Starbound: A Space Odyssey 39 Side Story 5 : Humanity's Redemption

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In order to appreciate how far humanity has come, one must take a journey through our history.

Human history dates back so far that many records have been lost. Old tales speak of our ancestors somehow venturing into s.p.a.ce without the aid of warp travel, but there is no real evidence for this.

The desire to discover, pioneer, and prosper has always been our strength and was a common value amongst the diverse populace of Earth.

This pa.s.sion often erupted into conflict when confined to our tiny planet, blinded by greed we stripped Earth bare of its finite resources.

The planet was torn apart by our wars and segregation. We killed our own people for profit, religion or simply petty reasons.

The 100-Year Great War had left a deep scar in our history and environment.

Even though complete ma.s.s destruction was barely avoided, so much was lost in the war, our past, and a lot of our own history.

Although the tapestry of our past is stained with bloodshed, in times of strife, ingenuity is humanity's saving grace.

Once the discovery of warp travel was made mankind was quickly able to advance both technologically and culturally.

With each improvement in our technology we were able to travel further into s.p.a.ce, and in time we encountered other sentient life and plentiful resources resulting in the last several thousand years of peace and prosperity, that much we know.

We were forever changed, enlightened by these discoveries.

As more and more alien races visited our homeworld, bringing with them tales of their own rich histories, it is easy to see how mankind slowly became the "tenders" of all life.

Earth became a place of solace, a bright flame in what was once darkness, and the call for an organization, one of peace and enlightenment, to s.h.i.+eld that flame, and to feed its warmth, started to grow more and more powerful.

We united with representatives of all the sentient race and traced a joint goal to establish the Terrene Protectorate here on Earth as a bastion of peace and acceptance for all throughout the universe.

May the Terrene Protectorate live forever in the hearts of the people.

Starbound: A Space Odyssey 39 Side Story 5 : Humanity's Redemption

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Starbound: A Space Odyssey 39 Side Story 5 : Humanity's Redemption summary

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