Universal Creator 10 Dimensional Portal

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Kayle looks puzzled at Lily, he doesn't understand what happened to her to change so much! Kayle sees that even Lily's eyes are s.h.i.+ning blue and not to mention the weapon she has in her hands "Put the gun down! There's no need to do anything you can regret later, right?" Kayle says out loud, though he is prepared to create a wall in front of him at the moment when Lily shows some sign that she is going to shoot.

"Girl, I don't know what kind of experience you had to have a weapon, but we won't hurt you" Adam tries to rea.s.sure Lily, he is forced to kneel because he cannot keep his balance with the tremor that occurs throughout the city.

Lily slowly approaches, still pointing her gun at both of them and says "Why is Jacob not with you?" Lily looks in detail at the expressions of Adam and Kayle in case they try to lie to her.

"Jacob?" Kayle did not expect that she did not know that Jacob is dead, since the system notified everyone, in fact, he is curious about Ryan's whereabouts, when the system said that one of the users was removed, he thought Lily was probably the user that died, but it is more than clear that he was wrong "Jacob died for a worm-shaped monster that come out the ground, in fact, he died when you disappeared with Ryan... Speaking of Ryan, what happened to him?" Kayle says with suspicion.

Lily sees that both maintain their expressions without showing something out of the ordinary, she feels nothing for Jacob's death, she knows that it is not for the influence of Saturn, at first she never worried about him. With Kayle asking about Ryan, she says "Ryan wanted..." But stop talking and frown. She doesn't know whether to tell them that she killed Ryan, but that would make them see her as a murderer, but she thinks things better and feels that it is useless to worry about that. So she says directly "I killed him, he wanted to get my organs, blood and skin of nonsense. I just did what I had to do to protect myself"

"Did you kill him?" Adam did not expect to hear that she killed a robust man without help, he would understand if she were a woman of his dimension, since many of them have skills and items that defy all of nature. Even he feels like an ant when he sees one of those women on television.

"How did you do to..." Kayle was about to ask Lily how she managed to kill Ryan with that little body, but that roar sounds again throughout the city and this time the roar is heard much closer.


"It's the church we saw before!" Adam shouts, points out the direction where they have to go to find the portal, in the distance everyone can see the white tip of the bone church, the church approaches where they are at a very slow speed.

The church moves on the ground as if it were a tank that crushes everything in its path, the roars coming from the church, the sound of the buildings being destroyed and the tremor throughout the city that is caused by the footsteps of the skeleton. Kayle now understands that they are in the midst of an incredibly big battle!

"We are probably in the middle of a territorial battle!" Shout Kayle, since the sound in the city is too loud to speak in a normal tone of voice, look at Lily and says "It doesn't matter how you killed Ryan or why you have that weapon and why your eyes glow blue. What we must do now is look for the dimensional portal!

"What is a dimensional portal?" Lily asks confused, she understands that it is not the time to fight each other, so she lowers the weapon and she approaches where everyone is.

Kayle looks at Adam "Come on, lead the way, we'll follow you!" Kayle turns to see Lily and says "On the way I will tell you what a dimensional portal is, for now we have to follow Adam!"
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Adam stands up and with great effort runs to the direction of the church "I think this should be the way! But now that the church has destroyed part of the city where the portal could be, I can no longer say where specific we can find the dimensional portal! But I will take them to where the portal could be! "All this time he has had the newspaper that Kayle gave him in his hand, look at the image, but as much as he tries, he cannot identify where the portal is.

While spending a few minutes following Adam, Kayle has been explaining what dimensional portal Lily has and all the information Adam gave her. He is surprised that she understood everything he said incredibly fast without needing to explain it a second time! even he sees that suddenly she runs even faster than him and approaches Adam.

"I'm going to take this newspaper" Lily takes Adam's newspaper, then she thinks 'Saturn, tell me where the portal of this image is, in my memories you should find what the city looks like from a distance'


Understood, starting search... Search finished, leader, the portal address was found.


Lily sees several white signs that show her the way to the portal, and says "I know where the dimensional portal is, just follow me!" She pa.s.ses Adam and runs in the direction shown by the white signs. Lily realized a long time ago that she is faster than before and does not tire so easily. She knows it's because of Saturn, but she doesn't need to know what Saturn does to allow her to go from having a very bad physical condition to having such a good physical condition.

Adam and Kayle look at each other in disbelief as they run after Lily, they are baffled with Lily, it's like someone else, both in personality and fitness, runs much faster than they do!

After several minutes running behind Lily, they arrive at where the dimensional portal is or, rather, they arrive at where the dimensional portal seems to be... Kayle sees the surroundings with some fear, the reason she is afraid is because Instead of finding a single one-dimensional portal, there are hundreds of them everywhere! They are in a street with many expensive-looking stores, surely a street for people who like to earn a lot of money. Kayle sees that the portals are everywhere, whether on the ground, the sky, inside and outside the stores.

"This place is the scariest I've seen so far" Says Lily, even with Saturn's help to keep her emotions stable, she is still afraid to see those black vortices that look like they could swallow her at any time to never see again the light.

"This is different from what I know, I've never seen so many portals in one place" Says Adam with his right hand on his chin and his head tilted to the side.

Kayle looks at Adam with a flash of curiosity "Is it bad that there are so many portals together?"

"I don't know, but I think there should be no problem, since no matter what portal we use, they all serve to take us back to our dimensions" Says Adam with confidence in his tone of voice.

Lily is a little worried because the church is getting closer and closer, but not only does she see that the church is the only one that comes close, even the skeleton is very close too "Those things are getting too close, if we stay longer we go to end up crushed!"

Kayle also feels nervous about the things that are approaching, the only good thing is that since they came to this place the tremor seems to have disappeared, she wants to know what the reason is, but it is not the time for that "What do we need to do to return to our dimensions? We just have to enter a portal and we will return?" Asks Kayle.

"It is easy to return, when I did the test to become a dimensional conqueror, they told me that there are several ways to use a dimensional portal, to return to the dimensions to which they belong, they need to have a normal object that is of their dimensions, can be clothes, an accessory or anything of their dimension" Adam points to his clothes and says "The only thing I have of my dimension is the clothes I wear, so I comply with the conditions "

"I still have my mobile phone in case the clothes aren't enough" Says Lily with her mobile phone in her hand.

"I also have only my clothes, I should have my gla.s.ses, but I lost them at some point when we fled the forest" Kayle cannot forget the gla.s.ses that accompanied him since he was 17 years old and is already 21 years old...

Adam approaches a portal and says "I will be the first to enter so that they can verify that the portal works, I hope they can return to their dimensions safely, although being in this dimension was a bad experience, even 2 of us died , but I'm still glad to have met you during these few hours" He enters the portal with a smile, but suddenly a system notification appears.



The user Adam entered an unstable dimensional portal, the system has no way of saving the user, the user is disqualified from the test and the system copy will be taken from the user's body immediately.


Adam also read the notification of the system, tries to move away from the dimensional portal with fear, but his body does not move, he sees that his body slowly breaks into small pieces, the last thing he sees is a green light that leaves his body.

Universal Creator 10 Dimensional Portal

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