Li Ming 3 The Half-Destroyed Khun Mountains

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It wasn't only her body which was hurt. The moment she got in touch with the stone, half of her life force was instantly sucked out.

A crack of two feet appeared in the middle of where she slammed. Dark water then seeped from the crack and merged with the lake soil which started to spread. The little plants at the bottom of the lake wilted. The clear lake water became muddy. But the darkness didn't have any plan to stop, as it continued to the forest, devouring the life of both animals and plants that touched it.

As the darkness expanded, the crack on the giant stone keeps getting longer and wider and finally... Baaam!!! The giant stone split into two.

The entire Khun Mountains trembled. Birds, tigers, bears, squirrels... All the animals ran for their lives.

At the bottom of the lake, a man with white hair emerged from the broken stone. He opened and stared with his blood red eyes at the fainted woman.

The Demon Lord.

He slowly floated upwards and when his body separated from the lake, his hair and clothes instantly dried.

He scanned his surroundings, looked down at his arms and finally at his faint reflection in the lake water. He faced south, roared and released a deadly fire. The fire rapidly covered half of the mountains and whoosh... He disappeared.

Everything happened so fast.

A few seconds after, a man in black riding a flying sword arrived. Protector Mo's clothes are tattered and the edges are burnt. He also has a few fresh wounds on his arms and legs. These wounds are not simple. He was able to temporarily stop the bleeding, however, one can already see his white s.h.i.+nbone. Flying to the middle of the lake, his face darkened and he spat, "G.o.ddammit!"

Protector Mo frantically looked around but found no sign of life. He then looked down and focused his energy on his eyes. "Clear Sight" this allowed him to slowly see through the muddy lake.

He scrunched his eyebrows because what he feared has happened. The giant stone that imprisoned the Demon Lord was broken. "How could that be? This stone was created by the 8 Great Elders themselves." What surprised him more was beside the stone and just floating a little above the lakebed was an unconscious woman.

He took a white stone from his cosmos sack and crushed it. White light immediately enveloped him and he flew down to the bottom of the lake. He carried her to sh.o.r.e with one arm and his other arm extinguished the fire on the ground. Before laying the woman down, he first sprinkled white powder on the corrupted soil and a five-meter area was cleansed.


At the foot of the mountain, a few men in black circled a flat 10-meter stone altar. They just finished their incantation for the teleportation array and countless gold specks appeared. It intensified and finally slowly dissipated. Eight people in white clothing appeared.

The Council of Great Elders.

Two women and six men. But before any of them can say a word, a loud roar reverberated the entire mountains. Great Elder Qian and Ju immediately flew in front of all the people and they both instantly cast a barrier.

A raging fire soon slammed to their barrier. A few cracks appeared on the barrier but the fire didn't last long as it soon disappeared.

All of their faces darkened. Without delay, they flew to the depths of the Khun Mountains. Everyone was silent while flying because every single one knew how serious it is for Continent Fu Yang if that Demon Lord breaks free.

As they come closer and closer to the location of the lake, the damage to the surroundings becomes more and worse. They can never return Khun Mountains to its normal state. They can still cleanse the soil but the dead animals and plants can no longer come back to life.

Finally, they reached the lake and they saw a familiar face on the sh.o.r.e. The Great Elders and the other protectors checked the center of the lake. Protector Lu Yang and Du went to the direction of Protector Mo.

"Mo, what happened here?" asked Protector Lu Yang.

When they got near, that's when the two protectors noticed a woman on the ground. A mouthful of water was slowly being removed from the unconscious woman. Protector Mo is using energy on his fingers to guide the water out. "I'm also unsure. Everything is already like this when I arrived. I scanned the surroundings and found this woman under the lake."

Protector Mo fell on his b.u.t.t after he finally removed the water. "Du, help me with my wounds."

Protector Lu Yang and Du saw the horrible wound on Protector Mo's leg and they both gasped. "How do you have time to save another person when you are in this situation", Protector Du reprimanded while rummaging through her cosmos sack for the tools and medicine needed to tend Protector Mo's leg.

"The woman seems to have lost her consciousness a long time ago but she still has a pulse. Besides, I know you'll be able to cure me when you guys come." Protector Mo grinned. "Either way, she's our only clue right now so I had to make sure she lives.

Li Ming 3 The Half-Destroyed Khun Mountains

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Li Ming 3 The Half-Destroyed Khun Mountains summary

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