Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 1 That Nigh

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"Where am I ?" A soft and weak voice comes out from a female lead in this story. She just opened her eyes after feeling a very long sleep. Recalling her dream, she remembered her name is TianTian, as sweet as a candy, her appearance it is; big eyes, small face ,small body and long hair. A young girl from a common family, not poor but not too wealth also. In dream, her father is a traditional doctor and her mother is a traditional martial art teacher. She remembered she is not the only child , but she has 3 brothers who very dote on her and acts like the fierce guardians to every male who dare to take a step on her. Her life was very peaceful actually. It was until she offended a terrifying heir of Li Family; just like a handsome beast he was; came from no where. One accidentally, unplanned meeting with him in a club ,which she regretted so much for going there even though it was her first time going there. Thanks to her bestie WenWen; she must stepped to that club and then 'that accident' happened, and next thing she remembered , she blacked out and everything was dark until...wait a second. Its not a dream right? It is her life, she is indeed TianTian so...

'Where am i ?' TianTian repeated that question in her mind, seeing around her. She is on the bed, beside her is a machine to detect her heart and her right hand is attached with a plastic tube and some fluid flows inside, but it is not a hospital room. The room looks like a giant bedroom, enough to be a cla.s.s for 100 students. This comparison she made based on her daily job as an elementary teacher. Its wall covered with flourish wallpaper which looks luxury as all other parts of the room, the curtain, the smart tv and others and it even has what seems as a balcony; it also has 3 other doors; guessing 1 of them is an out way door but don't have any clue which one it is.

'"Auchh" a pain comes from her forehead. When she reflects to touch it, she realises her head is wrapped with white-band cloth.

'When I got hurt here?' She tries to remember but no clue at all. Suddenly all flashback of that accident came to her mind.

At that night, she remembered WenWen called her suddenly, in drunk tone;

"TianTiann,.... I am sooooo saddddd. plizzz comee herreee...Im so lonelyy here..."

Ah, WenWen must got brokenheart AGAIN... emphasizing tone for the word 'AGAIN' coz since first time TianTian met WenWen in highschool until they already in twenties now, she could not counting how many calls she got from WenWen either she drunk or cried. WenWen is actually an attractive woman with bright brownish short fancy bob hair surrounding her skinny face. Her style is also so modest, which what needed from her job, as a model. She is pretty, she just too aggressive and over pa.s.sionate for anything about love. Easily believes flirting words from any handsome man she met, a fool woman but cute most all the time. As a friend, WenWen is a faithful friend for TianTian. In fact, WenWen is her savior during her highschool time. There was a time when TianTian was gossipped as a call girl, it caused by the jealousy of girls at cla.s.s because a popular boy confessed his love to TianTian. Almost all girls believed the gossip, and only WenWen that stood up for her. But now, looks like TianTian always be her savior, so a worrymaker this WenWen...

"Where are you now?" asked TianTian worry ,hoping the place is reachable.

"Haah, where...hey...where is here? ooh oyaa i remember its Lion NightClub...come hurryy TianTian...i misssss youuu so muchhh... and the drink in here is sooooo goooddd; Hey fill my more..."

Twirling her eyes, TianTian gave a threat

" Don't you dare take another sip until i get there !!!"

Thanks G.o.d, the Lion Night club is not too far from here. Even though TianTian never enter such a place but she knows it because it is a very famous club, so famous coz its regular place for all celebrities and rich people to have fun. Its also often become a background place for many scandals that you can watch in television. As a model, surely WenWen is a regular member there.

Not too long after that, TianTian arrived there and immediately noticed some noise at the hallway inside the club. She horrified seeing the noise source came from WenWen; She was quarreling with some strange men. There were two men in suits, like some bodyguards, each of them was holding WenWen's arm, dragging her out from some kind a private room while WenWen looks fighting back to be free.

"Let go of son of b****...Let gooo..." but their grips were too strong. In instinct, TianTian looked around and took a metal plate from a steward who just served drinks from another room. Ignoring the protest from the steward, TianTian gave some hard hits to those men's back head. Unexpected attacks from TianTian made those men lost in balance and loosen their grip which giving a chance for WenWen to free herself.

"Don't you dare touch my friend!"

Hearing TianTian's voice made WenWen felt relieved, she right away run and hugged TianTian,

" me...i'm scareee. ." TianTian calmed WenWen

"WenWen, what happened to you? Why these men captured you?"

at that moment, both of them were at the mouth of the room. Without they realized, someone inside the room had given instruction to push them inside the room and then they heard...

