Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 74 73-Questions

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You all must be thinking where I took Thor with me, where except a pub to get some beer. I had to blow off some steam and Thor let's just say he needed one.

After a dozen of gla.s.s Thor a bit drunk said

"This drink is good."

"One of the few things that people on Midgard made better than any place else. So what you going to do now?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe just stay here or roam about." replied Thor.

"Well that Doctor you met is quite good looking why don't you stay with her?"I said While taking a sip of my own gla.s.s.

Thor eyed me for a moment and said

"Maybe you are right I could certainly travel with her."
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"Come on let's go then."I stood up and took Thor with me.

"Where are we going?"asked Thor

"To the Doctor"I said .

I knocked on the door of Jane's house/laboratory. Jane came out clearly a bit sleepy cause it was quite late.

She took a look at me and then at Thor and shaked her head to make sure she wasn't sleeping then she slapped me.

"Ouch,Why?"I asked.

"You punched Thor and just left" and then she slapped Thor too

"And you too, I was so worried about you".

"Sorry." said Thor.

"Well he deserved that punch." I said while Jane stared at me.

"Well still come on in."said Jane.

Thor walked in straight while I said "Thank you, cause unlike Thor I have manners."

I walked in then and said "You must have a lot of questions Dr. Foster, why don't you ask."

The next half an hour Jane keep asking Thor and me different questions clearly fascinated with all of it and while Thor's answer were vague and crude in language, mine made science as I talked to them in scientific terms, after a while even Selvig has joined us while Darcy was woken up by the commotion Jane caused whenever we told something to her that she couldn't believe.

"So let me get this straight, you guys are from a place that has handsome and charming men like you?" Darcy asked, while Jane elbows her and stares at her.

"Well you could say that, almost all people born on Asgrad are beautiful if compared to Earth's standard and Thanks for the indirect compliment."I told Darcy winking at her, which got a blush on her face.

"Well I think I have answered a lot of questions and need a bit of shut eye so excuse me."I said.

"Oh please wait I have a lot of questions still left."said Jane.

"Ask Thor he is free."saying so I winked at Thor hoping he would understand my gesture and is not a complete dumbo. I found a couch to crash in and sleep even though I didn't need it but just to get a break from the barrage of questions from Selvig and Jane.

Don't get me wrong I was happy to explain to them all the concepts behind the Bifrost and how it worked in simple sense but they can't just understand it, atleast not right now. Its like teaching a 5th grade average minded kid integration even though he only has the basic knowledge of maths, you can teach him with time but if he keeps asking questions again and again you will get irritated.

Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 74 73-Questions

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