Trust The Pathfinder 9 Rewards

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It was now the next day and Instructor Garen was about to announce the result of the exam.

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"So, 11 from your cla.s.s completed the 5th gen artifact, 9 students were able to at least create 4th gen. Unfortunately, 10 students completely wasted the artifact."

Those who wasted the artifact like Gilbert embara.s.singly lowered their heads after hearing the announcement. But the instructor wasn't finished speaking yet.

"But it's all acceptable. Your cla.s.s is already doing good as you're just soph.o.m.ores. I expect that everyone will improve under my education. Here's the rank."

After Instructor Garen finished speaking, a part of the huge screen behind him lit up and list of names appeared numbered from 1 to 30.

1. Wallace Ravencroft

2. Tracey Guilford

3. Mark Halevey

4. Ross Schien

5. Kenneth c.u.mmings

6. Katherine c.u.mmings


Everyone was shocked seeing Wallace at the top of rankings.

"Whoa! Wallace my friend, have you been hiding your skills all along?"

"I thought our skills should be about the same? That was amazing."

"Sir, was the artifact you checked really belonged to him?"

"You topped the seven n.o.bles, you're so cool."

Wallace was overwhelmed by his cla.s.smate's excited reactions. Though others clearly expressing doubts over his achievement, they could only frown for now and waited for their instructor to tell them the reason. Of course, someone has to ask.

"Instructor, can you please guide me where I can improve more?"

Tracey Guilford raised her hand and asked a humble question, she was the top student ever since their junior year. For someone to surpa.s.s her did not raise her ire but instead quite curious on what was her flaws in infusing that magic structure. It must be said that with her background, artifact forging was something that she could do without limits to improve her skills. With her skills and experience in the forging process, she could not remember a flaw she made.

"Mhm. Actually, you were able to perfectly infuse that magic structure to the material. It was a perfect score for this examination."

The students was even more confused upon hearing this. But they suddenly thought that Wallace or the others may have made a perfect forging process as well. Maybe it was scored on time they spent creating the artifact? It made sense if that's the case. But they were still impressed to learn that Wallace was faster than the seven. Unfortunately, their guess was wrong.

"To tell you the truth, the exam I have given is flawed. Blue Flame Mantra would not normally be infused in the material I have given you, it actually requires a material called Star Burr so it could give it's 100% performance. By using the inferior Storm Silver, its durability and performance would lessen by about 8%"

Most of the students were clearly unaware of this and was very surprised after hearing their instructor's words. They have heard of Blue Flame Mantra but not aware of it's specifics. It seems there really is a catch on this examination.

But some top performer students only nodded upon hearing this. They clearly have some idea regarding this magic structure and aware that the task they have been given will not clearly produce a top cla.s.s 5th gen artifact. But even if that is the case, they felt that they have utilized their resources to its maximum and perfectly created the 5th gen required for the task.

"Well, our Wallace here seems to have found a way to ignore this restriction given from the very start and was able to perfectly infuse the Blue Flame Mantra without degrading its performance. So I given him extra points.

At least I could say that Wallace seems to have very good foundation in pathway he chose."

Instructor Garen was clearly aware on how Wallace accomplished it. Based on his investigation, Wallace used a non elemental pathway. It is actually just an unorthodox path in 5th gen artifact that wasn't very popular as it doesn't provide destructive power or usefulness in battle. It's main purpose of creation is for support. He remembered that it was a magic structure called Mavis' Prayer.

After the instructor checked Wallace's background, he realized that his mother came from the Mavis Clan. He then a.s.sumed that Wallace is being nurtured by the clan to be given such an opportunity to receive important knowledge. He presume as well that Wallace has likely consumed a precious memory crystal.

Most of his cla.s.smates were happy for him to achieve a high mark and as everyone was listening on Instructor Garen's explanation on the flaws of each and everyone, Wallace was checking the rewards he just received.

[ Congratulations User! You have completed your first mission!

You have successfully scored a high score on your examination and even received a 1st rank in your cla.s.s.

You will now receive your rewards. ]

[ Your mana affinity has increased ]

[ The Necklace of Clarity is now fully given to the user. You will now be able to see the full function of the item. ]

[ Necklace of Clarity

Increases the user's concentration, memory and reaction speed.

Ability : Glimpse of the Mind ]

[ Glimpse of the Mind

Allows the user to see the flaw in any material upon receiving enough mana

Duration: 5 minutes

Cooldown: 3 days ]

Wallace was very surprised after getting all this. He felt that his body heat up before turning normal, the mana affinity was increased significantly that he felt the change. The necklace he received was even more surprising.

To think that such ability was hidden on the necklace. He was looking forward on using it and was actually excited now to get more mission to get better rewards until he achieved the path he has chosen.

Unfortunately, no new mission has appeared after completing the first one. What should I do to receive a mission?

[ Tips : Trigger an opportunity for yourself to improve and it may give mission as well. ]

Well, the pathfinder seems to be helpful enough.

The cla.s.s has ended and as Wallace was about to go visit the cafeteria to eat, he was approached by the twins Kenneth and Katherine c.u.mmings.

"h.e.l.lo there, Wallace.. Can we talk?"

Katherine timidly asked him but they weren't that close as they have different cliques so she was cautious at asking.

"We only needed a minute." Kenneth added. Wallace has no reason to decline anyway and was glad to be closer to these top students.

"Sure, no problem." He then gestured for them to start speaking.

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