In Another World With JUST MONIKA Chapter 125

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Published at 7th of August 2019 10:50:04 AM Chapter 125: 125

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I woke up to the sight of piercing green eyes .

Surprisingly, for once, it wasn't Monika . Or Linze . There was none of that intent adoration, only a deep and almost bellicose focus . The eyes were even slightly red from lack of sleep, but I could sympathize with the feeling . There were many nights in which your brain just refused to wind down .

It was, of course, Elze .

Quickly I looked down . My right arm was pinned down under the warm weight of her waist . She was still fully clothed, but her green skirt hiked up a little over her bare thighs . My red pants were still on, though my feet were bare . I wiggled my toes .

Quickly I looked up again .

"Disappointed?" Elze asked with a catlike smirk .

I tried to wiggle the fingers in my right hand . I winced at the sudden needle-point pain of sleeping nerves . "You know what, not really . I'm kind of happy about it . I'd like to be able to know what happened instead of being all glanded up in magic combat drugs . You and Linze deserve better than to be used to sate my urges . Dragon me isn't a very nice person . "

Elze sniffed . "Funny . You don't look much like a dragon . " She lightly poked my nose with a finger . "I think that's just the sort of bulls.h.i.+t you and Monika say as an excuse to misbehave . "

I grinned . Ah, Elze . How I loved how you utterly failed to be impressed by any of our bulls.h.i.+t . You might not have Yumina's magic to see a person's true nature, but ever since you were tricked by some hoodlums the first time we met, you have always been alert for any more tomfoolery .

Elze blinked and grimaced . "No, don't…" she whispered .

"That's because you haven't seen my dragon yet!"
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"What have I done?" she groaned and palmed her face .

"Really, Elze, we're already sleeping together and you never thought to hear my dragon roar?"

"Stop it with the puns . I regret this already . "

Eyebrow wiggle . "Why don't you let my dragon make a lair in your cave…?"

She put her palm over my face instead and began slapping . "Stop stop stop stoppp!" Then she huffed . "You're so bad at this . It's not even you that's seducing Linze, Monika's doing half your work for you . "

I turned to see Linze clinging onto my left arm like a barnacle . She was sleeping, snoring cutely . I smelled her hair . It was a little musky and smoky . I looked past the curve of her hips to see that her ankles were weakly tied together by a red ribbon . I had a vague memory of doing that, and of Elze agreeing, but no idea why .

I s.h.i.+vered . That had faintly exciting potential, but this wasn't the time or place for that .

One day, with eyes wide open . A dragon protects his h.o.a.rd . Kingdoms and heroes often fall to heaven-breaking beauties, but a man in love can ignore that walking calamity . I turned around again . "The reason you're pinning my right hand down is to make sure I didn't end up ravis.h.i.+ng Linze, right?"

Elze nodded . I tried to move my left arm, but then Linze clamped down even harder and ouch that's starting to hurt the circulation . "… are you sure it wasn't to stop Linze from ravaging me?"

A dull look returned to Elze's eyes . "Someone needed to stop both of you from being stupid . "

"That's not good bro conduct Elze, but since she's your sister I understand . "

As the old saying goes - { Bros before hoes, but sistahs afore da hood } . While there's plenty of girls in the thug life, there's no end of deadbeat fathers as well .

I leaned back and pulled . From how often I could feel Monika's [Amplify] on my body, over time I got to feel the difference of how magic seeped into my muscles . I pulled the girls a little closer . Elze let out a disdainful "hmf!" while Linze let out a contented little sound and snuggled closer .

I leaned in close to Elze's face .

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Elze asked . She didn't pull away . Her eyes glittered with challenge .

Our noses touched and nuzzled together like the friendly greeting of a pair of cats . Or an Eskimo kiss . Elze flinched and s.h.i.+elded her nose . "… you… you don't get to do that!" she hissed . "I won't accept it . An idiot that tries to stand on two boats at the same time! I know what men think about having twins!"

One foot cannot stand on two boats . That's a Chinese expression, how do you even know that, Elze?

I mean, a man certainly can stand on two boats if he put one foot on each, but then of course the moment the boats diverge he's going be in a lot of pain and splash really quickly . I laughed a bit and pulled tighter . "This is pretty nice, isn't it?"

Elze scowled minutely . "No it isn't . "

"Elze, we're already sleeping together but not sleeping together . It's weird, but we just… fit . This is so comfy we could stay like this forever . It… doesn't mean anything until we force it to mean something .

"Someday that might change . But for now… isn't it nice?" I turned my head to the left and kissed the skin of Linze's forehead . She let out a little breath and blush . Yup . She was pretending to be sleep all along and listening in, how cute .

I turned my head to the right tried to snuggle into the gap of Elze's neck and shoulders with my head, like an affectionate cat . "Let's enjoy this time while we still can . "

Elze put her hand on my head as if deciding whether or not to pet my hair like I would sometimes show affection to Linze . Then her fingers hooked into a death grip .

"Playaaa…" She began to shake my head from side to side . "You're so annoying! Stop acting cute, that's disgusting! Every time you open your mouth-hole there's a lot of things I want to do to you to and you're not going to like any of theeeeem!!!"

Ahahahaha .

From off the corner of my vision I could see Monika sitting there, just watching . I could see the pain in her eyes, and also the relief, at this self-inflicted emotional torture . Yes, this was comfy - yet the woman I love most I couldn't hold in my hands . My dear, I'm not that dumb – I can tell that you're encouraging this to make sure that I don't have to live alone in case you break .

Because you're still but a smartphone .

I haven't forgotten, Monika . But hugs multiplied makes all things better when you're out in the real world . There's a place for you here, and we're all waiting for you .

"This is nice . So nice . There's more than one way to become family . Because Ohana means family . " Elze and Linze yelped as I huggled them tight . "And family means no one gets left behind . "

/"… you know what, that's fine . There's worse places to find life lessons than a Disney movie . Or even economic lessons at that . "/

Really, I know what you're doing to Linze . No one should have see what happens if someone ever triggered this fully armed and operational Yanderestation .

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In Another World With JUST MONIKA Chapter 125

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In Another World With JUST MONIKA Chapter 125 summary

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