Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 32 32-Agreemen

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After picking up the Uru, Karnilla and I made our way to Nidavellir to meet with Eitri.Dwarves usually don't meet with people other than to do business but they agree to meet with us as they held good will towards Asgardians due to Odin.Dwarven goods, mostly weapons are sold for a lot on the market so they are very popular.

Nidavellir looked just like it looked in Avengers: Infinity War but their Star was still burning (Author's Note:no idea if what word to use here maybe ablaze you guys should understand what i mean.)right now.And there were a lot of Dwarves in Nidavellir too unlike how in the movie only Eitri was the one surviving.

Let me tell you all this,whoever named their race Dwarves didn't know the meaning of the word,all of them were larger than a normal Asgardian with Eitri being tallest of them all.

We were taken to a central room where Eitri was sitting on a big a.s.s seat,on seeing us specifically Karnilla he stood up and came forward to greet us once again specifically Karnilla.After which we were left alone with Him.

"Nice to meet you after so long Karnilla,the Queen of Norns"with a big smile.

"Nice to see you again Eitri and it has been really long hasn't?"

"3 centuries and 22years to be specific but who cares about that.So finally what brings you to visit this poor fellow?"

"Well my student here,Carl wanted you help in making something with Uru."

He finally took a look at me for the first time since we entered the room.

"You took a student after what happened with you apprentice Karnilla waoh,just what did he do to convince you for it?"

"Well when a top grade talent comes and delivers itself on your front door yoy become quite tempted to take it under you."

Then he took a look at me for the second time since we entered the room though this time he was scrutinizing me.

"He doesn't look too impressive to me."

"Well he is quite good at giving people surprises."Karnilla knowing that Eitri wouldn't talk with me until she was there left after making some small talks with him.

"So kid tell me why should i make whatever it is you want?"

"Well I can guarantee to show you a metal which is capable of absorbing all kinds of vibrations and such good alcohol to make you forget what you drink now."

"Show me and then i will decide"

"I don't have either of them now but i will have it in the future and i will definitely give them to them."

"I will believe you for now kid, you are Karnilla's student so i would ask here for reparations if you fail to deliver and label you as a an enemy of Dwarves am j clear?"


Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 32 32-Agreemen

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Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 32 32-Agreemen summary

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