In Another World With JUST MONIKA 23 Interlude 3 – Their Thoughts In The Middle Of The Day

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Aer entered the Silver Moon Inn and waved. "Oh, Micah! Here's today's part of the take. I'd like to talk some things over with Sir Playa – is he around?"

The innkeeper shook her head. "Mister Zah Playa and the girls aren't here today."

The café owner put some copper coins into the pot and sat down on a bar stool. "Another adventure? How… exciting. Sure is nice being an adventurer, huh? All we can do is stay behind and mind the store."

She leaned on her elbow and grinned. "Your father was an adventurer too, wasn't he? Blue-rank even. With your fire affinity, why didn't you ever try being one too?"

Micah snorted, tilting her chin up contemptuously, and her red hair tied up in a ponytail bobbed up and down. "Oh yah, sure. Let me just leave behind my comfy bed to go out there and risk my life fighting monsters for coppers and the pleasure of s.h.i.+tting in the woods."

"Heeeh. So crude. You almost sound like one already, no wonder only adventurers come to this inn. You could really do better if you focus on one type of clientele, you know?"

"Like with you and young ladies with a sweet tooth? I'd rather have some meat."

Aer's grin grew more catlike. "Hur hur hur-" she chuckled.

"I really wonder why anyone thinks you're a nice and quiet and gentle girl… you pretentious snot."

"Ehh. It's just your basic service face, you know? Enough about that. When are Sir Playa and the girls coming back?"

"Not for a while. They're off to the capital for a delivery job."

"How lucky!" Then her eyes narrowed. "And even luckier for you, isn't it? You get to save on effort and expenses from money paid to you in advance." Aer pointed at the ice cream fund pot, and said "Don't even think of filching from that, I keep my records!"

Micah gave her a look that said 'Are you an idiot?'

Then Aer leaned back and huffed "But I noticed it's like he didn't even care to collect. A pitiful little amount like that probably they don't even give a fig about… uhh! I'm so envious of those people! It's unfair! To be so wealthy and still lead an exciting life! Being able to get rich quickly instead of doing the same thing day in day out!"

"Isn't Playa just conning you with you paying out every day for doing nothing?" said Micah.

"If he didn't give me that, my business wouldn't have doubled. I think it's fair," Aer replied. She grinned wickedly again. "I'd love to work with him on other things…"

"Down girl. Down, you salty girl."

"Heeh. Sure I would go down."

"I won't have this here filth in this here inn. Get out." Micah pointed to the door.

"Mmm? Come on, what do you think adventurers get up to when they need to… relieve tension? After that rush of battle- ! Ah! Under the moonlight- !"

The inkeeper frowned. "You've been reading too many steamy novels. Adventurers aren't like that at all!" She took a rag and resumed cleaning mugs. "And even so, so what? What do you think you can do against your compet.i.tion? People who fight together get to know more about each other."

"You underestimate me, my old friend. I've got these!" Aer smooshed the side of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s together. "Sure there's loads of… stories… about how daring female adventurers are, but eventually you've got to have some stability in your life. Can a female adventurer be expected to just settle down and listen to her husband? And I can be exciting too! In the right places… in the right times… huh huh huh."

Micah groaned again. "Why can't we ever have a talk that doesn't boil down to men and your secret perversions? I'm no prude, but even I have my limits."

"Why shouldn't we? We are young women at our most desirable! Now is the time to really think about our best match for marriage! You too – you're attractive enough, I suppose, and you've got a family business too. You should have been angling potential suitors to your father already."

"Eh. Dad's a bit… unreliable about that. Heck, as an adventurer himself, an adventurer is the last person he'd like me to marry. I'll choose who and when to marry, thank you very much. I don't need to act all cutesy and all."

"If you're waiting for someone brave enough and wise enough to get through that p.r.i.c.kly exterior, you're taking a big risk. You're going to be disappointed. You see, men? They're kinda dumb. They never really look for hidden depths…" and then she cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s again, "ALL THEY SEE ARE THEEESE!"

Micah chopped her friend in the forehead with the edge of her palm.



In Another World With JUST MONIKA 23 Interlude 3 – Their Thoughts In The Middle Of The Day

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In Another World With JUST MONIKA 23 Interlude 3 – Their Thoughts In The Middle Of The Day summary

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