From Past To Present, I Still Love You 114 Ji-Ho's Truth

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Minhyun had his own villa near the Jeju waters. Although the building was small, it was encompa.s.sed with the latest technology. From automatic sliding doors, Gloria, a Jacuzzi, all the homely necessities, plus a helicopter pad; it was great to stay at.

Yoona put her stuff in the guest room before walking to the living room where the other two were staying.

"So, what's the plans for today?" Yoona asked. Since this was supposed to be Ji-ho's pay for his hacking work, she was sure he had many events planned.

She was right. Ji-ho called out for Gloria to reveal a bucket-list of activities on the television screen.

- Go eat at a yummy restaurant
- Swim at the beach until the sun sets <3 -="" have="" a="" campfire="" -="" sleep="" all="" together,="" side-by-side="" in="" sleeping="" bags="" for="" an="" odd="" guy,="" ji-ho's="" list="" was="" quite="" simple.="" in="" yoona's="" opinion,="" all="" the="" events="" he="" listed="" were="" perfect="" for="" her.="" her="" ideal="" trip="" consisted="" of="" all="" these="" activities,="" minus="" the="" 'sleeping="" together="" part'="" of="" course="" because="" she="" loved="" her="" bed.="" nonetheless,="" she="" was="" expecting="" for="" ji-ho="" to="" make="" them="" 'catch="" oysters="" in="" the="" ocean'="" or="" something="" as="" tiring="" so="" his="" decisions="" caught="" her="" by="" surprise.="" but="" she="" wasn't="" going="" to="" complain.="" yoona="" nodded="" in="" approval.="" "sounds="" like="" fun!"="" ji-ho's="" eyes="" sparkled,="" he="" jumped="" up="" and="" down.="" "doesn't="" it?="" i've="" never="" went="" to="" school="" so="" i've="" always="" wanted="" to="" do="" these="" types="" of="" activities="" with="" friends.="" now="" we="" can="" do="" it="" all="" together!"="" her="" smile="" dropped.="" what="" did="" he="" mean="" by="" 'not="" going="" to="" school'?="" wasn't="" he="" a="" teenager?="" it="" should="" be="" mandatory="" for="" him="" to="" attend.="" in="" fact,="" many="" things="" that="" ji-ho="" had="" said="" always="" stung="" her="" heart,="" never="" answered.="" "hey="" ji-ho,"="" she="" began.="" he="" c.o.c.ked="" his="" head.="" "yeah?"="" "are="" you...="" okay?"="" she="" was="" being="" insensitive="" wasn't="" she?="" the="" curiosity="" couldn't="" help="" but="" throw="" these="" words="" out="" of="" her="" mouth.="" everything="" pointed="" to="" a="" certain="" direction="" and="" the="" two="" boys="" in="" front="" of="" her="" made="" it="" obvious.="" ji-ho="" furrowed="" his="" eyes.="" "yeah?="" why="" wouldn't="" i="" be?"="" maybe="" she="" was="" over-exaggerating.="" how="" can="" a="" happy,="" go-lucky="" boy="" like="" ji-ho="" be="" sick.="" that="" was="" absurd.="" he="" was="" completely="" normal="" during="" the="" gala="" with="" no="" issues,="" there="" was="" never="" a="" time="" where="" his="" healthy="" failed="" him...="" he="" couldn't="" possibly="" be...="" "nothing,"="" yoona="" said="" with="" a="" smile.="" "i="" was="" just="" overthinking="" things."="" yeah.="" maybe="" they="" were="" just="" messing="" with="" her.="" ji-ho="" stared="" at="" her="" for="" a="" moment,="" curiosity="" glistening="" in="" his="" eyes,="" before="" he="" focused="" back="" on="" his="" bucket-list.="" "hm.="" okay="" anyways.="" back="" to="" our="" schedule.="" i'd="" say="" the="" first="" thing="" we="" should="" do="" is="" go="" to="" a="" yummy="" restaurant.="" i've="" found="" a="" famous="" place="" to="" choose="" from.="" let's="" go="" eat="" some="" seafood="" hotpot!"="" "yeah="" let's="" go!"="" yoona="" repeated.="" minhyun="" crossed="" his="" arms.