Starbound: A Space Odyssey 52 The Floran Colony 8

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"Wait, WAIT!" One of the soldiers shouted when he saw that Peri was about to start attacking again.

The soldier's back was covered in cold sweat when he glanced at Peri's bloodl.u.s.t eyes. "W-we are from the Black Star Syndicate. We are currently in the middle of an operation, and if you guys leave now, we won't pursuit any of you because of this transgression." His voice trembled while he tried to persuade their enemies to retreat.

Using the name Black Star Syndicate would have worked if their opponents were from a small group of outlaws, pirates or organization, but they weren't. John and Lenny won't care a d.a.m.n about the BSS while Peri just couldn't wait to eat the flesh of those who killed her family.

In other words, it was useless.

Peri sprang forward with high speed and attacked with the spear.


The spear pierced the heart of another enemy.

But this time the soldier didn't fell, he gripped the spear and didn't allow Peri to take it out from his body.

The soldier let out a bloodied grin at Peri's enlarged eyes.

The other soldier took the advantage and aimed at Peri that was locked.


Before he was able to shoot her, he was shot right in the head by a sniper rifle. His helmet was sent flying in the air, but he was still okay, only a bit dizzy.


John took the opportunity and shot the soldier in his unprotected head.

Peri let loose of her grip in the spear and used her green knife to cut the soldier's throat.


More blood-drenched Peri's body. She locked her sight at the last soldier.

The last soldier dropped his weapon and lifted his hands high in the air. "I-I-I Give up." He said with a trembling voice.

Peri was about to finish the enemy off when John grabbed her shoulder. "Let's interrogate him first, shall we?" He glanced at her eyes and saw the burning desire for revenge.

"..." She just cast a side glance at John and then lowered her knife.

With a wave of her hand, the spear that was lodged in the heart of another enemy, disappeared and appeared in her hand, once again.

John saw that and became more curious about how she does that.

Lenny looked at Peri from the scope of his sniper. His finger stayed over the trigger for a while before he sighed and jumped from the tree he was in.

He gazed with a profound look at Peri and walked toward John.

"What the Syndicate is doing on this planet?" John asked the soldier.

"We're in a mission to capture Florans for the Miniknog." The soldier said without hesitation. Just one look at the Floran beside him and he became terrified so he decided to take the chance and surrender.

John frowned when he heard the word Miniknog.

[The Apex's Ministry of Knowledge... What they want with the Florans?] John tried to think deeper, but he was unable to make any link between the Apex and the Florans.

The Miniknog is basically controlled by the Big Ape, the dictator of the Apex's race. He rules over the Apex race with an iron fist. The Miniknog control the culture, science, entertainment and even the life of each Apex under their rule.

Of course, some Apex doesn't like being controlled by a dictator, so they escape from the government and live like rebels, trying to put down the Big Ape's rule, but they are the minority.

But the most hideous fact about the Apex is their pursuit of knowledge. They seek knowledge whatever the cost, material or even life. The Terrene Protectorate was almost always in some kind of conflict with the Miniknog because of their actions of experimenting in bodies of people from various races without their agreement.

[Looks like the Miniknog is also rejoicing now that the Terrene Protectorate out of their way...] John sadly sighed.

"Where's your base?" John shook the unnecessary thoughts away and continued asking.

"It's just a few kilometers from here, you just need to follow a straight line toward the east and in no time you will see our outpost."

"Okay..." John looked at Lenny. "Now what do we-"


"..." The soldier clasped his hand in his throat trying to stop the bleeding. He stared at Peri with his eyes wide open.

Peri was holding a knife that was currently lodged in the soldier's throat. "Goodbye, sc.u.m." She kicked the body of the soldier to the ground.

"Peri!" John looked at her, their eyes met and John was able to see the emotionless expression of Peri. He decided to not say anything, even though he disagrees with her actions of killing someone who had just surrendered.

"She's dangerous." Lenny approached from behind John and said in low voice. "More dangerous than you think." After he spoke this lines, he started to strip the soldiers and take their equipment.

John glanced at Lenny and then at Peri. He thought it was just an impression, but now... He was certain, there's something going on between both of them.

"Here." Lenny threw something toward John.

John caught the object. He looked at it and saw it was the Spit Fire a.s.sault Rifle.

"It's better than using low tier energy weapons." Lenny said.


Name: Spit Fire a.s.sault Rifle 03 (SFAR03)

Type: Tier 3 Fire Arm a.s.sault Rifle

Durability: 70%

Energy per Shot: None

Fire Rate: 10 B/s (Bullets per second)

Magazine: 50 Bullets

Augmentation: None

Upgrade: None

Special Ability: None

Special Ability Energy Cost: None

Description: The weapon used by the special infantry of the USCM army. Destroy the enemy with high fire rate and penetration in exchange for the accuracy. A weapon good for close to medium range, but terrible for long range.


"How many bullets do they have." John asked. Lenny was right, using the pistols wouldn't be appropriate in this situation. Their enemies were better equipped than them. John decided to use the SFAR03 rifle rather than dual wielding low tier pistols.

"I found about 3000 rounds in their PIPS." Lenny commented while he looked through the inventory of the soldiers. "I have 20 mags here as well." Lenny took everything out of them, including the Armor.

Starbound: A Space Odyssey 52 The Floran Colony 8

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Starbound: A Space Odyssey 52 The Floran Colony 8 summary

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