The Naga Dungeon 8 First Intruders

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Now that his dungeon was as set up as he could make it he turned his attention to the intruders. They had found the secret door and where trying to figure out how to open it. In the end they just broke it open and stepped thru. What they found was an underground swamp they thought was the nagas hidden escape. They entered not knowing there every move was being watched.


Steve led his crew into the dungeon after the naga. He was sure she must be hiding in here somewhere and given how big this place was there may be more. They ran into a few low level monsters but they where no threat to the slavers. Seeing how big this place was, how it seamed to be a maze and how weak the monsters where Steve decided to split his group of 6 up in teams of 2 to look for the naga.


Edward saw them split up and became excited. He had already moved the trents and the lizard men to the floor to take care of them and they where laying in wait so splitting up insured non would make it out alive. Normally he would allow adventures to explore safely floor by floor but these guys where slavers after Evelyn and from what she told him they had already killed most of her friends so Edward had no mercy for them.


Group 1

Slaver 1 "Can't wait till we catch her I could use the money."

Slaver 2 "I know right, wild nagas are getting harder and harder to find."

Slaver 1 "Yea but the money from just one is so good when you do it makes up for it."

Slaver 2 "I'm going to enjoy my share when we get her. It's been a while since i had some fun in town."

Slaver 1 "I wonder if the captain will let us try her before we sell her?"

Slaver 2 "No chance you remember last time we had to sell her at a discount after you where done with her."

Slaver 1 "It's not my fault she resisted. Do you think we will find more in here?"

Slaver 1 waited for a reply and when he didn't get one he turned around to find no one there. As he was wondering where he could be a shadow rose from the water behind him. Before he could turn around a spear came out of his chest silencing him for good.


Group 2

Slaver 3 "How long is it going to take to find this girl?"

Slaver 4 "No clue bro but the sooner its over the better."

Slaver 3 "I can't see s.h.i.+t from down here I'm climbing a tree and see if I can see anything."

Slaver 4 "Go ahead just look out for snakes there all over this place.

Slaver 3 climbed the tree but as he was making his way thru the branches a snake bit his hand.

Slaver 3 "s.h.i.+t!"

Slaver 4 "You OK?"
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Slaver 3 "Yes it's just a snake I'll need an antidote later but no big deal."

Slaver 4 "I told you to watch it."

After dealing with the snake Slaver 3 continued to the top of the tree and looked out.

Slaver 3 "I don't see much from here there are no buildings around."

Slaver 3 "Hey you hear me down there?"

As he looked down from the tree he saw no one around. He started to go down to look but as he was going thru the thickest part of the tree his foot got caught in the branches and when he went for his knife his other leg became wrapped up. As he started to struggle the tree seamed to come alive and wrapped he up tight before some thicker branches became like spears driving thru him. After he struggled no more he was lowered down to the tree roots to join his brother as tree fertilizer.


Group 3

Steve and Slaver 5 where making there way deeper into the swamp when Steve felt something was wrong. The surrounding got unnaturally quiet and Steve didn't like it. He was about to turn around when a lizard man rose from the water in front of him. He was about to attack when more came from the water around him. He was a bought to get into a defensive formation with Slaver 5 but just as he turned to him he saw him being dragged under water by what looked like roots. Knowing he had no way out he decided to take as many of them with him as he could.


Edward "I wonder what he would think if he know no mater how many he kills non of them are really dying?"

Evelyn "It doesn't mater he deserves this, they all do."

Edward said nothing else he know Evelyn needed this so he let her watch till the end.

The Naga Dungeon 8 First Intruders

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