Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 5 She Was Fallen For The Beas

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"Beep...beep...beep..." A steady sound from the high -tech machine becomes the only sound which filled the room. TianTian gains her consciousness, but not awake fully; She just feeling so tired. Once again she felt odd, is she in serious sick? but why no one stayed beside her, how about her family? Mom? Dad? Her brother? Where are they? or...did they know? or it is because the last time she fought and disobeyed them ...

and where is he?...Has he finally dump her?

Her eyes felt deeply sleepy, TianTian can't stop them from being closed again...

TianTian remembered...

After living at the king's house in the Gold Garden for a few days, she felt her life was never be the same like before. Even though LiMingHu allowed her to go to work like usual, but he made sure that her actions could be monitored all the time, by putting a bodyguard beside her. This bodyguard was called Ali, named based on his favourite boxer. TianTian recognized him as one of the bodyguards that she hit at the club last time with a metal plate. She remembered that she did protest to him since beginning,

"I don't need a bodyguard..."

"You don't, but I do, his primary job is to make sure you are not run away..."

"I will not run away...We have a deal , written on a legal contract..."

"Yes it is and as I remember in that contract, you agree to be my girl properly and my girl need to obey what I say!!" And just like that. The king was undebatable.

At that day, A black roll joyce stopped at the gate of 'First National Elementary School' and all the eyes around looking at TianTian who embarra.s.sed out from the car ,accompanied by a black-suit man, like the main character from movie 'Men in black'. TianTian warned him not to enter the school ,surely it would be weird for a normal elementary teacher accompanied a bodyguard in the cla.s.s. But Ali didn't dare to neglect the command from his boss so he just stood still at the front of school, waiting for TianTian finished her work. He stood so firmly ,giving a scary vibe for anyone who walked entering the school. Only an old school gardener didn't afraid to him and after the first bell rings, Uncle Chow, the gardener asked Ali to have a teatime with him...and it happened like that for a few days.

'What the h.e.l.l...' She felt like a prisoner now. Everyone in the teacher office wondered what had happened to her, as suddenly there was a fierce man in a suit like in *the movie 'a man in black' appeared at school every day. Even her came personally to ask her..., what TianTian could answer just a lie that the bodyguard was her friend who is an actor and was practicing as a bodyguard with her...and then she run instantly to the cla.s.s without any further more clear information...

In her cla.s.s, it also became a hot gossip between the students. How not? Suddenly there was a stranger man brought their favourite room teacher to the school from an expensive car. For the third grade students, it was too tasty not to being a hot news...

One of her favourite students, Xiao Ai guessed that Miss TianTian was a missing princess who just been found back, what an imaginary girl! TianTian laughed. Oh how she wished it could be true...

Others said that their teacher suddenly won a lottery and became a rich woman. It was more pleasure to hear the children imaginations than hearing by herself what adult's thought about her...

TianTian was at outside of the unclosed door while her teacher colleagues talked about her in the teacher office. They guessed that she must got a rich boyfriend ,or even becoming mistress of an old rich man. Then when she came in, the office sudden became too quiet, so quiet until a ringtone from TianTian's handphone surprised everyone.

She saw the called id, and was Wenwen... She wanted to meet her after the schooltime at the regular cafe. Of course she agreed, beside she supposed still have time right? The office work time was not yet finish, so that beast shouldn't bother her yet.

Then, after finis.h.i.+ng her teaching time, she rushed away to the cafe, noticing WenWen had sit at their regular place.

Seeing TianTian came out from that rolls joyce, WenWen felt weird,...

"So you are really working for LiMingHu as for exchange returning my job? Honestly, yesterday I was not believing what you said, but seeing you come out from that car just now...fiuhh, so its true..."

"Ehm Hm..." TianTian purposely kept drinking her favourite guava juice she ordered. She was thinking how to explain the truth to WenWen. TianTian didn't want to keep any secrets to her bestie, but she also didn't want to make WenWen felt guilty....

"Oh , are my true friend... I love you so much...and I promised I will pay this debt later... is it?"

