Starbound: A Space Odyssey 105 Traitor 5

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"Reiketsuna, huh." Jevil recognized the blade in Itsuki's hands, "One of the Hylotl relics created by the legendary Glitch blacksmith, Hephaestus. Who would have thought the ice blade chose a little girl to use it." Jevil said in a playful tone, but deep inside he was really shocked to know that the Reiketsuna katana had chosen Itsuki to be it's owner.

He was able to see that the sword had really recognized Itsuki as it's owner because of the faint blue glow, and cold wind that surrounded the blade, and the wielder.

"I'm more surprised than you." Itsuki eyes glued at the red gauntlets in Jevil's hands. "To think that a little pirate such as yourself would also have one of Hephaestus' weapons. If I'm not mistaken, yours should be Agni's Hands, the ruler of fire's gauntlets."

Both looked at each other's hands with a surprised expression.

They were this surprised because the legendary Glitch blacksmith, Hephaestus, only created a few works on his lifespan, no one knew how many there were around the universe.

Information about this person, and his weapons were extremely confidential that only the top members of the most influential organizations in the world knew about the blacksmith.

Some believe that Hephaestus wasn't the real name of the blacksmith, but there was no way to confirm such speculation because of the mysteriousness surrounding such person that hid himself in the shadows while only releasing to the universe his top notch pieces of work.

The reason why people was able to identify the blacksmith as a Glitch was because most of his works were in the Privy Council's hands, which is the government that control most of the Glitch colonies and kingdoms.

Only a few of his weapons were sold to outsiders, such as the Reiketsuna, that was bought by the Hylotls.

The reason why everybody wanted such weapon was because of the quality and special attributes attached to the items forged by the blacksmith.

The most notable attribute was the fact that the weapons that he created would chose the owner, not the other way around.

While anyone could wield his weapons, only the selected few would be able to release the true potential of his weapons.

No one was able to understand why his weapons were so different and powerful, even after decades of research, not a single clue was found.

Around Jevil a fiery aura revolved around his body, melting the snow in the air and beneath his feat.

Steam slowly rose from the ground around him, the temperature was rising by the minute.

While on Itsuki's side, spikes of ice grew from the ground, and frost winds became even fiercer.

The freezing temperature made even the soldiers beside Itsuki, that were protected by the Heat Protection Mod, shudder by the cold reaching deep into their bones.

Jevil flashed a grin toward Itsuki and raised his hand in front of his face, like he was in a boxing match.

Itsuki bent her knees placed her katana right in front her, slightly inclined towards Jevil.

"For the Rebellion!" Jevil shouted as he sprang forward.

"FOR THE REBELLION!!!!" The Nova Rebellion's soldiers raised their weapons and took aim.

"You guys deal with those little soldiers." Itsuki coldly spoke in the communicator, "I'll deal with Jevil, I need him alive. Don't interfere, if he dies, someone will have to shoulder the blame." Once she gave her orders she also sprang forward to meet up with Jevil.

"Yes, miss!" The soldiers acknowledged their orders through the communicator and they began to enter the action.

Just as Itsuki was about to clash with Jevil, he wickedly smiled and gave an order, "Focus your weapons on Itsuki!"

"Despicable!" Itsuki's face became ugly when she saw multiple weapons, belonging to the mechs and foot soldiers that were behind the barricade made of vehicles, switching their targets to her. She stopped her forward momentum and hastily retreated.

The Rebellion's soldiers unleashed a devastating barrage of fire toward Itsuki without any shred of mercy.

Their weapons were different from the Letheia Corporation's weaponry.

While Letheia mostly use weapons made by Hyperion, which focuses more on Physical weaponry, the Nova Rebellion use weaponry made by Maliwan, which focuses on Elemental Energy weapons.

The best way bypa.s.s an energy s.h.i.+eld is by using an Electric Energy Weapon to drain out the s.h.i.+eld way faster than just using some material projectile.

Electric elemental was used to drain out s.h.i.+elds, Corrosion elemental was used to destroy metal armor faster, and both Frost and Fire elementals were better against a flesh and blood creature.

Of course there was also Explosive elemental, but they were better against multiple targets rather than using against a specific one.

In this case, the Nova Rebellion's soldiers knew that it was impossible for Itsuki to not have some kind of s.h.i.+eld equipped in her PIPS or armor, so they used Electric Elemental weapons first and drain her s.h.i.+eld faster.


The moment the weapons charged and opened fire, the aircrafts that were still on the air opened their side door and started to use the weapons that were located inside to deal with the mechas.

Before the Rebellion's energy bullets could reach Itsuki, the Letheia Corporation's mechs used everything in their thrusters to put themselves in the path of the projectiles and protect Itsuki.


As the electric bullets. .h.i.t the protective forcefield of the Letheia Corporation's mechs, snake-like electric remains of the bullet kept around the s.h.i.+eld, draining the forcefield of the mech.

The Rebellion's mechs were ready to follow up with another barrage of fire once their weapons were charged once again, but the attack from the aircrafts on sky rained upon them, making them unable to deactivate the forcefield to open fire.

Just like the Barrier Tech Ability, the forcefield on the mechs also make them unable to use their weapons as long as the s.h.i.+elds were activated completely around them.

Usually the mechs, aircrafts, and s.p.a.cecrafts, had a system to allow them to open little holes in the forcefield so that they can use their weapons without the need to completely shut down the field.

Starbound: A Space Odyssey 105 Traitor 5

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