Don't Act Naive: You Are Already Mine 8 Cutest Panda

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The next day, when she got out of her room, Cheng Jia was wearing, which made Jian gaze, suspiciously. She sat on one of the chairs in the dining.

"What's with the" Jian queried while putting the plate of eggs on the table and a pitcher of juice.

Raising her spoon and fork, Cheng Jia excitedly picked one of the eggs and placed it in between her sandwich. Then she took a bite and showed a contented face.

"Jiajia, aren't you answering me?"

Helping herself with a gla.s.s of juice, Cheng Jia slightly pouts.

"Big sister, it's so sunny outside. So I thought of wearing this," she answered pointing at her before taking a gulp.

"You are still inside the house, and you are eating. Why are you wearing that thing then?"

Cheng Jia sighed, "I had a long night. I think I only slept for three hours. I haven't taken my goodnight sleep for days because I wanted to finish the novel that I was reading. Yesterday night I was planning to sleep early but I had a scary dream..." she momentarily paused as she blushed lightly, which made her sister quirked her brow.

Before Jian could speak Cheng Jia added, "I tried to go back to sleep but the scary scene and scream kept on haunting me every time I close my eyes. Sister, how can that dream affect me so much? I was bothered the whole night until dawn. If I didn't keep on repeating a prayer to keep my dream away, I wouldn't have been able to sleep," she lied.

She peeked at her sister's reaction under her lashes, guilty of her lie. Though it is indeed true that she did not get a good night's sleep for nights before yesterday night, the scary dream part was a lie.

Crossing her arms on her chest, Jian commented, "Jiajia, you're helpless. Lying is your best enemy, do you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah! I know. So don't ask me the next time anymore if you know I'll try to lie. Just wait and see, I will be able to master the art of lying," Cheng Jia replied, gazing at her sister intently under her

This made the big sister chuckled, shaking her head. The two sisters dined happily with their simple breakfast.

Cheng Jia and Jian were to meet Madam Lin and Director Min for the contract signing, but since it is in the afternoon, Cheng Jia decided to go to the bookstore first to hand in her immediate resignation before heading to XiaLin International.

This XiaLin International is owned by the Xia and Lin family since it is a collaboration of both Xia Yaling and Lin Jianhong's power when they got married.

Even if Cheng Jia dropped by the bookstore, she sees to it that she would arrive early. She was waiting for Director Min and her sister outside the building with her on.

When the two arrived, Director Min took notice of Cheng Jia's eye accessory, asking the same thing as her sister.

'Do these two decided to gang up on me?' Cheng Jia said inwardly.

As the three of them entered the building, they were instantly ushered by personnel towards the Chairman's office. It is a combination of gray and black design with some abstract paintings, which caught Cheng Jia's attention.

They were greeted by Madam Lin with a wide smile, as she walked gracefully across the room. Jian was introduced to the Madam. Time was not wasted as they were brought to a mini-conference room in the same office.
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In a few minutes after they arrived, they were joined by w.a.n.g ZhiYong who seemed to have been from a meeting with his neat blue suit on and diagonally patterned tie.

If Cheng Jia is not wearing her eye accessory, she would probably receive a scowl from the grumpy President w.a.n.g since she is gawking at him.

'Whoah! What a sleek suit! Probably cost more than a year of my salary,' she admired.

So it is not ZhiYong she is gawking at but the suit.

He gave Madam Lin a warm smile and returned to his expressionless face then he sat beside the madam just across Cheng Jia. He angled his head, furrowing his forehead as he looked at the woman in front of her.

Cheng Jia, on the other hand, felt uneasy with his gaze, so she adjusted her and looked away.

Director Min was about to start with the discussion of the contract when ZhiYong held his hand, making him still. The director's ajar mouth was shut tight, instantly.

"Ms. Cheng Jia, can you please take off your sunnies?" he demanded.

She bit her lip before saying, "Can you please leave my, President w.a.n.g?"

"We will not be able to see your reaction completely if you are not going to remove that," ZhiYong reasoned.

"But I look like a panda," Cheng Jia replied in a low voice.

Everybody in the room just looked at the poor lady questioningly. Eventually, with everyone's eyes, she conceded.

Lowering her head, she removed her and slowly lifted her head.

Instantaneously, w.a.n.g ZhiYong started to avert his eyes to another direction within the room to avoid laughing. The director's mouth gaped open in disbelief and uttered, 'What the...', while Madam Lin chuckled lowly as if amused with the dark circles all over Cheng Jia's eyes.

"Jiajia! What in the world did you dreamt to make you look like a mess?!" her sister snapped and added, "Is that dream that scary?!"

Her face reddened being reminded of her dream, which was caught by ZhiYong. Even so, she nodded in agreement with her sister.

'Seriously? Liar! I doubt it's a scary dream. This woman got to be kidding,' he thought, shaking his head as an idea dawned him.

Cheng Jia sighed, "I told you I look like a panda."

Madam Lin coughed as she mustered a smile on her face, "Ms. Jia, compared to them, you could be the cutest panda I've ever seen," she said reaching her hand as rea.s.surance.

The madam was satisfied when Cheng Jia beamed brightly despite the dark circles in her eyes. It seemed to warm her heart.

'My XinYi...'

Don't Act Naive: You Are Already Mine 8 Cutest Panda

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Don't Act Naive: You Are Already Mine 8 Cutest Panda summary

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