Lucy Reborn 48 Three

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Dimitri watches his mother through the thin gauze tossed over his ba.s.sinet. She knelt in the soil, softly whispering to the flowers and herbs.  I wonder why I come to this world? What's my destiny? Will I leave a legacy behind?

Dimitri feels his stomach rumble and lets out a quiet whimper. Seconds later, Mother lifted the gauze away. "Always so sneaky, Mr. Dimitri. Do you plan to ever cry?" Mother asks. Dimitri meets her gaze. Her golden eyes with flecks of blue and purple.

Dimitri latches on, once she untied her bodice. This taste is so…. Sweet, but with a hint of earthiness. Spicy at times. It was ever changing.

"Lady Sung, Elder Sung has arrived," A maid says respectfully. "Father-in-law?" Mother stands quickly, making his latch break. Dimitri frowns as Mother hands him to the maid. "Take the Young Master to Tansy while I tidy up," Mother says.

The maid carries him inside. It was rather strange. He never felt full when feeding from Tansy. Might be the placebo effect, but still, Dimitri drinks only to take the edge off.

"Lord Sung has called for the Young Master," A maid says. Tansy nods, tying her bodice. She carried him to the parlor, a room full of green. Green rugs, green chairs, green paintings, and green flowers.

His Father Sung Gin accepts Dimitri from Tansy and holds a stuffed wolf over Dimitri's face. "Look, son, a wolf." Sung Gin says. Dimitri just stares at him. What do you expect me to do?

An old man comes in interrupting Father. He wore loose tan robes, with light embroidery on the cuffs. Ink-stained the old man's hands.  Only the quality of the fabric and the man's golden earrings prevented him from being mistaken for a servant.

"Father" Sung Gin jumps up, the stuffed toy in his hand.  So this is my Grandfather? Grandfather gives Father a sharp look. "Have you packed to move back to the Sung Manor?" Grandfather asks, picking Dimitri up. Dimitri relaxes his muscles, watching the old man closely.

Old man, you lack any awareness at all. Killing him wouldn't even qualify as a job. Definity something for trainees to do.

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    "No Father." Sung Gin answers. Grandfather scowls. "Why not? You will receive the most resources living in the Manor. Do you intend for my grandson to lag behind his peers? He needs lessons, herbs, books, gems. Do you plan on paying for all that?" Grandfather says. Father gives a strained smile. "We receive what we are due as members of the main branch," Father says slowly.

A finger appears in front of Father's nose. "Fool! You're missing chances, jobs, and missions. I'm too old to raise prestige in the main branch for our bloodline. You are wasting your chances to gain merits by isolating yourself from the clan" Grandfather says.

Sung Gin sighs, listening to his Father rage. It is so simple for Father.  A scholar obsessed with Runic Father didn't have close relations.h.i.+ps, too busy with his books. It only raised his lifestyle when they were admitted to the main branch. But going from just another child of the Sung Family to a Young Master changed everything.

Father's sad. Why does the family bring such weariness to him? "Why are you here Father?" Sung Gin asks, changing the subject. Grandfather sighs, stroking his bread. "My cleverest student has fallen ill." Grandfather answers. "You brew up a potion for her health while I acquaint myself with my grandson" Grandfather orders.

Lucy Reborn 48 Three

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