Trust The Pathfinder 29 Prototype Part 1

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The new mana artifact or technology that Wallace created does not heavily rely on magic structure but requires a bit more in term of advanced technology.
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Fortunately, even with his limited knowledge, he was able to complete this new device.

"It's still a bit crude compared to what I've imagined but... this should be enough for now, once I've really found my s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, with it's installed A.I. I could still improve this."

Wallace comforted himself as he looked at the 'crude' artifact on the table. Of course, this is in terms of technology that he learned in his previous life, but if compared to technology here, this 'crude' that Wallace mentioned would be enough to blow the mind of innovators.

He had only been able to complete this technology due to him having a few knowledge about repairing mech frames, s.p.a.ce craft and other advanced technology devices.

He had these learned as for someone living in s.p.a.ce, it required them some general knowledge on how to repair their equipments. After all, they could only depend on themselves especially when they traverse a long journey without any near s.p.a.ce stations where they could resupply and dock for repair.

He was glad that he learned these things from their Zymeth's only stationed master engineer. As Wallace remembered their Dreadnaught-cla.s.s s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p Zymeth, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

He could only lament as he know that he couldn't do anything about it and could only hide this deep within his mind so as not to affect his performance whenever he requires to do some work.

Wallace retrieved his mana artifact and planned to submit it for evaluation. Unfortunately no rewards from pathfinder this time for his newly created mana artifact as the current mission he received was for being selected as a partic.i.p.ant.

"Let's see what they'll think about my new artifact."

Wallace was grinning with confidence as he readied to travel in the city to get an evaluation. He had already informed in advanced so evaluators for this mana artifact would be ready once he arrived.

Unlike the magic structure for magic jammer canceller that he submitted before, he will now submit a complete mana artifact including a magic structure so this will be different. And also, since he was already a bit known in the industry, they have quickly made arrangement for this evaluation.

Wallace hired a service van to bring him to the NMTI at the heart of the city and with oversized bag accompanying him, he looked back at his house and workshop.

"It's becoming unsafe, I should try increasing my security here."

Providing protection can be handled by some security company that Wallace could hire. After all, he couldn't just install destructive magic, high powered fire arms and explosives in the surroundings of his property. He still has to abide in certain laws mandated by the government.

He has little knowledge of it so he'll most like ask a.s.sistance from his parents. Of course, this wouldn't stop Wallace creating artifacts or technology that would protect him and his creations. In fact, he already has a couple of mana artifacts to protect himself.


Ross was currently waiting for his uncle to finish speaking with his guest. He has visited a manor located near the edge of Tanza City where the branch family of Schien lives as he was told that his uncle from the main branch arrived here to discuss some things to him.

He waited patiently and soon heard the door opening as a middle aged man wearing a black coat and hat stepped out of the room. The man's blue eye radiates coldness that could freeze anyone looking at him. Ross did not speak and waited for the to man pa.s.s over him as he silently left the manor.

Ross had seen the man's face and felt that the person was familiar but couldn't quite remember where he saw him. He gaze over the man's back as he tried to recognize this person but to no avail.

He bear in mind the man's face and will try to look into it once he had time. Ross knocked on the door and introduced himself.

"Come in."

A voice devoid of warmness was heard coming from the room. It was his uncle.

Ross entered the room and saw a plump middle aged man adorned by luxurious ornament. The man has a well combed graying hair that doesn't move even with the strong air conditioning of the room, one could even conceive it as a wig. His eyes wore a stern expression as he looked at Ross.

"Uncle George, I've heard that you wish to discuss some things with me."

Ross asked directly. He may have missed to start with pleasantries because he was in a hurry to get out of this place as well. It's not that he was at a rebelling phase as a teenager but he just hate to deal with his uncle who felt that he was the Schien's Family Head.

This man always tries to get involved in any actions that the family gets into. Especially for the younger generation, he was more strict and unforgiving. Unfortunately, due to the current circ.u.mstances of the family head, he had to deal with it.

"Yes, we have to celebrate the original artifact you made! Such an amazing item couldn't be gone unnoticed! As expected, we do have the same gene."

"Thank you, uncle."

Ross was silent for a moment before voicing out his words.

"You don't have to worry about taking care of the manufacturing rights on this artifact. I can take care of it all!"

His uncle announced happily as if it was a huge help to Ross.


"You don't have to be thankful, we are family after all. Hahaha!"


Mr. Bryson is a certified magic engineer and is working in the field for more than 30 years. He was a friend of Elaine Mavis-Ravencroft, Wallace's mother.

He was contacted by this old friend and requested to take care of her son. Today, her son arrived bringing something to be evaluated.

Bryson looked at the information presented about this astounding mana artifact or maybe an advanced technology powered by mana. He was unsure at the moment until he fully scrutinized this equipment. Although there is a special magic structure, he noticed that it heavily relies in some unusual technology and mana was just an auxillary.

"An atmospheric floatation device of electromagnetic and mana cycle principle... it requires gyroscopic stabilization... capable of suspending users in stationary flight and moving through the air at fast speed.. a prototype.. A prototype?!"

He was quickly reading through it's description and noticed a statement telling it's just a prototype which shocked him at lot. He looked at the provided statistics of it's performance and wondered what would a final product could do.

He shook his head in amazement and finished reading its description He looked back at the name of this mana artifact.

"Float Drive System"

Trust The Pathfinder 29 Prototype Part 1

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