seventh brigade. Next, the first platoon of the first centuria of the second brigade vs the first platoon of the first centuria of the third brigade. There are only 4 hourgla.s.s in a match, and the one who scored the most will be the winner and the losers will be eliminated, and the winning team will need to prepare for the next round.”

While the soldiers were waiting for the archon to say “Get ready”, but Davos continued to say, “Now, I am announcing a new rules and that is, each team must have five Lucanian slaves join them.”

The soldiers went into an uproar, while the senior officers such as Kapus, Drakos, and Hieronymus have already been informed by Davos in advance, and that this is an effort of the archon in order to integrate the Lucanians.

And no one dares to refute the order of Davos, so Bagul and the other 40 Lucanian slaves were taken to the training ground.

Bagul and the others were originally grinding stones, but Alexius suddenly gathered them together and then pointed at the 40 people that Bagul led, and said that they are the best 40 men among the slaves that are working today. And as a reward, they will be allowed to play rugby with the citizens of Amendolara.

Bagul needed to translate it to them because most of the Lucanians do not understand Greek. The slaves were restless and worried that this was a scheme of the Greeks and that they wanted to take advantage on them.

And so Alexius swore to the G.o.d that they will be able to come back before dark!

Bagul and the others were then brought into the training camp and stood in front of the Greek soldiers.

However, when most of the soldiers were still at a loss, Olivos, the platoon captain of the first platoon of the first centuria of the first brigade, quickly picked Bagul and the other four strong Lucanian slaves. Then the others finally reacted, and in a flash, the 40 slaves were completely divided by the teams playing in the first round.

Davos briefly explained to them the rules of the game, and Bagul translated it to them. The others that were incorporated to the team of Olivos, listened to Bagul but they couldn't fully understand it.

The rugby field is a flat gra.s.sland about 100 meters long and 50 meters wide, with white line every 10 meters drawn using lime powder. There are wooden poles inserted at the intersection of the white lines in order to prevent unclear boundaries due to the lime power being wiped off during intense game.

According to the requirements of Davos, the centurion can only serve as coaches, and the platoon captain must serve as the team's quarterback, because the coach should arrange the tactics according to the advantage and disadvantages of his side and the opponent. And the quarterback is the core of the team on the field, and so he will be the one to change the tactics according to the changes and lead the players to victory. Davos wanted to train the leaders.h.i.+p and command ability of the officers with this, because he thought that rugby a modern sport in his previous life, was very similar to the cold weapon battle of the ancient time. The middle base and the two wings can not only utilize the strength, speed and agility of the soldiers, but also trained the unity and cooperation of the whole team, and at the same time, it can also train the centurion and the platoon captains for them to think calmly and quickly, and make the correct response in the intense compet.i.tion. This is very beneficial to the whole army, because of the systematic and complex units (temporarily lacking cavalry) that Davos created, and in order for them to exert its true power, as it is very dependent on the ability of the middle and low-level officers.

First, the two sides will draw a lot in order to decide the order of the attack.

Olivos was lucky to draw the first to attack, and the “coach” Antonios began to arrange the tactics of the team, “Begul, you are new here, so you should first just watch and get familiar with this game, and learn.”

Bagul nodded, ‘it seems they are playing a game.’

All the soldiers around were serious, which made the slaves to be also serious.

“You, you, you, you, and you will go first, pay attention in catching the rugby ball from the other side after the kick-off. After receiving the ball, do not hesitate to pa.s.s it to Olivos, Olivos you will pa.s.s the ball to the big man and have him run with the ball to test the strength of the other side, and the others will pay attention in blocking the opponents for him!” Antonios arrange the tactics against the players on the field.

At this time, the whistle sounded and the referee, Drakos, urged the players of both teams to get into position. According to the rule, the senior centurions will serve as the referee, and so there are a total of four referees. But since Epiphanes, is the senior centurion of the seventh brigade and was also the centurion of the first centuria, and so the cavalry captain, Ledes, will take over.

The soldiers took off their helmets, greaves, swords and other metal equipment, and they only wore their linen armor in order to prevent injury. At the same time, the two sides wrapped a prepared linen strips that are dyed red and blue around their upper bodies, and tied it tightly in order to distinguish the two teams. There are 55 players on each side plus the five slaves, and only 11 players are allowed to play in the field at a time. However, rugby is a very exhausting sports, and also because the soldiers are already tired from their training, so they have to constantly change players in order to maintain their strength.

Drakos gave the signal and the game begins.

The hourgla.s.s also started to trickle.

The team of Epiphanes kicked the ball into the opponent's part of the field and rushed to the other side immediately.

Antonios to his surprise, found that the other side actually sent the five slaves at the start and wondered if they were using the slaves' abundant stamina in order to block their attack rather than the soldiers. Antonios then decided to watch the game first before making any adjustments.

A soldier jumped up, and receive the ball, and an opponent rushed toward him.

Although the opponent was also wearing a linen armor, it turns out that he is a Lucanian.

The soldier with the ball was taken aback, and this distraction was immediately grabbed by the other side. Fortunately, he fell down to the ground in time to press the ball under his body.

Antonios and the members that are outside the field cried a sound of regret, while the opponent side was shouting and several players excitedly came forward to pat the Lucanian to express encouragement.

And like that, an offensive opportunity was wasted. According to the rules made by Davos, the attacker has three chances, and during this period, they must move forward to the field of the opponent by ten meters, and then get the three attacking opportunities. Otherwise, the opponent will be the one to attack.

Olivos wasn't in a rush, and even crack a joke, “Xenotemas, did you have fun with your wife so many times last night that have made you so weak that you couldn't even pa.s.s the ball?!”

The players laughed.

“Well, brothers, this offense of ours must show them the strength of the strongest platoon in the whole army!” (According to Davos' military law, the “First”, is not just a number, but also the embodiment of their ability and honor. The first brigade is the strongest brigade of the whole army. And in the same way, the first platoon of the first brigade is also the strongest not only of its own brigade, but also of all the platoons of the whole army.)

The soldiers shouted and their morale soared.

The two sides line up on the white line where the ball had stopped, and the center of the two sides clashed with each other. On one side, they are ready to catch the ball and the other side was ready to block them.

The whistle sounded.


Mediterranean Hegemon Of Ancient Greece Chapter 128: Rugby

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Mediterranean Hegemon Of Ancient Greece Chapter 128: Rugby summary

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