Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 17 Wenwen's Anger

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Out of the Li Hotel, WenWen still silent in her anger, she entered the car with Phillip Huang.

In the car, Phillip Huang tried to request some replacing place for their dinner...

"Shall we go or....there?" But during the road, WenWen actually didn't responding Phillip Huang too much. She was busy with her mind that full of anger to TianTian,

"How come.....HOW COME!!! She clearly knows that I like LiMingHu but there she was, being held by LiMingHu... TianTian,.she is really stabbed my back!!! My best friend does that!!!" Tears started to flow from her eyes.

Phillip Huang noticed it and gave a handkerchief to her, it made WenWen finally pay attention to him,

"Thanks Mr Phillip" WenWen carefully wiped her tears without destroying her make up.

"So...I see you know that woman who with LiMingHu, do you know her closely? Is she your friend?" asked Phillip Huang curiously,

"NO! She is not my friend anymore!"

There was a cold tone in WenWen's voice, fit with her anger look.

'Wow! anger woman is indeed scary...' Phillip Huang saw this was an opportunity to attack LiMingHu's weakness.

"She is really make you angry hah!"

Philip Huang purposely hold WenWen's hand. "Its really a bad night, why don't we have a drink to forget these unpleasing moment?"

WenWen nodded her head, yeah, why not? She really need to drink a lot tonight to throw out all her anger...

Not too long, Phillip Huang had taken WenWen to a night club, he reserved a private room and then letting WenWen drink a lot until drunk...

At that moment, Phillip Huang digged all information about TianTian from WenWen,

' this TianTian just an ordinary girl?! I can't imagine that king can be influenced by an ordinary girl? so funny...Hah!"

"Can you imagine, my best friend...has betray meee!!!"

"Yes yes...its very much much more beautiful than her..." Phillip Huang smirked evilly,

"Then if I say I can get your revenge...what do you want to do about this TianTian??"

WenWen was not in her straight mind, she was so filled by anger, so she answered

"I want her to disappear...kill her, vanish anything you want to do to her...I don't care...I just want TianTian to disappear from this world!!!"

"Really...and what do I get if I can grant your wish?"

WenWen looked to Phillip Huang and giggled unconsciously, she touched his nose with her fingers.

"I'll give you...handsome...myself..."

"Then I want to have a payment first..."

Phillip Huang didn't wait any longer to kiss WenWen pa.s.sionately, opened her dress and started to caress WenWen's body to make love completely with her.

The next morning, WenWen woke up with a very bad hangover. But she then realized that she was naked, covered by blanket on the bed in a hotel.

She recited what happened last night, and felt shameful by herself. A shower sound indicated the man she slept with was still in the room. The door of bathroom opened and Phillip Huang came out by half of his below body parts covered with a towel only. He then approached WenWen who still unbelieving what had happened, and he kissed her cheek, her neck and said in teasing voice,

"Good morning beauty...last night was great! You are so you want to do it again?" Phillip Huang seems rosing his l.u.s.t once again, he started to kiss and kiss and kiss...

"Wait...wait...No..." WenWen tried to reject the touchings, but failed for Phillip was stronger, he had pushed WenWen laying back on the bed and he was be on her top...

"Sst, don't fight, woman...don't you said last night that you want to take revenge to your friend TianTian?"

"Revenge...I..yes...I want but..."

"Then from now, you must follow my words and do what I say...ok, now just be an obedient girl...and lets enjoy it together..." Without waiting for WenWen's answer, Phillip Huang once again kissed WenWen pa.s.sionately and fondled her both peaks, giving a high pleasure that WenWen couldn't reject.


And so they spent all morning pa.s.sionately in the hotel.

Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 17 Wenwen's Anger

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Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 17 Wenwen's Anger summary

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