Mediterranean Hegemon Of Ancient Greece Chapter 130: Welcome to Amendolara

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Chapter 130: Welcome to Amendolara


On this day, the people had looted the home of Kunogelata like a mob. One of his sons was killed, and his daughter was raped and had committed suicide, many of his clansmen and slaves were injured, and most of the family's property was looted.

The next day, the heartbroken Kunogelata was unable to walk due to his injury, and so he sent a letter to the city hall, expressing his willingness to resign as a strategos. However, the people were still angry and worried that Kunogelata would retaliate for what they had done yesterday. Therefore, they continued to rally and protest in front of the city hall and demanded that an ecclesia must be held immediately. Strategos Nianses and the others agreed “reluctantly”.

After that, the ecclesia was quickly held soon, and the first topic was: The people proposed to expel Kunogelata, and most of the citizens painted “agree” on the pottery, and the proposal was pa.s.sed. As a result, Kunogelata who served as the Polemarchos for several consecutive years after the Peloponnesian war and helped Thurii escaped the vengeance of the new Greek hegemon, Sparta, and her allies, was expelled from Thurii by the “ostracism” that was invented by the Athenians.

The second topic of the ecclesia was to re-elect the “Nine Strategos”. In the end, Nianses was elected as the Polemarchos, Burkes was also elected as a strategos because of his successful employment of Davos mercenary, and on the other hand, Ansitanos did not get elected because when the people was besieging the city hall, he defended Kunogelata and so he was abandoned by the people.

Kunogelata got the news while he was at home. He was silent for a long time and let out a deep sigh. Originally, according to the “ostracism”, he could only return to the city-state ten years after leaving, but he was determined to leave this city. After obtaining the consent of his wife, children and his people, they began to pack up their baggage in the afternoon of that day, and sold his house and fields at a very low price, and during this period, only Ansitanos had visited him once.

A day later, Kunogelata, with his family, and some of the people who were with him, and nearly a hundred slaves that were loyal to him, were ready to leave the city while carrying baggage and pack of loaded carts.

After hearing about it, the people of Thurii came one after another, but it is not to see them off, but to hurl insults and vent their resentment. They even threw things at Kunogelata and his family members, and all the people accompanying him were afraid of getting hit and so they lowered their heads and run quickly. Only Kunogelata, who was lying on the cart due to his injury, was calm in the face of countless angry gazes. A few years ago, he expelled the Athenian citizens of Thurii in the same way, and today, he is experiencing the same situation!

He also recalled the Asikulodox family who had also been expelled due to the defeat in the war, and the native Sybarians who had been expelled and even killed on a large scale shortly after the city was built…

Is this the Greek democracy? He suddenly had some doubt, until his youngest son, Dicaeogelata, woke him up from his thoughts and said, “Father, Nianses is there!”

He looked in the direction where his son's finger pointed. Nianses was standing above the city gate and was looking down at him.

Kunogelata, who has been involved in politics for many years, knows who is the one behind what happened, and at this moment, when they gazes met, it did not arouse any more hatred in his heart.

He just watched quietly until he got out of the city gate, and he looked back at his mother city, which have given birth to him and raised him up.

Suddenly, he said, “Nianses steered this beast called “public opinion” to deal with me. This time, I had underestimated him, but I am afraid that if he want to control this beast with just his ability, then something will happen sooner or later…”

Dicaeogelata said not fully understanding it, “Will this bad guy be driven out of Thurii?!”

“Who knows…” Kunogelata turned back, stroked his son's head with one hand, and looked at their uncertain future in the north. He then nervously said, “Let's go, just as we have discussed before, we will go to Amendolara first…”

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

When Kunogelata and his party came to the river Saraceno, they then saw the archon of Amendolara, Davos, leading several elders and a team of guards waiting on the opposite bank.

When Kunogelata heard about it, he told the slaves to drive the cart to the front.

Seeing Kunogelata lying on the cart, Davos said in a loud voice, “Lord Kunogelata, I'm glad that you have chosen to come to Amendolara! After hearing that you are coming, and after an urgent discussion, our Council have decided to grant you the citizens.h.i.+p of Amendolara. Are you willing to accept it?”

Perhaps this move of Amendolara is just them being sincere, after all, Kunogelata was only expelled from the city-state, and he was not deprived of his citizens.h.i.+p. He could return to Thurii ten years later, as he only need to live in another city-state for 10 years.

But when Kunogelata heard this, his slightly uneasy mood finally recovered and he immediately expressed his grat.i.tude to Davos and said sincerely, “I am very happy to be a citizen of the same city-state as you, lord Davos!”

His clansmen were also relieved. Although Thurii and Amendolara had just signed an alliance agreement, but with the bad relations.h.i.+p between the two cities, they were afraid that Amendolara would refuse them.

