Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 15 A Dinner With The Beast 1

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*A present

Although her eyes are closed, TianTian can feel her hand is touched warmly by someone. The voice is so softly talks to her,

"When will you wake up, my sleeping beauty? I miss you so much. Please wake up soon...I believe you will wake up someday.."

TianTian also can feel the man stays closer to her, so close that he kisses her forehead gently. TianTian can smell the aroma from his body, its smelled like the traditional medicine incenses, which is familiar for TianTian. She wonders when she ever smells it. She tried so hard to think about it, but her mind just becomes wandering thinking about other things, about her family, the dinner and the photo at that day.

*In the past,

After be left by the King, TianTian just sit on LiMingHu's chair behind the desk. She thought if the beast had meeting, it must be took around one or two hours to finish? The point was she had her free time to explore this office,

"Maybe I can find anything that I can use to deal with that beast later?"

So she started by searching on the king's table. There were not too many things on the desk, just some doc.u.ments of works, TianTian sees them a little. When she looks the doc.u.ment and photos that just now LiMingHu shown to her, she took WenWen's photo and felt regret for not contacting her yet. She promised in her heart, later she must find the way to meet WenWen and explained everything to her. Then she closed the doc.u.ments, nothing special about other doc.u.ments, they just contains reports and numbers which TianTian didn't too expert about it.

She moves to the drawers. There were 4 drawers and three of them are locked, 'LiMingHu is not stupid, of course he locks the drawer' TianTian felt dumb for herself. But still she checks all drawer, including the last drawers, which happened unlock. TianTian startled before but then she pulled it and there was nothing inside except an old photo.

TianTian took the photo to observe it more but suddenly a knock coming from out, TianTian immediately took the photo and closed the drawer, then she sat again on sofa, pretending never stand up from there, she answered,

"Come in.."

Miss Yang entered the room with a food tray. She put it in front of TianTian, and offered it politely,

"Please enjoy it Miss TianTian, these food are special ordered from 5 star Li Hotel....made by the head of chef there"

TianTian widened her eyes, 'A tiramisu cake and mint chamomile tea, her favourite food that she often ordered it everytime she went to a cafe. How could that beast know?' It was a rhetorical question coz TianTian realized the king could do it easily.

Miss Yang seems waiting for the responds,

"Miss TianTian, is anything lack?"

", its good..."

"Well ,if that so please enjoy it till President Li comes back from the meeting. I'll be outside if you need anything else." Miss Yang excused herself politely and walked to the door, before sudden TianTian called her to ask,

"Aah, Miss Yang..may I ask you a question?"

"Please, go ahead"

"Does President Li...has a little sister? niece? or maybe...a daughter?"

The question startled Miss Yang a little bit, but she managed to stay polite and answered,

"President Li doesn't have a sister or any siblings so he also doesn't have any niece. And about a daughter, far I know, he doesn't have any daughter."

Miss Yang looked curiously to TianTian, she wanted to know why TianTian asked that such question but she knew it was none of her business, beside she still had many job to do, so she want to excuse herself,

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

" you. eh, Miss Yang?" TianTian hoped she didn't misspelling the name tag on Miss Yang's cloth.

Miss Yang smiled as her name was mentioned, she glad TianTian considered to know her name.

"Well then, excuse me" Miss Yang then got out from the room.

While TianTian took off the photo and looked to the photo carefully. It was a photo of a little girl, in beach dress and wearing a wide beach hat. Her face looked pretty with a big smile on face and her brown long hair. Her age was around 10-12 years.

TianTian seemed puzzled,

'Who is this girl? Is she someone important to LiMingHu or n.o.body? Well...better than nothing...' TianTian took her smartphone to take a picture of that photo, in case she needed it one day. Her instinct was telling her that the little girl might important. TianTian turned on her smartphone and took a snapshot. After that, she realized that so many messages and voice messages came since yesterday. All sent from her family. TianTian heard all the messages, all were telling her to go home and asking that she was not serious to leave the family,

"Just...come back TianTian okay?"

that's the end of the message and it made TianTian couldn't hold her tears,

"I am sorry, Mom...Dad...brothers..."