"Close the door. Leave us" A cold and sharp voice came from inside, it was not loud but sounded very intimidating. The guards immediately obeyed the command. The door was closed and those men stood at the door, were making sure no one could trespa.s.sing them.

Inside the room, TianTian suddenly felt cold and she got gooseb.u.mps around her body, she realized someone inside the room had stared on them from beginning. TianTian knew Wenwen also felt the same, even more; She was s.h.i.+vered so much. Her eyes seemed fixed on something at their front, and terrified with it. She held TianTian's arm so tight and whispered in fear, "I'm sorry....TianTian...what have i done...its my fault...I'm sorry..." TianTian noticed that WenWen too scared until it made her sober from her drunk.

'Why did Wenwen say sorry? What is it that make WenWen so terrified suddenly until she sober from her drunk?'

To answer that question, TianTian followed the eyes of WenWen, tried to see what WenWen saw so terrified.

Then she saw two men. (What? They are just human right? what so terrified about them? At least it is not monster or ghost...)

TianTian continued observing, one of the men was sitting in a luxury long sofa lazily and he looked more superior than another man who standing beside the man. Tiantian could see that the standing man was busy with his handphone talking with someone. TianTian observed him first, he was quite handsome, ok he was actually very handsome, like a pretty handsome with his black long hair that tied neatly and the white line suit that he wore adding the elegant of his appearance ,reminding TianTian of a fox ghost character from fairy tale which turns into a handsome man, a white fox. Somehow TianTian felt this white fox could be as cunning as the fox in the story. With that kind of face, TianTian was guessing that a lot of women can be hypnotized by him easily but not TianTian coz he just not her type. She never trusts a pretty man.

Meanwhile the other man.... In one look, TianTian could easily guessing that the sitting man is the boss. More than that, from his att.i.tude, he looked like a king of the room (if it is a lion den, that means he is a lion king right?). He was also handsome indeed in his black suit; it so oppositely than the whitefox. With a short hair and fierce thick eyebrows, he could not be called pretty handsome but he was indeed fierce handsome, the face looked arrogant and intimidating. In fact, he was intimidating by staring on TianTian, at that moment their eyes met and TianTian felt surprised in her heart.

His eyes seems like a lonely lion,so sharp and deep, somehow TianTian can felt the shadow of sadness in his eyes. But TianTian felt trapped in his eyes, both of them just stared to each other. For a moment no one of them were willing to release their eyes from each other.

"Mr Li" The soft voice from whitefox kept TianTian back to the ground.

"As your instruction, this girl (He looked at WenWen, making WenWen looked more pale) officially banned from this club and also all her jobs as a model in Li Company has been cancelled"

"What?" TianTian didn't believed what she heard, could they do that? Just now he was called Mr Li? Is he that Mr Li, the owner of Li Company? Li Company is known so well in international market for their products and their bussiness including entertainment and the agency where WenWen works. If it is that case, then this man, Mr Li really can make WenWen lost her job. This time WenWen really in a big trouble.

She looked to WenWen, worried,

"WenWen, what was really going on here? What did you do? Did you really offending these people?" Instead getting her answer. Tiantian saw WenWen immediately kneeled and bowed his body many many times. She begged for forgiveness, "I'm so so sorry, Mr Li. I was drunk, didn't think clear, I didn't know it was you... I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." WenWen kept bowing her head so low until touching the ground. TianTian was so surprised to see WenWen like that. As she remembered WenWen was a very proud girl, she never easily bow down to anyone even to her own parents but now...

In her mind, TianTian tried to evaluate the situation quickly; 'So WenWen did something wrong and make this king so angry until he decided to punish WenWen very bad. But what was her wrong? Did WenWen really deserve to be punished by taking all her job, it is same as making her unemployed.'

As a bestie, TianTian knows even though during drunk, WenWen would dare to do any crossing line debts. A lot of terrible possible cases might happened occured in TianTian's head but she could not be sure which one, the worst perhaps that WenWen said anything wrong? Insulted those men? She must know for sure so she can know how to help WenWen out from this trouble. She was really uneasy seeing WenWen like that.

"WenWen, tell me what did you do wrong? Did you say something wrong? Hey, help me to understand the situation here...what was happened?"