="" "is="" the="" place="" close="" by?"="" ji-ho="" looked="" up.="" "why?="" does="" it="" matter?"="" "of="" course="" it="" matters="" you="" f.u.c.ker."="" minhyun="" had="" been="" reluctant="" on="" going="" on="" vacation="" with="" the="" boy.="" it="" was="" weird="" enough="" that="" the="" three="" of="" them="" were="" leaving="" together.="" he'd="" rather="" spend="" his="" vacation="" time="" with="" yoona="" especially="" since="" he="" hadn't="" been="" able="" to="" see="" her="" often="" these="" days.="" for="" her="" time,="" he'd="" rather="" have="" paid="" ji-ho="" with="" cash="" instead.="" but="" ji-ho="" insisted="" that="" money="" was="" nothing="" to="" him.="" instead,="" he="" wanted="" the="" memories="" he="" was="" never="" able="" to="" make="" in="" his="" youth.="" he="" didn't="" want="" to,="" but="" this="" boy="" orchestrated="" most="" of="" the="" revenge="" and="" had="" deathly="" evidence="" on="" him.="" so,="" since="" they="" were="" already="" here,="" he="" didn't="" want="" ji-ho="" to="" cause="" any="" ruckus.="" yoona="" would="" faint="" if="" anything="" terrible="" happened="" here.="" she="" didn't="" know="" the="" truth="" yet,="" but="" from="" her="" words,="" it="" was="" clear="" she="" would="" link="" the="" pieces="" together="" soon.="" the="" white-haired="" boy="" let="" out="" a="" giggle.="" "don't="" worry="" minhyun.="" i="" won't="" let="" myself="" die="" in="" the="" middle="" of="" a="" wonderful="" trip="" would="" i?="" the="" place="" is="" near="" the="" hospital."="" yoona="" stopped="" in="" her="" tracks.="" she="" looked="" up="" with="" widened="" eyes,="" her="" pulse="" beating="" quickly.="" although="" a="" joking="" tone="" was="" placed="" underneath="" his="" words;="" it="" was="" clear="" to="" her="" that="" her="" a.s.sumptions="" weren't="" wrong.="" so="" there="" was="" something="" wrong="" with="" ji-ho.="" minhyun="" let="" out="" a="" sigh.="" the="" truth="" was="" being="" spilled.="" now,="" his="" heart="" was="" lighter="" knowing="" that="" he="" didn't="" need="" to="" keep="" that="" secret.="" with="" the="" many="" that="" he="" held,="" he="" was="" relieved="" that="" at="" least="" one="" was="" released.="" "ji-ho.="" i'm="" confused.="" are="" you="" sick?"="" the="" white-haired="" boy's="" round="" eyes="" took="" up="" half="" his="" face.="" his="" lips="" pursed="" into="" an="" 'o'.="" he="" looked="" from="" yoona="" to="" minhyun.="" "you="" didn't="" tell="" her?"="" "no="" i="" didn't.="" why,="" would="" you="" have="" wanted="" me="" to?"="" this="" came="" to="" his="" shock.="" knowing="" the="" deep="" relations.h.i.+p="" between="" the="" two,="" ji-ho="" was="" sure="" minhyun="" would've="" told="" her.="" after="" all,="" the="" person="" who="" was="" of="" minhyun's="" number="" one="" importance="" was="" yoona.="" they've="" insinuated="" his="" sickness="" plenty="" of="" times,="" she="" must've="" asked="" about="" it="" at="" least="" once.="" he="" couldn't="" help="" but="" let="" out="" a="" laugh.="" no="" wonder="" she="" didn't="" give="" him="" looks="" of="" pity.="" as="" a="" person="" with="" a="" deathly="" illness,="" he="" was="" aware="" of="" what="" people="" thought="" of="" him.="" yet,="" yoona="" didn't="" show="" any="" of="" that.="" at="" first,="" he="" wondered="" if="" she="" was="" manipulative="" enough="" to="" control="" her="" own="" feelings="" while="" making="" others="" obvious.="" however,="" it="" was="" clear="" that="" she="" didn't="" know="" any="" of="" it.="" of="" course,="" if="" she="" was="" manipulative,="" he="" didn't="" really="" mind.="" she="" was="" pretty="" at="" least="" and="" was="" nice="" to="" him.