" What do you mean?"

"The job,....actually, TianTian...after I am thinking deeply about what had happened that night, we are so lucky to get involved with LiMingHu, you even work for can meet him in person often times...right?"

'Wait...' TianTian saw a familiar expression from WenWen and she didn't like it

"I thought you are afraid of him?"

"Ah...yes , I still scared a little bit, but he is so handsome....and so rich... beside i can see that he is actually generous...he even giving you, his worker a ride from one of his car...I hear that he is still a single. At least in my job place, he is never been gossipped to have any relations.h.i.+p with any women. Do you know what his other calling name? 'The handsome monk'...!!! Hahaha, what a bad name right? It is not fit with him at all...

Ah, you think he would remember me if we meet in any company party? You know...tonight there will be a launching party of new Li cosmetic product ,ooh I wish I can be there ,but unfortunately I am not chosen to be the member of the models for that product. Aaah...I want to fix our first meeting, I had ruined it at the last time....!!"

'OH....MY....G.o.d....WenWen is falling for that beast' How come???

One thing TianTian knows well about WenWen, that she is a very bad jealousy girl. Once in their college, there was a man who WenWen liked so much but that man chose other woman which was also their closest friend. But since that man and their friend finally in a relations.h.i.+p, WenWen cut any connection with that friend until now. TianTian didn't want the same thing happen to her so she decided not to tell WenWen, at least until three months later...or maybe WenWen's crush would not hold that long... beside its too early...

"I don't know, WenWen...I think you better stay away from that don't know his real face...

"And you know it how? What do you know about him? Are you close with him?TianTian, please tell me everything about LiMingHu, i feel maybe he is really the know, my prince..."

and again, about this prince....Since school, WenWen told TianTian about her dream many times, the dream was about a man who kissed a sleeping princess which was her but in that dream, she could not see the face of the prince. Since that WenWen believed that out there, there must be a prince waiting for her love. And of course that prince must handsome and rich.

TianTian sighed,

"He is not your prince, WenWen... definitely not! As far I know...

he was so cold, cruel as the beast , and so...sO...SO...SELFISH...he likes to force anyone to do what he wants and never considering others...!!!" Without she realized, she was already talked in anger as she remembered how LiMingHu treated her...robbed her kiss...TianTian even hitting the table so hard with her gla.s.s, caused the juice spilled a little.

WenWen so surprised and a little bit scare seeing TianTian like that..."TianTian, are...are you okay?"

TianTian calmed herself, at that moment, her smartphone was ringing...She looked to the caller id, just a stranger numbers...wonder who is it?


"Meet me in the SunMall now. I want to see you here in 10 minutes...!"

"SunMall? Why?" The working hours are suppose not finish yet right?...what is this beast doing there?

"Get here immediately or I'll lose my patience. *click"

'Did he...just commands me and hangs up without any explanation??? How rude...!!!

"Who's that? You looks so upset TianTian?"

"It's..." Not yet finis.h.i.+ng her word. Ali, the bodyguard had entered the cafe and approached them.

"Miss TianTian. Mr Li asked me to take you right now. Please come." Ali tried to be polite as possible for he hoped that TianTian agree to come, coz if not, he had to drag her out from the cafe which would be humiliating for her.

Of course TianTian knew she should cooperated for now.

"I'm sorry WenWen. I have job to do, be given by your handsome monk...I'll call you later okay..." TianTian raised from her seat.

"I see...wait, TianTian..." WenWen quickly pulled her close to her, whispering to her so Ali could not heard what she would said.

"I know you don't like your boss, but please give him and me a chance, be my informant, tell me all everything about him ,pleaseee...I beg you?"

'Here we go,...' A child-like miserable face of WenWen had successfully made TianTian couldn't say no for her wishes everytime.

"Pleaseeeee ... or at least send me his photos...."

"Fine,...i'll do what I can do"

"Yeah, I love you TianTian..." WenWen hugged TianTian like a child who got the birthday gift already...

Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 5 She Was Fallen For The Beas

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Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 5 She Was Fallen For The Beas summary

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