In fact, because of this problem, Davos did not welcome Kunogelata with great fanfare, for fear of causing dissatisfaction among the native citizens. As for Kunogelata, Davos had only met him twice and did not know much about him. However, the two meetings had made him feel the political ability of Kunogelata to be not low, and according to the information he got, during the time he served as the polemarchos, Thurii was always able to maintain their political stability and trade prosperity, which showed that his political ability was excellent. Unfortunately, due to his poor military ability, he lost his seat as the polemarchos and was eventually expelled from Thurii. But this was in line with Davos, and what's more, this expulsion incident made Davos felt something was amiss, so he actively welcomed Kunogelata.

On the way to Amendolara, both sides avoided talking about Thurii.

“There are still some vacant houses in Amendolara that can be lent to you and your family. However, I suggest that you buy it because the price is not high. As for your people, they can only rent it for the time being, because they are not citizens of Amendolara.” The financial officer Mersis did not care that Kunogelata was a new guest, and gave him a serious introduction.

Kunogelata understood it and siad, “I heard that the city-state has recently pa.s.sed an 《Immigration Law》. Do you know if they meet the requirements? Can they apply to become citizen of Amendolara?”

Has this matter already begun to spread to Thurii?! Davos was glad to hear this news, and so he immediately explained in detail, “Of course, they can apply. Raphias, the census officer, is the one responsible for this matter, I think that there won't be a problem in registering them after they are interviewed. However, according to the provision of the 《Immigration Law》, there will be a long period of evaluation, which usually takes two years. If you are familiar with the laws and customs of Amendolara, and there is no violation of the law and discipline, then they can become a preparatory citizens first, and they then can enjoy some of the rights of a city-state citizen, but it will take another two-three years for them to become an official citizen…”

“In other words, it will take five to six years for them to become an official citizen of Amendolara?!” Kunogelata was a little surprised. After all, these people left Thurii voluntarily because of him, and he was responsible for their future life.

Davos, of course, notice the objection regarding this, so he stressed, “Because, according to the new law of Amendolara, the official citizens of the city-state are to be ‘allocated a share of land’, and so we can't be careless!”

Kunogelata thought that he had heard it wrong and looked at Davos in surprise, but his expression is serious and he didn't look like he is lying. It must be known that the right to give citizens a ‘share of land’ is only granted when the city was first built. The land of Thurii is much larger than that of Amendolara, since its establishment, no ‘land’ has been allocated to a new citizen. Even though Amendolara has a much longer history than Thurii, its land is even less than that of Thurii. Where can they get surplus land to allocate to new citizens?! And even make it a city-state law?! Kunogelata would like to question Davos, but he is just a newcomer here, if he doesn't take the young archon seriously, it will make them feel uncomfortable. Besides, he can still ask about it in the future, so he changed the subject, “I have also heard that the slaves in your city-state could easily become freeman and have the opportunity to become citizens of the city.”

“It is true, but their circ.u.mstances are special. If you want your slaves to become citizens of Amendolara, the conditions will be more difficult.” Said Davos truthfully.

“As long as there is a chance, I will try my best to make them citizens in order to repay their loyalty in protecting me and my family in Thurii!” Kunogelata finally said something about this matter, but his face was calm, as if he had seen everything in the world.

This Kunogelata was quite different from the understanding of Davos. Did this incident gave him a rare lesson?! Some people grow up in setbacks, while others abandon themselves. If Kunogelata is the former, then Amendolara is lucky. Davos thought of this and sighed, “These slaves are lucky to have you as their master!”

Kunogelata immediately responded, “Amendolara, with you as the archon, has undergone unprecedented changes, which is also the luck of the city-state!”

“There is no way besides to change!” Davos, without modesty, said firmly, “In today's troubled times, if we don't change, we would be destroyed. If we change, we will survive!”

After hearing this, Kunogelata pondered this sentence in silence. When they reach the foot of the mountain of Amendolara, he then saw the Lucanian slaves who were busy on the construction site. Kunogelata stopped and looked at them with complicated expression for a long time, and then said in surprise, “I can't believe that these Lucanians are so obedient! I'm afraid that there are at least more than a thousand people here, but there are not many soldiers guarding them and yet they are still working so hard!”

“Because the city-state did not cut off their way out due to their crimes, but have given them hope!” Said Davos meaningfully.


“Why do the Greeks and the Lucanians have to kill each other to death?! Why can't we live together peacefully in a city-state?!” Because of seeing some gratifying changes in Kunogelata, Davos decided to reveal something in advance.

His words run wildly in the heart of Kunogelata, and he suddenly look at him with disbelief.


Mediterranean Hegemon Of Ancient Greece Chapter 130: Welcome to Amendolara

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Mediterranean Hegemon Of Ancient Greece Chapter 130: Welcome to Amendolara summary

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