="" at="" least="" he="" would="" be="" able="" to="" leave="" with="" some="" good="" memories.="" besides,="" she="" was="" the="" girl="" that="" minhyun="" was="" obsessed="" with.="" spending="" his="" last="" two="" moments="" with="" the="" greatest="" man="" alive="" and="" his="" lover="" was="" history.="" but="" he="" was="" wrong.="" these="" two...="" were="" better="" than="" he="" thought.="" minhyun,="" who="" uses="" everyone="" for="" his="" own="" game,="" actually="" gave="" him="" some="" respect.="" ji-ho="" wasn't="" stupid="" enough="" to="" be="" unaware="" of="" how="" monstrous="" the="" ceo="" was.="" he'd="" taken="" the="" project="" knowing="" with="" who="" he="" was="" dealing="" with.="" yet,="" to="" think="" the="" person="" he="" annoyed="" so="" much.="" the="" one="" who="" didn't="" give="" a="" s.h.i.+t="" about="" others="" to="" the="" point="" of="" being="" able="" to="" pull="" the="" trigger="" without="" a="" flinch.="" gave="" him="" the="" privacy="" that="" n.o.body="" else="" gave="" him.="" even="" if="" it="" was="" small.="" the="" fact="" that="" it="" was="" there="" was="" enough.="" G.o.d="" d.a.m.n.="" he="" was="" played="" in="" his="" own="" game.="" he="" thought="" he="" would="" be="" the="" one="" playing="" the="" mh="" ceo="" before="" his="" last="" breathes.="" it="" was="" funny="" how="" life="" worked="" out.="" "thank="" you,"="" ji-ho="" said.="" he="" focused="" his="" attention="" back="" on="" yoona.="" he="" let="" out="" a="" bright="" smile,="" his="" dimples="" deepening.="" "well,="" i="" guess="" i="" should="" be="" the="" one="" to="" spill="" the="" beans="" sweet="" cakes."="" he="" stuck="" out="" his="" tongue.="" "i="" have="" an="" illness="" and="" i'm="" going="" to="" die."="" yoona="" wasn't="" as="" shocked="" as="" she="" expected="" to="" be,="" but="" having="" it="" confirmed="" made="" her="" worst="" fears="" come="" to="" life.="" she="" should've="" noticed="" it="" sooner.="" all="" the="" evidence="" pointed="" to="" this="" direction="" and="" this="" was="" not="" only="" due="" to="" their="" words.="" she="" always="" found="" it="" odd="" that="" ji-ho's="" hair="" was="" snow="" white="" to="" the="" roots="" as="" if="" it="" was="" never="" dyed.="" the="" amount="" of="" fat="" that="" lacked="" from="" his="" muscles,="" no="" matter="" how="" much="" he="" ate.="" the="" reason="" to="" why="" he="" lived="" life="" so="" carefree="" as="" if="" he="" didn't="" fear="" the="" consequences.="" sadness="" riled="" up="" in="" his="" chest.="" although="" he="" was="" acting="" as="" if="" death="" was="" no="" big="" deal,="" she="" wondered="" how="" much="" true="" emotions="" he="" was="" hiding.="" the="" reason="" to="" why="" he="" was="" so="" attached="" to="" them,="" why="" they="" were="" on="" this="" island,="" why="" he="" went="" above="" and="" beyond="" what="" was="" expected="" of="" him="" for="" the="" moon="" project="" was="" because="" he="" had="" been="" preparing="" for="" his="" death="" from="" the="" beginning.="" "so="" that's="" what="" you="" mean="" by="" memories,"="" she="" began.="" a="" smile="" brightened="" up="" her="" face.="" "then="" let's="" make="" the="" best="" memories="" possible."="" in="" the="" end,="" what="" ji-ho="" deserved="" was="" not="" her="" pity.="" from="" what="" she="" could="" tell,="" he="" had="" received="" plenty="" of="" it.="" what="" he="" needed="" was="" somebody="" to="" be="" by="" his="" side.="" he="" needed="" a="" friend.="" and="" that="" was="" what="" she="" was="" going="" to="" offer="">

From Past To Present, I Still Love You 114 Ji-Ho's Truth

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