Didn't getting any response from WenWen. TianTian decided to confront the king and the whitefox,

" What happened in here? Can you explain why my friend have to beg to you like this? It seems not right for letting a woman kneeling down like this, Aren't you a gentleman? " WenWen tried to stop TianTian but she kept continue, "So, what did she do wrong? If possible, let me pay for my friend's mistake, just cancel your punishment and let her go"

"No, no TianTian don't do that..." begged WenWen, but as she could not take the situation any longer, WenWen finally fainted on the floor, "WenWen...WenWen???" TianTian checked her pulse like what being taught by her Dad. 'Thanks G.o.d, she just faint, nothing serious, but i must immediately take her out from here.' From her action, The king noticed this girl maybe not just a girl who only can talk.

Like a faithful servant, the whitefox looked at the king and then he finally explain to TianTian,

" Your friend, Ms WenWen has entered this room without being invited and seduced Mr Li."

'Oh ,that's why....wait WHAT??? Just it?

come without permission maybe rude but WenWen was drunk, it was an accident right? and seduce? Is seducing a crime? especially in this kind of place? An appropriate conduct, it might! But was WenWen deserve to lose her job just because she accidently seduced man in drunk?' TianTian tried to digest the information she got and she looked to the king again, such a healthy man;

'A pretty woman like WenWen came and accidently seduced you in this club...IN CLUB! Wouldn't you supposed to be happy, Man, what do you lost? Its not like you lost your virginity here...'

More she was thinking she became more anger. 'It seems ridiculous punishment WenWen got? Doesn't it mean he just an arrogant rich man who trying to bully a commoner like WenWen? TianTian knows so well how hard did Wenwen's effort to achieve her position as a top model till now. Being model was her life. Without supporting from her own parents and anyone, she never gave up and kept trying and now this man wants to destroy WenWen's life? I can't let it happen.

"Mr Li, I know WenWen had make you angry by entering your room and seducing you. But she was drunk and didn't know what she was doing. Doesn't it too far to punish her by taking all her jobs? Beside...flirting and seducing are not harmful right? It can happens to anyone in this kind of place? Especially for the people like you."

Hearing her words, the king was surprised, there never before a woman dare to argue with him, and this girl was even doing it not for herself but for defending somebody else. So naive, so pure...isn't her? The King raised from his seat, approaching TianTian with anger stare, tried to more intimidating her. He knows soon or later this girl will give up foremost after knowing who he is , like other women.

"I am not anybody. Do you know who i am?" He looked at TianTian as a lion who threatens its prey.

But TianTian was not afraid, She fought back, stared back in anger to the king, because she really hates the arrogant rich people like Mr Li. So she was more angry than scare.

"I know who you are, didn't they call you Mr Li? As the owner of a giant company like Li company, how could you had so tiny heart? WenWen just drunk and what happened here was an accident. She didn't planned to do it to annoy you. If you are a good person, you suppose to forgive her and let her go..."

Mr Li blinked his eyes once, how could this girl not afraid to him after knowing his ident.i.ty. Interesting...

and 'A good person' she said? what a laugh. Mr Li laughed ironically in his heart.

He was born in a very difficult environment. Fighting alone for his right, and in the process, he learned not to trust anyone, especially women; like his own mother who abandoned him for money and desire. Her aunt and cousins who have two-faces. All women he knew in his life, tried to take benefit from his coz of his money or his status. But this girl was different, she hated him for who he is. Did she just pretend to be pure and naive? Deep inside the king's heart, a strange desire born, a desire toward this girl. I want to defeat this girl. I want to see her cry.

A little smile shown on his lip, but it made his face more fierce as his eyes kept staring on TianTian.

" Unfortunately, I am not a good person. I cannot forgive your friend...but..." the king chose his word wisely and slowly, for he also had a battle inside his mind for what he would do later "You said you were willing to pay for your friend, didn't you?" A smile on Mr Li's face made TianTian felt she was stepping on a hole trap.

Meanwhile the whitefox shocked to hear his boss giving a chance to a woman? a WOMAN? There was uncountable numbers of women who tried so hard to be with Mr Li, but none of them was success; and Mr Li didn't give any chance to anyone of them. Why this girl is different? Does Mr Li attract to her? No, it can't be. The whitefox looked at Tiantian ,she is not ugly but also not too pretty enough for a man like Mr Li. As a most wanted bachelor, Mr Li is surrounded by fairy-like celebrities and elegant models. This girl has small face and small body, make her looks like a little bunny. Based on the face and body, this girl definitely cannot compared with them but still...

"Well, will you pay as your said?" Mr Li felt amused by seeing how TianTian confused to give an answer.

