Dominating System 3 Heart Broken Mother

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While Lin feng was talking to system his mother reached his fathers court yard in the room Lin Juan is with his concubine sun long.

"I thought that waste would die in his mothers womb but who would have guessed he would survive even after we poisoned him"

Linjuan says hugging her"so what he had become a waste so our son will become new head of family and future patrich"

Linjuan married su ling year after his fist wife fu Chen but after year of marriage they had a son Lin chi who is 8years old now.Lin feng is born two years after him but as he is son of principle wife he will have right to inherent so he tried to abolish him with such long idea of poisoning as he doesn't really like fun Chen much he only married her as she is a genius cultivator who now reached late nasantsoul stage just a stage where he him self is just a late core formation stage.

"How long shall I be a concubine" suling complained.

"Wait till I get my hands on clan head position then we can poison her and her son and say that they died of sickness so that the fu family don't find out"

But suddenly the door slammed opened fu Chen came in with a angry and disgusted look on her face full of killing intent.

Lin Juan knew she heard everything so he tried to reconcile"chen'er how is xiao feng is he woke up"

Fu Chen killing intent soared "b.a.s.t.a.r.d how dare you poison my son you son of a b.i.t.c.h I had done so much for you but I had never thought you are such a poisonous snake who swollows its own child"

Lin Juan Kew he can't escape easily this time"chener its mistake please forgive me this time I will try to amend my mistake"

Fu Chen anger doesn't stop" call trying to kill your own son a mistake .do you really think I am so naive to believe you .haha..oh Lin Juan I never thought I loved such a b.a.s.t.a.r.d if hadn't loved you I would have killed you right you really think I will be live you b.a.s.t.a.r.d I from now on not your wife I annual our marriage and leave ."saying she leaves the room.

Dominating System 3 Heart Broken Mother

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Dominating System 3 Heart Broken Mother summary

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