Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 7 Don't Call Me In The Morning

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"Auch, my head..."

For the first time in her life, TianTian woke up with unpleasing headache coz by alcohol. She ever drank wine before, but never that much.


She stared on the bed for a moment, tried to gain last night memory, the party...the wine.. the hotel room and the rough kiss... and then...

'Aakh...I am....soooooo stupid!!!' She screamed in her mind. Being drunk not only successfully only humiliated herself but she gave him an opportunity to do pervert things on her...again...

'TianTian, you never learn, aren't you?'

Not yet finished her words in her mind. She felt something moving on her,

'A hand?!'

TianTian slowly looked at her right side, and what she saw was LiMingHu, sleeping barely on her right side,

'Did we...? No way, I remembered clearly what had happened yesterday night...He stopped...but after that...?'

Touching her neck, she recalled the feeling she had last night. scared...but deep in her heart, she didn't dislike it, she felt it, her heart wanted the pa.s.sion....but her mind rejected it, she just couldn't accept being forced when she was weak.

'Tian Tian, what is in your mind? Get it straight...' then she realized something more important, 'What time is this...?' She looked around and found a wall clock showed 06.50 a.m; the cla.s.s usually starts at 7.00 a.m and she always is thirty minutes before.

"Aaah, I'm late..." She rushed out from the bed, but her right hand suddenly held by the king's hand tightly.

"Where are you going?" asked him, the king, stared her deeply.

"Let go, I'm really late to work..."

"If you are late, then don't go...stay..."

'This beast must be joking, right? How could I stay? Neglecting my job...? How irresponsible she will be...'

"Easy for you to say like that, I was not as free as you, Mr. President Li... and I love my job so I don't want to lose it...Now let me go...."


"Fine...go, but don't bother me later with your call, I don't like to be called if I still asleep..." LiMingHu took off her hand, then he back to sleep.

'A very high self-man huh? Weirdo...why do I need to call him later..???....oh right... school....!!!'

TianTian immediately prepared herself to go and when she walked out from the hotel, Ali and the car had waited for her.

Because it was still too early, there weren't many people in front of the hotel. But without TianTian knew, someone had taken her photo out from the hotel secretly.

TianTian successfully got in the regular bus she takes to the school, it was full with students and some office workers, like usual, they were ignorant to each other, and focus to their own smartphones. But somehow TianTian felt something different today, she felt being observed secretly by other pa.s.sengers. Some teenagers whispered to each other while staring curiously to her.

'Is there something on my face? I was so rush just now, perhaps my hair was so messy?' TianTian quickly checked her hair with her hands.

It takes just a few minutes to arrive at the bus stop nearby school, even faster in the morning so TianTian didn't have time to figure out the odd furthermore. She walked in a quick path but then she slowed it down because she noticed there was a crowd in front of the school... a swarm of reporters gathered at the school gate, wondering what had happened at school?

She took a step closer, and one of the reporters noticed her...and then...

"There she is!!! Ms. TianTian..."

TianTian just realized what reason they came, they were looking for her... It is because of last night????

'Oh..c.r.a.p, too late to hide...I must run away' TianTian turned around and run from those info warriors as possible as she can...

While she kept running, a memory occurred in her mind,

'Don't bother me with your call...'

'So this is what he meant?! He knew this would happen but he didn't say anything...what a jerk!!!!'

"Bukk!" The small XiaoAi fell down, b.u.mped by TianTian accidently.

"I am sorry...sorry XiaoAi... are you okay...?" TianTian didn't have much time to check her, so she just helped XiaoAi stood up quickly.

"Miss TianTian, why are you running?"

"There are bad guys come after me, XiaoAi...I must hide from"

"Aha...AiAi has an idea.. come, Ms. TianTian..."

A few minutes later, some reporters came to where TianTian was before.

They looked to XiaoAi, who just stood behind the wooden wall of an old house. One of them asked her,

"Hey Little girl, do you see any woman running to this way?"

XiaoAi just smiled and shook her head softly.... she did that coz she didn't want to tell a lie...

Then the other reporters talked,

"What the h*ll, we lost her...whatever, let's go...let us just wait at school, perhaps she managed to come back there...if not, we must wait for her every day...!!"

"Yeah, let's do it, coz I really die curious what kind of woman could subdue that cold king of Li Company?"

"I heard that she was not an ordinary woman, maybe she was from an old rich family who didn't show off their status..."

"Wow, she sounds like a hidden princess from nowhere..."

"Hey, that's a good t.i.tle, 'A secret princess vs a cold king'...hahaha, let's go..."

When they had gone, XiaoAi moved aside, there was a big hole on the wall, as a secret pa.s.sage to the old house behind her, and TianTian came out from there.

"Fiuhh, thank you XiaoAi, you really helped me just now...and you even tried not to lie, good job" TianTian smiled and patted her head gently.

'Now, I really don't think I can go to work...' TianTian sighed,

'The worse maybe I can be lost my job...'

"Ms. TianTian...?" XiaoAi looked at her curiously

"Yes, dear?"

"Are you really a princess like those men said?"

Hearing what XiaoAi said, TianTian just could laugh weirdly.

In another place, a ringtone of smartphone rang and the owner just out from the bathroom, and took the phone confidently.

"I told you, I don't like to be bothered too early..."

"But you told me to call you this morning?, tell you the condition..." said Yefang, who was called.

"..." LiMingHu looked again the caller id, ...

'Sh*t, it's not her'

"Ok... continue..."

While he tried to stay focus listening to the reports from Yefang, his mind was busy questioning...

'She doesn't call yet, is she still on way? No, it couldn't be. Or she just being stubborn to ask him a help? That means he doesn't do hard enough to make her surrender to him? Well, I need a new plan....'

"Yefang, give me the address of TianTian's parents house."

'Breaking News: The cold king of Li Company, LiMingHu finally set his eyes to a mysterious woman from old dynasty...could it be love?'

TianTian swallowed her own saliva when she read the headline of news she saw at screen board on her way.

In the news, she can see the photo of her walked out from the hotel this morning...the face was clearly seen. Everybody could recognize her right away...

'How come it so fast be in the news....?

Now what should I do...

I can't go to work, but i don't feel want to go back to that beast's house...not after what that jerk had done last night... forget about the contract, if he can't obey it, why I must to follow it also...the most important is now that news about her has already spreading widely like this... how if my mom

Did Brother Kang had told them..?

Right, I must go home and explain to them before they got the wrong idea...

and WenWen? She must heard it already right now...oh, well...settle it one by one... deal with WenWen later, beside she must be so angry, and refused to hear anything right now...'

TianTian then stopped a taxi and entered it.

Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 7 Don't Call Me In The Morning

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Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 7 Don't Call Me In The Morning summary

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