She wiped her tears and encourage her self,

'I hope I didn't do wrong, its for protecting them... Just wait, until I success to tame that beast, or find his weakness...I can be free and go home...'

She then looked to the food, and decided to eat first as she could hear her stomach being noisy. The food was delicious but TianTian didn't enjoy it at all, she just eat to fill her energy so she can deal with LiMingHu later.

Meanwhile in the meeting room, everyone in the room can see the King was in a very good mood. YuFang as the vice of CEO in the Li company delivered the report and felt odd also for the king didn't give any sharp comment like usual yet, although there was not too much progressing in the profit growth of Li Company. LiMingHu looked so calm and it puzzled the investors, especially because not all members were present in the room. There was a blank chair among the investors. Remembering the chair was belong to the most strongest rival of LiMingHu, Philip Huang to take control of Li Company. The seat had been empty for many times. And Usually his absent was one of the reason that irritated LiMingHu.

In the next minute YuFan had finished delivering the report, and sudden the door was opened by a tall charming man, whose hair as bright as the colour of sun. He gave a big smile and just barged in the room with confident, he then sat on the empty chair.

"I'm so sorry for my late...I just landed directly from Paris,....and i got bad traffic on the way to be here, what an exhausting right? Long time not see are you all?"

Everyone smiled nervously to Philip Huang and then looked to LiMingHu, to see his reaction, which usually cannot be a good one. But LiMingHu seemed stay calm, he greeted the man politely.

"We are glad you can manage to be here, Mr has been 6 months finally we can see you join in this meeting..."

The man who be known by all as Philip Huang squinted his eyes to LiMingHu but then he continued,

"That's right...Oyeah, do you know on the way, I also saw some of Li company's banner has been cleaned off from some regular places. Its too bad right, can't you do anything about it, I like the banners so much, you know?"

Although Philip Huang asked it lightly ,like in joke. But everyone can see the main purpose of the question. He tried to point out of the incompetent LiMingHu as the president of Li Company.

LiMingHu stared sharply to him, and he gestured to YuFang, letting him to answer Philip Huang,

"Don't worry, Mr Huang. The banners are taken off to be replaced the new banner, new image of Li Company's new product"

Philip Huang gave a force laughing and looked to others.

"Ohh ,is that so? Wow, we can't wait to see it right, it must be better than the old banners!...ok, now what else that I miss?"

LiMingHu smirked, he stood up,

"I am afraid the meeting just finished. But don't worry, you will get the update information like usual, Mr Huang" He then instructed YuFang, and went directly to the door to left the room.

YuFang then announced properly that the meeting was really over. The investors, little by little were leaving the room, leaving Philip Huang who looked humiliated coz he felt LiMingHu purposely dismissed the meeting just when he arrived. YuFang approached Philip Huang and gave the copy of the meeting reports which Philip Huang took it harshly. When YuFang also excused himself and out of the room. Philip Huang stared out of the room and talked to himself,

"LiMingHu, just wait...I am back to destroy your arrogant and kick you out from this company soon!"

In the way, YuFang managed to reach LiMingHu in the private lift. LiMingHu used this chance to talk more private.

"After half of year, that man just suddenly show up...YuFang, what did you know about it?"

"I am afraid not, President Li. As far I know in Paris, he spent his time to have fun as much as he want, sometimes with the different women. He was also spent a lot of money to buy antique things and clubs"

"Dig it more deep. I don't like his sudden present...he might hiding something..."

"Yes, President Li, then I'll continue my job"

Right after that the lift had delivered them in front of LiMingHu's office. LiMingHu went out from the lift alone, while YuFang closed the lift to go to another floor.

Miss Yang immediately welcomed LiMingHu politely,

"Welcome back, President Li"

"How is she?" LiMingHu stopped his step before he entered the room.

"She is enjoying the cake and tea inside"

LiMingHu smiled to hear it,

"Is the dinner ready for tonight?"

"Yes, President Li, I had reserved a whole restaurant in Li Hotel and make the preparation as your order."

"Very good" Miss Yang was happy to listen for it was seldom to hear his boss' compliment. She opened the door for LiMingHu and after the king entered the room. Miss Yang closed the door gently.

Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 15 A Dinner With The Beast 1

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