"Y..yes...I did say that. If it can make you to return all WenWen's job, as long as i afford to do it, i will do it." She kept thinking, is she doing right thing? but again as long she can save WenWen right now, its worthy.

"Good!" In flash, the king gave a look to whitefox which be responded by a small nod, and without TianTian realised, the whitefox already took WenWen out and left TianTian alone with the king in the room.

"What? Where did your man take WenWen? You said you'll let her go?

In panic, TianTian rushed to the door, willing to chase the whitefox...

"If you go now, then the deal is off."

TianTian stopped, she turned back...

"Do you really let WenWen go...?"

"I did. My man is taking her home safely right now" The king slowly back to the table, pouring 2 of wine.

"and returning all her jobs?"

"Yes, that's also. I let your friend free for now." He walked toward TianTian, naturally put the gla.s.s on her hand, which she accepted without she knew it.

"What do you mean 'for now'?"

"As long you do what you promise to me,

then I will keep my promise too."

The king raised the gla.s.s, signing her to drink with him.

"Well,..what do you want me to do? As long it is not illegal...I..." She doesn't care about the drink. She wanted everything got over soon and went home. So she put the gla.s.s on the table, which made the king p.i.s.sed a little. The king drank his, and then poured the second wine.

" You are not in the position to object, Little Miss..." He gave another sign, patting the sofa beside him, want her to sit beside him, closely.

An alert ringed in her heart. TianTian wasn't that fool not to know what was the message behind the signs he shown She must get out from the room before too late.

"No, I'm good in here. Mr Li, or maybe we can discuss this problem tomorrow at your office. Its already so late and I am worry about WenWen, I need to go now."

As TianTian started to move, the king has already rushed in front of her,

"Are you trying to escape?"

TianTian moved backward to give the s.p.a.ce between them but the king kept coming forward,

"No, I am not. I will keep my promise, you can ask me to do anything but..."

At the end TianTian could not move and finished her words because of the wall behind her, and also because without giving any warning , the king had pressed his lip on her lip, kissed her pa.s.sionately.

Feeling shame and anger, TianTian tried to slap the king ,but it had antic.i.p.ated by the king. With his hand, he held TianTian's hand. Feeling anger caused she couldn't do anything, she just glared angrily to him,


But it didn't p.i.s.s the king. Instead, he was enjoying the moment, all the reactions of her made him aroused.

"Come on, didn't you said before, flirting and seducing are not harmful in this place, especially for a person like me.... beside its not like you never kissed before ,is it?" The face of TianTian turned red ,in fact it was her first kiss. But now it was robbed by a pervert arrogant rich man which she hated so much.

Guessing what in her mind, the king was getting excited ' is her first kiss! So innocent; How could i never met this girl before; where have she been all this time...' The desire in his mind and his body became too strong to be resisted. 'I want her...i want her right now... This girl is mine."

and then the king continued kissing her again and again, as now the desire had controlled him, ignoring the rejection responds from TianTian, he kept continued pressed his lip, even more he started to put his tongue in her mouth, and as he took out its tongue, he continued smelling her body, made him desired to bite her neck, kiss it, taste it. TianTian can felt something below the king's pants started growing hard , it rub her body too. The other hand of king started to explore her body wildly on her

"Please...stop...I scare..." and then he stopped. He stared to the tears that came from her eyes. It freezed him. He could not believed himself. He stopped because of those tears.

Realizing he had stopped, TianTian slapped his face hardly and then she run away, out of the room suddenly, surprising the guards. As they didn't hear any commands from the king, one of them looked inside the room and hesitated to ask, "Ng, Mr Li...should we take that girl back?"

"....No..., leave me alone..." Unbelieving what they heard, since when Mr Li just let a girl go like that? They didn't take any action, which p.i.s.sed the king so much, "GO...LEAVE ME!" then in a second, the guards had disappeared, leaving the king just stood in the room, he himself seemed didn't believing what just happened. He stopped because the girl cried...didn't he want to make the girl cry so badly before? What's wrong with him...

Not too long the whitefox entered the room, without fear, he asked to the king,

"Are you done playing with that girl?"

"..." The king turned around and walked as nothing happened, as he stood beside the whitefox , he talk in soft but sharp voice, a commanding voice.

"No...I just start. Give me all information about that girl. I want to know everything about her..." and then the king left the room, and the club.

The whitefox just took a deep sighed, he felt sorry to that girl ,that little bunny. She has been marked by the lion. "Well, little bunny, this time you can run away but i don't think you able to run away again for the next time..."

Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 1 That Nigh

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Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 1 That Nigh summary

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