Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 61 60-Roaming

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So I was given a room to stay but I got bored and started to roam around the place.I have to say even though Wakanda was too advanced the people had not forgetten their roots.They were still use to the old lifestyle not relying on modern technology unless they were necessary.I remember that there were different tribes in Wakanda.Though they were united under a single ruler,The Black Panther,but I didn't like the fact that they don't have democracy to choose their leader and have to rely on the older method of the survival of the fittest.Well I can't change and fix everything.While I was walking I heard a voice from behind me.

"You shouldn't be here."

I turned around to see a little Shuri.

"Father had send you to your room.You should have taken permission from him before coming out."she said.

"I thing you misunderstood something kid,I am a guest not a hostage of your Father and no one including your father can stop me from roaming if I want to."I told her.

That intimidatednher a little but she tried her best to not show any fear.

"Why did you take my Father with you?"

"Well I just wanted to talk with him privately and in my defense I brought him back untouched."I replied in my defense.

"Chocolate?"I asked her suddenly


I hand her a big chocolate bar.And anyone wondering about from where in always get the things is that I have a small pouch which I carry and using the clone of Tesseract I have connected it to a pocket dimension where I store things.The reason I created a pocket dimension using Tesseract and not create a pouch with infinite s.p.a.ce is that with the infinite s.p.a.ce pouch,if I lose it all the things are gone but if I lose this pouch that I have now,I could still access the pocket dimension using the Tesseract the pouch is just there was convenience like a door.

"Come on let's go back to you Mother,she would be worried about you" I told her while I held one of her hand while she had the chocolate bar in the other.

We made way to Ramonda's room while I asked her questions about Wakanda, Children are really gullible.

"Shuri! what are you doing with him?"Ramonda shouted and yanked Shuri away from me.

"Don't worry ma'am contrary to your belief I am not here for a fight."I a.s.sured her.

"You kidnapped my husband the very first time we saw you,and I don't care what he says about you I will judge you as I see fit."She said.

"Well then judge me ,I don't care,bye Shuri"saying so I left.

Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 61 60-Roaming

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Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 61 60-Roaming summary

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