How To Make Money While In School 7 Chapter 6: Look Upward

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Lastly, you need a G.o.d-given empowerment to posses a wealth- creating mentality. G.o.d is not against our prosperity. He is the author of business secrets, and much more than that, He is

interested in our success, then it makes more sense to go to Him in prayers so as to know where to tread and where not to.

Truly, it is beautiful to look inward, but the most beautiful thing is looking upward. If one wants to learn how to sew, he simply will go to one of the best fas.h.i.+on designers in town to learn how to sew in order to be as good as he is. This may sound strange to the religious mind, but it is the gospel truth: G.o.d, being the wealthiest ent.i.ty in the world, knows more about how to make money more than any other person you can think of, dead or alive!

Much more than this, He knows what you are cut out for. He knows what you are destined to do. He has the blue print of your life. So, he knows better; go to Him.

It has been emphasized earlier that G.o.d has presented to everyone a basic talent to start life with. If we are really desirous to make money, either to get our needs met, or to make money available for the Kingdom business, all we need do is go to Him in prayers, requesting that He helps us discover our purpose, and He will surely do. He is "the Lord thy G.o.d which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go" (Isaiah 48:17). If you follow His leading, you will have an easy sail through.

The reason many lack on our campuses today is either because they have not discovered their purpose, or they have, but have not begun to explore it. Understand your purpose. The earlier you do, the better for your financial health.

Very few students understand their purpose before gaining admission into higher inst.i.tutions. More get to understand theirs during their school days, especially in their ultimate year on campus, while majority discovers theirs outside the four walls of the university compound, when it is almost too late when about twenty to thirty years of their life is already wasted, doing what is not.

There is a purpose for which you are sent to the world. If you walk outside the confinement of this purpose, you are walking outside G.o.d's design for your life. It is only what He blesses you with that will prosper you. So, you need to go to Him in humble prayers for the revelation of what He has blessed you with, and He will surely come to your aid. He has promised He will. He said a countless number of times in the Bible "Ask of me". He will surely keep to His word.

To take up roles entirely different from G.o.d's original intention for you in a bid to possess wealth is an abuse of your G.o.d-given freedom of choice. There is no destiny-destroyer as doing what you are not designed for. You only prosper in your area of gifting. Outside your sphere of talents and gifting, life becomes unnecessarily difficult and stressful. Firstly, you spend more time than you are supposed to in order to learn all the skills that are involved. Secondly, you spend more money for each extra time used. And thirdly, you invest more energy trying to be your best at it and at the end of the day still not being the best you hoped to be because it is not your field.

Discovering your potentials is the key to unending wealth. That is the only place to make money with great rest of mind and utmost peace - within the context of your G.o.d given ability. The theory of comparative advantage in economics states that "One gets more done at a cheaper and most effective rate over others if he does what he has a natural advantage in". This is what you enjoy if you are where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to do.

If you try to iron a s.h.i.+rt by rubbing a sledge hammer on it instead of a pressing iron, you will end up wasting more time and energy. Worse still, you will get your s.h.i.+rt more rumpled, if not torn. Why? The hammer though heavier, is not designed to operate as a pressing iron. What if it is a pressing iron? In no time will you have gotten the s.h.i.+rt all straightened up. Why? That is what it is designed for. When you begin to operate outside the sphere G.o.d has defined for you, you begin to struggle and labor. However, when you operate within the confinement of your purpose, you operate with ease. In that area, you have a comparative advantage - you get more done in no time, at a cheaper cost (in terms of energy), and at the most effective rate.

So, why go through the stress? Why trouble your life when you can as well have the good things of life cheaply? Why endure nervous tensions and constant worries when you can enjoy constant victories and untold conquests in the battles of life merely by asking G.o.d what you need to do? He is your best source, despise Him not.

If you want any information about the United States, your best source is to go to the U. S. If you want first hand information about j.a.panese cars, you go to a j.a.panese car factory. If you want to know more about your life, go to G.o.d. Go to Him in humble prayers and ask Him "What have you blessed me with?" It is only what G.o.d blesses you with that you prosper in. Stop running helter-skelter. Quit engaging the trial and error theory. If you have to go through the trial and error way, a larger percentage of your time will be wasted before you discover what virtue you are blessed with, if at all you do.

Trying to maneuver your way to wealth creation without knowing what you are fas.h.i.+oned for is like trying to open a number-lock to which you have lost the combination. How many trials and different variances will it take to unlock such? For some, it might take some hundreds; for some others, thousands of trials! And some others will never even get any headway irrespective of the amount of the time given, weeks, months or years!

It is just like playing a lottery. You are not sure what the outcome of the next move will be. You just keep playing some calculated moves blindly, hoping that you will have a good luck at least once. And if that fails, you still try to re-juggle your calculations, believing strongly that life will treat you less ruthlessly and give you some better luck at the next trial. Once in a while, life is so sympathetic enough with you and allows you to make some small hits which is not enough to even take you through a week, nor enough to cover your inputted effort, but this raises your hope for a while and gives you enough a.s.surance that something greater will still happen someday. But nothing happens again for a number of trials. What a way to pa.s.s through life!

G.o.d is your creator. He designed you to His taste, and so He has the blue print of your life with Him. All you need to do is go to Him. It does not cost you anything asking Him about your future and what He wants you to do with it. In fact, all other methods are inferior to this. This is the most authentic one. It is dependable and also the least cost effective method. G.o.d will not charge you anything. If He wants to, you can-not afford it anyway. So why should He?

Cooperate with Him for your success. There is an expectation He has concerning your life. If you fall short of it, you have missed it. You need to join forces with Him in order to bring His plans for your life into existence. Ask Him. He knows you more than anyone else. He knows your configuration and specifications. He created you; He knows your intricate design, so go to Him. You do not have to wait until you have reached the top of the ladder of success before discovering your ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.

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Even after taking your time to discover what potentials you possess, or having found a need you can meet, coupled with an opportunity to express it, there is no harm in going to G.o.d for double confirmation in order not to be a round peg in a square hole. There is a vast difference between the achievement you make with the potential G.o.d gives to you and the one you cook up for yourself or the one someone else gives you. The one G.o.d gives outs.h.i.+nes all the others.

Do not leave an important decision as this to the opinion of men; you may be led astray. Men are to error. Their sense of judgment is inadequate. Their reasoning is imperfect. Their vision of the future is blurred. Their a.n.a.lysis of events is fuzzy. Their concept about issues is distorted, so they can make honest mistakes. Therefore it is what G.o.d says about you that really matters, not what men think about you.

This is not to say you should not go to men for counsel, but let G.o.d be your final say. It is nothing bad to look to the influence of others, but it is rather better to look to G.o.d for direction. Do not live your life trying to impress somebody. n.o.body, aside G.o.d, is worth trying to impress when your divine destiny is concerned.

If after looking within, you are not able to find any ability (although this is not really possible), then look forward to meeting a need. If you are still not able to find a need you can meet, then look around for precious opportunities you can invest into. If after a careful search you can not find any opportunity around, then look upwards to G.o.d for one; He sure will not disappoint you.

Going to G.o.d for the discovery of your personal design is the logical starting place. This answers the question "What does G.o.d expects of me?" What does He want me to do?" Since G.o.d has uniquely crafted and equipped each of us to accomplish a particular purpose therefore the person G.o.d has created you to be must connect with what you are doing to be where you are supposed to be

How To Make Money While In School 7 Chapter 6: Look Upward

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